here to help, ask me anything. no matter how small the q


Well-Known Member
What do you think about topping off a res with extra nutes between res changes?
Come on noob ganga guru, no clue?

For anyone new to this site, it's advisable to post your own questions in the appropriate threads. You will usually get more than just one opinion, and You will always get much better answers to your questions from experienced growers. This type of thread is usually set up by someone wanting to be some kind of weed guru, trying to build up his posts in order to look more experienced.


New Member
Come on noob ganga guru, no clue?

For anyone new to this site, it's advisable to post your own questions in the appropriate threads. You will usually get more than just one opinion, and You will always get much better answers to your questions from experienced growers. This type of thread is usually set up by someone wanting to be some kind of weed guru, trying to build up his posts in order to look more experienced.
either that or hes extremely board lol:clap:

anyway how long do u have to be on this site b4 ur classed as a semi-newbiw hahahahahahahahahahaha hilarious.

sorry man we shouldnt be giving u such a hard time for trying to help others, its just the way uve gone about doing it fella thats all, peace:-P


New Member
dude im intersted in growing outside weed and i wanted to know if ya have to take out the wild soil and repress with store bought and what produckts to i need to buy for protection of the plant and to feed to make it grow better:bigjoint: hope u can answe me dude keep it easy


Active Member
I usally have my seedlings under Fluoros till they are two weeks old but I just went into grow area and the fixture is not working so I will need to put them under my 400 w mh. They are only two days old so my question is what should the distance be from mh light to seedlings? Thanksbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
no info on the auto flower??

hey sorry about my lack of answering. the autoflowering comes from ruderalis. which is a wild weed. but low in thc. but dont worry, todays autoflowers have been bred to have higher thc, especially if you order them online.

24/7 is actually hard on the plants, they can make it on 24 hours light, but 18/6 would be better, becuase like all living things they need some sleep. a rest.


Well-Known Member
''wonderfull sites like this''????

u said that this site pisses u off then u say its wonderfull, u r constantly contradicting urself, not a hater at all man!!!!!!!!

just find it quite funny when people who dont realy know wot their doing dish out advice that isnt much good!!!

if ur answers were correct i wouldnt av said nothing!!! like i said if u wanna help peps do some more reaserch first!!!!!!! PEACE!! lol:leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol::leaf::lol:
no this isnt a hateful post you ve made here eh? lol not negative or spiteful in anyway.
i will not respond to your posts after this so post what you will.


Well-Known Member
how long does your plant take to sprout out of the ground...its outside if that helps

it all depends. i had one that sprouted in like 3 days. i would say 3-14 days. just like any other plant. the thing is people are completely ridiculous about weed. so much hype its crasy.
dude, my friend grew some plant by his window, he got 2 ounces off of it, the guy barely knew what he was doing. we smoked that stuff till it was gone. wasnt as strong as the stuff we usually buy, but it was fine none the less. people are way to anal.
weed is a plant, so it basically sprouts like any other. i had the same question when my plants seemed to not want to sprout, worrying that the seed was no good etc. i would say 3-14 days, after that, even you might get a sprout. so just keep your hopes up.


Well-Known Member
Nice of you to want to help out but if you dont like it here then leave. Or STFU with your teeny bopper whining and make a difference.

There are TONS of great ppl here on this site and you just spout off and say how screwed up this place is. Sheesh! Where are your journals and pics?
oh it is true that there are great people on this site. no doubt. but its people that post rude remarks that ruin it for everyone. and fyi, more times than not. when i ask a noob question it doesnt get answered, or i get snarky remarks about how i am a noob. or a "teeny bopper"

"make a difference" haha funny that you would sum "making a difference" down to teeny bopping. interesting. seeing as you are so great and smart, you should have realised this was in actuality a "teeny bopper" (by your brilliant estimates) and left him alone eh? ya, didnt think so buddy, im posting here to help others like me with questions.

and on the "make a difference" and teeny bopper things. its peole like you who sum that down that destroy society. by these kinds of post exactly. you intended to aggrivate me with this post, or "tell me good" lol. that was your only real intent here. making a difference. if you knew my job you would shut your mouth real damn fast. 10k does not raise itself. the work i do EVERYDAY is far greater than a flippin grow journal.


