Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's


Well-Known Member
yall really think its gonna be that bad of a smell?

Trust me.. it REALLY is that bad.. you get used to it and think its nothing.. until your parents decide to check where the smell is coming from. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure it doesn't smell if/when you get that far. not joking. if you can control that smell you will be all good. don't fool yourself into thinking they won't notice.


Well-Known Member
Trust me.. it REALLY is that bad.. you get used to it and think its nothing.. until your parents decide to check where the smell is coming from. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure it doesn't smell if/when you get that far. not joking. if you can control that smell you will be all good. don't fool yourself into thinking they won't notice.
Illidan for an avatar? Trust me man wow isnt worth it. Get out asap.


Well-Known Member
well for the record.. i'm moving into my buddies spare room at his apartment so yeah, i wont be on the lease til thursday.. alright would a simple carbon filter attached to the exhaust be suffice? and why are alot of yall doubting me? thats just f'd up imo.. anyways, ill be adding two more 43watt 2700k cfl's tomorrow after i goto the store when i get off work. have more pics too


Well-Known Member
well the police came to the apt this evening.. wrong apt number they were doing warrant round ups and the guy they needed was down stairs beneath us... had us a little freaked out


Well-Known Member
dude... Im not even flowering anything right now, and you can smell my HOUSE down the street! Your mom already knows whats up, she just has no idea how to handle the sit. She's prolly got two big mommas in the attic, and why don't you think you were ever allowed in the basement son? Thats how that mortgage really gets paid... LOL.... Im just kidding. my parents didn't necessarily promote me smoking herb, but when I asked ( expecting to be told no, and then do it anyways...) they said "yes, and we'll even show you whats up, here take this clone and stick it under the sun and give it these nutes and do this and do that until it was harvested......"
You really can smell my house from down the street though, and Im really not flowering anything right now....


Well-Known Member
appreciate the love dragon.. haha and i wished she was like that, she knows i smoke but she doesnt really say anything about it though.. like i said, i took it out of there and moved into my buddies apt with him.. i should have pics up here in a little bit.. and im planning on making Sun is Shinings carbon scrubber/filter.. and it doesnt even have a trace smell as of the moment.. probably still too small idk..


Well-Known Member
if you moved it to your buddies apt. why keep it in the box? give her space, grab a better light, and grow a nice big sticky bud covered burly biotch? Dig your quote though, we are resourceful SOBs... :) Im in a hellraiser mood tonight!!!:fire::fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
alrighty, pics from today.. the first two seedlings were put in there last thursday and the only germ'd seed that made it popped up on sunday morning.. so I have named her Easter.. she is marked in the grow as the one with the tape on the cup. and thats where i have a question about Easter, does the drooping of her leaves look normal? *(First pic)
other than that bothering me a little, everything seems to be going good.. the skimp looking plant started recieving nutes rated at 20-20-20 yesterday. idk why she just looks weaker than the other two at this stage. its @ a 1/4 strength and seems to be taking them in well.. im setting the timer tomorrow to start the 12/12 period. pictures 4 and 5 are of the single plant that is recieving the nutes.



Well-Known Member
and FYI, thats what we thought too Benzo, but apparently we were wrong cause we sat there and watched him get cuffed outside his front door.. poor guy, and honestly dude why the fuck would i lie on this already fucked up ass thread? seriously? im growing what 3 plants?


Well-Known Member
uhmm pics from the first day after the start of the 12/12 light cycle.. the drooping of the leaves on Miss Easter are fine now.. idk what it was, i gave her some extra water and she loved me for it..



Well-Known Member
thats streched like fook mate you are looking at it going hermie there like keep an eye on it and make sure it doesnt get knocked and try not to touch it just gentle feeding and more lighting you can get a flood light for your garden from home depo for like 20 bucks the ones that attach to the outside of your house there like 200w too


Well-Known Member
wow..... really? seriously? :roll:
ha i agree, cause thats how it got stretched to begin with when my roommate tried to start his own grow prior to mine, so we just stuck it underneath the cfls and its showed alot of new growth at each node with two healthy shoots at like 4 nodes.. ill have pics up tomorrow when lights on, just been slighty busy with work and everyday life to take pics.. but they'll be up tomorrow morning..


Well-Known Member
Alright pics like i said.. Its been like 5 days since i last updated.. and is using a 20-20-20 npk soil nute good for flowering?

