i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass


Well-Known Member
i just got back from richmond. got a bunch of new colors. got to pick out any color i wanted. took my wife with me. we grabbed 1 of everything that sounded cool. i'm gonna be having fun now. i really need a bigger torch.


Well-Known Member
i just got back from richmond. got a bunch of new colors. got to pick out any color i wanted. took my wife with me. we grabbed 1 of everything that sounded cool. i'm gonna be having fun now. i really need a bigger torch.
hell yeah I'm stoked to see what you make. you should take a pic of your color sticks, just for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
I like that really blue one that's the first one up from that last split haha. best description I can give you haha.


Well-Known Member
those ones up top are nice, how much did those cost ?

have you made your own rods yet ? or just using them how they come ?
i've made some of my own, these were just to nice to pass up. i paid $40 a pound for color today. it's $65 a pound here in town. i had to drive an hour but i saved hella monies. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
i got 3 pounds of color, so pulled cane, some millies and some frit.

todays work, ......................................

IMG_1934.jpg IMG_1936.jpg IMG_1942.jpg IMG_1949.jpg


Well-Known Member
nice work,im diggin this one,the colour is superb,the grip tit is set in the perfect location. only criticism is that it could be a little fatter,i like me women have some meat on dem bones.


Well-Known Member
Thats some cool shit man.

How long did it take you to learn how to make pipes like that?

not any longer than it has taken to start this thread :D

i likes the red/yellow one on the left in the first pic.

now if you could average selling 15 pipes per week... at a profit of around 20 dollars each... that be a decent little income.