Mr. Bitti
Well-Known Member
12/12 hps, nutes still as mentioned earlier based on height/days in grow.
Youll get more isolated clusters because of how this grow has gone for you so far if you stay on this path and with our specific cab setup. You can always stick with the MH for the next week; however the stress factor versus you got a grow that wants to "grow", I say slower down now - you know it will continue to grow another 10-15" anyway so just figure it in - a few less inches in height vs. risking a more tight cluster of budding. Please note that these comments do not pretain to a "regular" grow; only to TrueLove's strains, past, recourse, high return results in short period, continued nute therapy and cab.
ok ok i can dig that you got advice for the specific setup, but i dont quite understand why you say tight bud clusters is a risk?? i thought he was trying to watch his space thats why the MH seems convenient to help keep em short. I can understand if maybe its a strain related thing or your humiditiy is too high?? i guess you comment threw me off and wanted to know what you meant by risk of tight clusters.
true.. shit is looking great man and its def gonna come out nice mh or hps for now hehe and no disrespect meant dishguy just asking a question