
Well-Known Member
Its grim in an apt..7 pots for peppers.. 4-6 for outside babies and then inside.... plus I have to store all the bags till I need them......might end up using them as furniture.... promix pillows....


Well-Known Member
Not yet Vette, but we've fog like pea soup... Not that it matters much at my desk, but it would've been a great morning to sleep in.

Hoping we get some T-storms later though. How's about you, what have you for weather this morning.


Well-Known Member
Raining now .. Its suppose to rain till sat night here .. I dont mind. we need it ..The river levels are low . The tree's need water to grow , and fish need it to swim , So let it rain I say .. Its all Good


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Vette, we had a mighty dry March here and I'd like to get some of my shrubs transplanted soon... It'd be nice not to have to fight the hardpan and waste water while their roots get situated.


Well-Known Member
Well got ass one... I did see some video .. but it says I'm missing video capture hardware...??? why do they make these instructions so confusing and small to read..........


Well-Known Member
I'd need Hubble.. to post my ass online.... I crashed trying to post so no bold fonts...

I just want to get some pics that too much to ask..???


Well-Known Member
My Homepage has been Hijacked ..
Some spyware sneaked in

I googled it and its removable

It goes to an AOL homepage .. I dont use aol.. WTF

I hate this shit

China will remove its ass later .. Little fucker ..
I had that on the 2nd of April... I couldn't get to Mozilla/Yahoo (home page) from desktop.. but Mozilla has a let them know thingy and it was OK again the next day..... that sucks vette.. what anti virus you run...???


Well-Known Member
I use Avast and all the crap files are win 32... I have no clue what it is but that and zumie is where all the problems I have are..... WTF is Zumie...


Well-Known Member
I clicked that AOL thing now if I use my cant thing that separates the n and t in cant I get a weird quick find screen pop up.... I ll shu down and reboot.. I cant put any punctuations in....
Ill log off and see....


Well-Known Member
Ok.. let's see '''''' woo hoo...... ";';;';[}[[{=-;;::[]]=--8&8== they're back.... that was odd..

Sooo everyone.. what's up...???


Well-Known Member
.... are punctuation Twist.

Seriously, I hope all is well your computer, I had to do a complete hard drive wipe and reinstall on this work pc 3 days ago... and that sucked.