PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST


Well-Known Member
Hey ER
The indica does look a bit funny :)
Roots are really small on her. I think she's only had about 7 drinks of water in her whole life. She has a fine smell, kind of like fresh lemons with lots of vodka :)
She's above 30% amber now and ready to chop but I've not had the privacy to do it. Maybe tonight.
I whipped pandora back into shape last night so she's got around 12 good good little colas. It's time I stopped messing and let them just grow.

Welcome HeC
Thanks for the props & helping out worm. I hope reading this stuff has helped you. Good luck with your grow.

Cheers Neph and Greets fs. Got your camera charged yet?


Well-Known Member
Hey Thanks you guys, but you are all easily pleased. I'm totally embarassed with that indica. It's such a wuss!
I knew it would be teeny from day 1 but it still doesn't make me proud :(
As long as it smokes I guess it will do, but Pandora is the girl for me.

Got 2 updates for you guys today. A smoke report on Granita and a couple of pics of Pandora all trussed up again.

Smoke report is all good. I like something that knocks me down and gets me thinking creatively but Granita was pulled a bit too early for that. Instead I have been very active but totally stoned at the same time. The taste is creamy and very smooth. There's a nice vanilla flavour on the roof of my mouth too.
The hit kicked in after around 10 minutes and just got stronger and stronger for about 2 hours with a nice comedown that takes another 30 minutes or so and no fatigue or tiredness at the end.
Topping up just made the hit stronger so by bedtime last night I was totally mashed :)
All in all a good result :)

Here's the pics of Pandora. Got her back in the chains and she fits in the case as she should once more. The tops are starting to ice up a bit and she's putting out a nice perfume now too.
You may also notice the new fan I fitted. I was running ok last summer but as I've added the little blue cfl lamp now, I think the temps will get too hot soon so I've taken action before it affects the crop. I only had the zalman fan that would fit but temps have dropped to 77.7 within a few mm of the bulb and with the outside temp at 72.5, it's looking good for the summer.
Enough babbling, here's the pics:



Well-Known Member
What are Your plans on futue? Will You stay with pc case or try in larger cab?


Well-Known Member
What are Your plans on futue? Will You stay with pc case or try in larger cab?
Hey dsn

I've done some really big grows in the past but I hate dealing and don't need much for myself these days so I'm happy sticking with the pc case.
I love a challenge though, so there's a few ideas buzzing round my head just now. I really wanted to get a spider in there like floridasucks cos that's just sooo cool, but I need it to produce weed all day every day and I couldn't balance the needs of my plants with the needs of a spider in the same case, so I've put that on the backburner.
I have a nice P4 core2 duo laptop with some burn damage that made it real cheap now, so hooking that up inside the case is on the agenda.
I also thought about those 12v wind up torches the other day too. It seems that if I took one apart then I would get a charging system and compatible battery plus some pre connected LEDS that could be changed for more suitable growing LEDS. Add a bigger battery and maybe a 12v solar panel and I could grow for free. I'm sure I'll have a torch in bits on the table in the next few days :)


Well-Known Member
I knew you'd want a pic ER :)
Here's a couple:
Thank you SOOOOOO much, man. I know it's ugly, (WHERE THE HELL ARE THE LEAVES!?) but it gives me some hope for my grow. My plants are tiny and slow as balls. I was reading a bit more about Citral last night.. not uncommon for it to be fully done @ 18" even outside! So.. this thing is a serious dwarf! And also known to grow slow. Odd. I'm imagining that's what mine will end up looking like, since they seem to not be growing vertically at all.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is that I toasted the leaves trying to find out how long I could leave it without watering. The answer was a day less than I thought so all the leaves took one for the team :)


Well-Known Member
hey good idea with a solar panel v12.

i missed out on what happend to that indica, want to fill me in? it still looks somewhat smokeable or you could hash it.


Well-Known Member
hey v12...i dont see apic of your lighting setup (well, except for that 16watter you got hanging by the fans)...i'd like to see the lighting area. I still cant get over how low your temps stay in the pc when I cant get my temps that low (although as you saw in my thread, I do have carbon filter son my exhaust fans which is prolly killing their CFM bvalues and as they are low to begin with...) anyways, would love a pic o fthe light arrangement...and great grow!!

My girl is doing great, LST'ed and quite a few bud sites...my temps hover around mid 80s since I re-sorted my pc case. i've got another bag seed plant at 23 days of 12/12 and waiting to show sex...fingers are crossed...which makes it real hard to type!



Well-Known Member
9 - 10g is my guess too ER. That's a good eye you have there :)

Hey fs
The solar panel has to be investigated. I think you can get a ballast and HID on 12v too that would kick ass. They are the HID upgrades you see on pimped out cars. They do 6500k for sure and I think they do 3000k.

Not much of a story to the indica. I always use feminised seeds but got a duff batch before Christmas. I only found out when I got balls in the case. Twice!
I only had 1 dodgy seed left and no money so I traded the seed for the seed that produced Granita and did another deal to get the indica seed. Both were feminised so I planted them until I could get some money together and get myself back on track. From experience I knew the indica wouldn't do well for me but a bit is better than nothing and it gave me time to save for my Jack seeds. I think I mentioned it at the time I planted it and called it at 10g max even then. I'm like ER in that respect :)


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Well-Known Member
thats right...you use the envirolight...forgot about that. and no cooltube, just the fan blowing inline with the bulb...cool (no pun intended). i didn't think that the double fan arrangement around the carbon filter would work...i may try that in my pc case...although temps are good right now so i may not need too. my other case, a server tower that I bought off ebay, has tremendous heat issues...but that's a whole 'nother story i dont want to hijack your thread...thanks for the info and peace!