Obama Response to Online Forum


New Member
Okay, now i can see it... yeah and they gave him some razzin on it... he was actually funny tho.

Good for the goose, good for the gander. I only got specific cuz Tips thought I was making it up. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Hey now, do any of you potheads ever think of anything besides legalizing your precious herb? Does anyone on this forum think there may be some more important things for Obama to work on right now? Hello, there is a huge financial crises, world wide. I think there may be a couple a things more important than legalization of weed on his plate. Give him some time to get these important things straightend out, then worry about your hedonistic pleasures. I swear, some people.


New Member
maybe it's time to let him do something RIGHT for a... CHANGE. he's let Congress run him over so many times, he's got treadmarks.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i like how Obama clowns the "online community" while he is at a meeting answering questions presented to him BY the online community.

"you guys kill me." giggle, giggle

who's high?



Well-Known Member
Hey now, do any of you potheads ever think of anything besides legalizing your precious herb? Does anyone on this forum think there may be some more important things for Obama to work on right now? Hello, there is a huge financial crises, world wide. I think there may be a couple a things more important than legalization of weed on his plate. Give him some time to get these important things straightend out, then worry about your hedonistic pleasures. I swear, some people.
why bother taking questions then?


New Member
why bother taking questions then?
Maybe you ought to ask him. But since he didn't answer the way you wanted, I guess it wouldn't matter untill he said, hell yeah, let's make Weed job one. I personally think weed warps the mind into a frenzy about legalizing weed. I personally also think it should be legalized, but it doesn't have the support of the general community and most certainly not the PTB. It will be a few years before it ever attains legal status. The most you can hope for is medical status.


New Member
I wonder how legalizing weed would affect growers like fdd? as far as I'm concerned, I don't really see how it would affect me. I grow for myself, I don't sell it, I don't give it away and I really don't even share it. I have been smoking for 40+ years and it being illegal apparently has never stopped me.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you ought to ask him. But since he didn't answer the way you wanted, I guess it wouldn't matter untill he said, hell yeah, let's make Weed job one. I personally think weed warps the mind into a frenzy about legalizing weed. I personally also think it should be legalized, but it doesn't have the support of the general community and most certainly not the PTB. It will be a few years before it ever attains legal status. The most you can hope for is medical status.

"the way i wanted" and exactly what did I want again? :roll:

dude asked for questions. they were voted on. he avoided one of the top question. be it about pot or child care, it was one of the top questions and he laughed it off. not very "professional", IMO. it's not the fact of WHAT he said, but HOW he said it.

i'm not 23, i know how things work. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I wonder how legalizing weed would affect growers like fdd? as far as I'm concerned, I don't really see how it would affect me. I grow for myself, I don't sell it, I don't give it away and I really don't even share it. I have been smoking for 40+ years and it being illegal apparently has never stopped me.
i'd have a little less money because i would be sending a nice little check to the feds for taxes. and i'd do it proudly. it would become another business, just like any other business. you can brew beer at home but you still choose to grab a 12 pack at the stop-n-go instead, eh? :weed:


New Member
i'd have a little less money because i would be sending a nice little check to the feds for taxes. and i'd do it proudly. it would become another business, just like any other business. you can brew beer at home but you still choose to grab a 12 pack at the stop-n-go instead, eh? :weed:
I am just thinking a professional grower would have to so many regulations and rules, that it may not worth the trouble.


New Member
It ain't gonna happen until Big tobacco gets behind it.... they have the factories and the distribution....and just like tobacco, the farmers will take over and really show what production really means.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
"the way i wanted" and exactly what did I want again? :roll:

dude asked for questions. they were voted on. he avoided one of the top question. be it about pot or child care, it was one of the top questions and he laughed it off. not very "professional", IMO. it's not the fact of WHAT he said, but HOW he said it.

i'm not 23, i know how things work. :weed:[/quo
I think he had to make light of it as the only ones that really take weed seriously are the potheads, and being a politician, (Since you know how things work) he had to laugh it off to give credence to his more important agendas. Actually, I don't really see this as a pissing contest between you and I, and if you weren't a pothead, it would make a lot more sense to you, his making light of this. When I smoked Pot, I was pretty serious about legalizing pot, now not so much. Heck it's almost legal if you ain't an idiot, I mean you can't go up to a cop and blow smoke in his face, but unless you have to piss test, you can stay pretty stoned most of the time. I also think that even if it were legalized, corporations would still ban it from the work place, which means piss tests would still inhibit ones use. That is what caused me to quit, smoke pot, or have a 60K a year job. was a no brainer to me.


New Member
It ain't gonna happen until Big tobacco gets behind it.... they have the factories and the distribution....and just like tobacco, the farmers will take over and really show what production really means.

out. :blsmoke:
Did you know that the cigarette companies have trademarked all the recognizable names of pot, like: Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Columbian Gold, Thai stick, etc. Did you also know the government has a weed farm in the east, Kentucky or somewhere around there, Hey Tips, you know where it's at?