Well-Known Member
i concur with u boneman, 1min he hates this site and it pisses him off so much then he all ov a sudden loves it and its wonderfull, well hes lost me i dont get him at all, boneman is rite theres loads great funny helpfull people on ere men and women!!!!

if u dont know if the advice u give is 100% then ur guessing just like u said u hated everyone else doing!!
like ive said do more reaserch, grow a fiew more plants with success then u can give all the advice u want, ye?

peace out to BONEMAN + LUDACRIS:leaf:
condradicting myself lol. you are here to make war not peace. sometimes i dont get how people like you even really summon the intelligence to read and write, then again, ur post was pretty senile. contradicting myself right, as if you couldnt understand what happened, or is it impossible to hate and love a site all at once? seems cosmic you are right.


Well-Known Member
Come on noob ganga guru, no clue?

For anyone new to this site, it's advisable to post your own questions in the appropriate threads. You will usually get more than just one opinion, and You will always get much better answers to your questions from experienced growers. This type of thread is usually set up by someone wanting to be some kind of weed guru, trying to build up his posts in order to look more experienced.
A GURU EH? lol dumbass. its funny that i didnt answer your question because i knew you were being aloser. obviously you asked that question because you knew i was a newb and couldnt answer it. lol
no i believe the only fake "guru" here is you. too bad you cant make your mind mature as your plants do eh? dang.


Well-Known Member
either that or hes extremely board lol:clap:

anyway how long do u have to be on this site b4 ur classed as a semi-newbiw hahahahahahahahahahaha hilarious.

sorry man we shouldnt be giving u such a hard time for trying to help others, its just the way uve gone about doing it fella thats all, peace:-P
honestly one of the more dumber things ive ever heard. you really have no clue. some guy comes to help fellow noobs. you dish on him. its funny how anyone with a real question was answered just fine. and you notice how when im unsure i know this. FYI to the mentally handicap, when you give an "unsure" answer. its your 2 cents. and it helps.

i like how you try to act smart.

"sorry man we shouldnt be giving u such a hard time for trying to help others, its just the way uve gone about doing it fella thats all, peace:-P"

not only is that CONDRADICTING as i was told my you senile teenagers i was. but very very ignorant. ignorance is stupidity, and stupidity is a curse on the human organism. A VERY BIG ONE.
the stupidity in that statement is overwhelming.


Well-Known Member
dude im intersted in growing outside weed and i wanted to know if ya have to take out the wild soil and repress with store bought and what produckts to i need to buy for protection of the plant and to feed to make it grow better:bigjoint: hope u can answe me dude keep it easy
hey sorry i didnt answer ive been busy with work.

anyways i hope you are not one of these guys asking me fake questions to see if ill answer wrong.

well, to be honest, i have never done that. i have grown outside in just the dirt from a farmers filed, added nutrients and been just fine. if it is your first grow, there is nothing wrong with that. im sure though putting the store bought stuf fin the ground would be much better.
there are so many products. it all depends. like my plants are doing just fine, and i bought a 7$ pack of normal plant nutrients that worked great for veg. just a 20-20-20.
there was 6 little baggies, each baggie is enough to mix with a gallon of water.
no for flowering though im gonna be getting this big bud.
thats the ebay search there, have a look at that. i am not going full out though, its only my second grow, my frist one did just fine on basically a skeleton of a plan. its my personal smoke, but this time i want it to be better than the last stuff. and more of it.
also check this site out:
- all orders over $25 receive a free Tripack (50gCarboload, 50gBig Bud, 40gBud Blood).

im gonna be ordering some big bud there and then ill get all that stuff free. which will be more than enough for my 2 plants. they will have nice big buds with all of that combined.

hope i answered your q's, if not , and i know its a bit unorganised, just pm me.
im a noob too though, so watch out, lol but i mean that shit will get your plants happy as hell.


Well-Known Member
I usally have my seedlings under Fluoros till they are two weeks old but I just went into grow area and the fixture is not working so I will need to put them under my 400 w mh. They are only two days old so my question is what should the distance be from mh light to seedlings? Thanksbongsmilie
i really have no clue to be honest. i have never used an mh. but i do know if you have the light too far, they will stretch, and too close will get hot, wait mh is a hot light right?

my 2 cents would be not too far, but not close enough to heat them too much.
if youve got some spare cash i would get cfls for them if you are unsure, then must put them under the mh when theyre a little bigger.

but this also seems liek a fake question,
but if its real thats the best i can do sorry.
(if it is real then im sorry, but there are alot of idiots out there haha)


Active Member
I have never had trouble germinating seeds. In fact it seems to be the only thing i do right. My problem has always been getting the seeds to sprout out of the soil. After i plant, i turn on 2 42w CFLs i have. I water consistently (But not too much. I think.) Should i be leaving my CFLs on 24/7 or immediately start the 18/6 cycle even though i dont have any baby sprouts? Any other tips for success?


Well-Known Member
too bad i had to clog up my own thread to put the negative people in their place. oh well i guess ill have to make 5 to 10 more threads like this one. ha ha only kidding.
but really, here is some philosophy 4 the haters, and the lovers too.

a negative, or hateful person, is the only problematic person in a society. even mentally ill people know better than to be rude, awful and vile. just watch all the post i will get now that i have "played back" apparently being a bad human being is game. i didnt know.

there is also a theory of psychology, this theory states that usually when a person is rude, aggresive etc. in a negative way to other people, its due to ignorance(means ur dumb)lol. not a theory, its a fact now. can you believe it took over ten years to prove this crap? its like when your mother tells you "you're smarter than that billy, quit harassing your younger brother"

terms like "smarter than that" "u know better" "u are better than that"
honor, pride and many terms liek that also come to mind.

peace. i love the misuse of this word. gangstas, druggies, assholes, idiots, wiggers, all go around saying peace all the time. (good people do too, this post isnt directed at the good)
but those puppy eating monkeys have ruined it for everyone.

i watched ace ventura last night before bed. funny how everyone loves that stuff, but doesnt get what they were trying to do here. the scene im remind of is the very beginning when ace asks to pet the dog, the man is so rude and vile.
now think of how i posted an innocent puppy post here and was attacked lol. (watch someone quote my puppy remark, oh wait, it was a trap, but now what do i do? oh ill post on it anyways, lol)
whatever what a way to spend the morning. but i proved facts here today. anyone with half a brain knows what it is. keep it real dogg. lol keep it real.


Well-Known Member
I have never had trouble germinating seeds. In fact it seems to be the only thing i do right. My problem has always been getting the seeds to sprout out of the soil. After i plant, i turn on 2 42w CFLs i have. I water consistently (But not too much. I think.) Should i be leaving my CFLs on 24/7 or immediately start the 18/6 cycle even though i dont have any baby sprouts? Any other tips for success?
you shoulnt have any light on your seeds until they are nicely hatched out of the soil.
i leave my pots in the cupboard in the dark, and check on them, once they are hatched i give them light. my seeds always do fine.
your soil should be constantly wet. but not too wet, how do i explain this. its like this. take a piece of paper, a small piece of lined loose leaf, soak it, its dripping, now wave the paper around in the air until there is no drips. thats the best i can explain it.
hope that helps friend.


Active Member
Hello I have a question if anybody can help me out it would be much appreciated I have six whitewidow plants my medium is the aerogarden pro 200 everything is going great im six weeks in and i started 12/12 about 5 days ago my question is how long before i start to see my buds change right now i just see alot of pistils when can i expect to see more change and if my plants arn't getting 100% darkness will that effect my buds. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Hello I have a question if anybody can help me out it would be much appreciated I have six whitewidow plants my medium is the aerogarden pro 200 everything is going great im six weeks in and i started 12/12 about 5 days ago my question is how long before i start to see my buds change right now i just see alot of pistils when can i expect to see more change and if my plants arn't getting 100% darkness will that effect my buds. Thanks in advance
i saw some change at 18-22 days. i saw a burst and my tops were looking more like bud then just leaves. the white hairs were very long and spiking out everywhere.
you're plants should be getting(to my knowledge) 100% darkness, but you also gotta think. outdoors, your plants will have sometimes bright moonlight, and they will be just fine right? but personally i would give them 100% darkenss at night just to be sure.