Compulsive Liar


Well-Known Member

Go back to page 2 where CanadianCoyote says "I'm a girl." :wall:
There's some futility in arguing with a person of the feminine persuasion over the term bitch. She is probably going to know the psychological and emotional impact of the term 'bitch' far better than a person of the male persuasion.

Couple that with her discussions of past girlfriends and you'll realize there's no way in hell she doesn't fully understand the consequences of using the term bitch.

We can complain about high-maintenance women and their drama all day long, but gentlemen we have NOTHING on on the drama induced by lesbian relationships.

I run websites for local alternative-sexuality (started managing a swingers site for the club my wife and I attend and got a name for managing them well.) The strictly homosexual crowds are high drama. Swingers are annoying, especially when couples don't tend to their own relationship first. Gay men can get pretty bad but the forum I run for local lesbians is so high drama I nicknamed it TNT (because THEY know drama.)

I think that a woman who is either lesbian or bi-sexual and has played the field has MORE than enough right to use the term bitch whenever she feels the need. She will be able to identify with the term bitch on a level that most men never understand.

Mind you I have no problems with lesbians and have known some incredibly cool lesbian couples, but experience has taught me that a destructing lesbian relationship is like a war zone, and not the fun stoned ones like in Platoon, I'm talking a 'the world is ending' war zone.
Bless you for this. SERIOUSLY. You do good work. :bigjoint: As someone born with the female sex, I fully understand/appreciate the power of the word 'bitch'. I've been called one many times... and it's never really annoyed me all that much. Neither has the dreaded 'c' word... which is one I use much more sparingly in order to achieve greater effect.

Yeah... in my experience, I've noticed that when girls break up with each other, there's some sort of War declared. The description of my last break up is a good example of that. There's a definite "side taking" atmosphere among friends... much more than in heterosexual relationships or even homosexual relationships between two men. This is because women wage war on a very personal and mental level... and the psychological effect of having a ton of people that agree with you against someone who has 'wronged' you is a powerful weapon. Chicks don't shoot to kill, they shoot to wound... as painfully as they possibly can.

Yet... I love women. Can't stop myself. I tried... OHHH did I try... for about three years I told myself I had to "grow up" and "be normal"... seeking the company of men instead. All that did was to cause a bit of a mental breakdown on my part... and I only wrenched myself out of that deep dark place by resolving to be myself and not pretend to be someone else... no matter how much 'easier' that persona seemed to have things.


Well-Known Member
I know several lesbians who feel the exact same way.

Me too!! At first I thought I was the only one who felt that way... and felt awkward for being so cynical on what amounts to decently positive PR for those that suffer my affliction... but it tries too hard. Dammit.


Well-Known Member
smokin a blunt at some festival like the crawlfish boil

That's funny.....I'm boiling a couple saks of Belle Rivers tomorrow


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I actually don't like it all that much. I just keep around because ... well ... others do. ;)

EDIT: And I love guys. Just not... fuckin' 'em. To me the best way to explain it is... if you're a dude, picture having sex with another dude. Most likely you'll not find any appeal in that idea at all. Just doesn't do anything for ya. ... That's where I'm comin' from.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LOL. Mine is ten, but only about five is insertable, and that's kinda pushing it.
I have 8 inches. Tucked inside a box under my bed. :blsmoke:
Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.But I just can't get into the whole eating hair pie requirement.:-(
Lesbians love the penis...just not what's attached to it....

out. :blsmoke:
I don't know, coyote...ever read Dan Savage? He's got a lot of guys that write to him that say they're straight, but they love to gnaw on a penis every once in a while. I'm not wearing a badge or anything, but I think you can't technically call yourself a straight guy if you suck penis once in a while....but Dan says you can. I'm a bit confused.
To be honest, I actually don't like it all that much. I just keep around because ... well ... others do. ;)

EDIT: And I love guys. Just not... fuckin' 'em. To me the best way to explain it is... if you're a dude, picture having sex with another dude. Most likely you'll not find any appeal in that idea at all. Just doesn't do anything for ya. ... That's where I'm comin' from.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Mine is ten, but only about five is insertable, and that's kinda pushing it.

Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.But I just can't get into the whole eating hair pie requirement.:-(

I don't know, coyote...ever read Dan Savage? He's got a lot of guys that write to him that say they're straight, but they love to gnaw on a penis every once in a while. I'm not wearing a badge or anything, but I think you can't technically call yourself a straight guy if you suck penis once in a while....but Dan says you can. I'm a bit confused.
You can get away with being a lesbian and not eating pusseh! Some gals just don't like t'do it is all...

I think it all goes back to the Kinsey scale... hardly anyone is a solid 1 or a solid 5... most of us fall in the middle.

Straight guys gnawin' on dick, huh? Heh, my 'Muses' will LOVE that one....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know, but I think it's only fair to eat the tang if you want to be a true lesbian EDIT:(As long as the other party is also eating tang, I'm talking reciprocation.).After all,pussy is kinda one of the major points...liking it, that is.I personally don't like being eaten, so yeah, you could probably go without it, but I think you at least have to touch one, and I'm not too into that,either.EDIT: (Though I'm not an expert, I'm just a "Vanilla" female with an oral fixation.):bigjoint:
You can get away with being a lesbian and not eating pusseh! Some gals just don't like t'do it is all...

I think it all goes back to the Kinsey scale... hardly anyone is a solid 1 or a solid 5... most of us fall in the middle.

Straight guys gnawin' on dick, huh? Heh, my 'Muses' will LOVE that one....


Well-Known Member
You can get away with being a lesbian and not eating pusseh! Some gals just don't like t'do it is all...

I think it all goes back to the Kinsey scale... hardly anyone is a solid 1 or a solid 5... most of us fall in the middle.

Straight guys gnawin' on dick, huh? Heh, my 'Muses' will LOVE that one....

I've always agreed with the Kinsey scale. I know my wife falls smack dab on a 2.5 according to the test, I fall closer to 1. I've always figured that homophobes are so very fascinated with any aspect of homosexuality that they obsess about it.

I found the strangest sexual dysfunction at the swingers club... A homophobic swinger. This guy went on for close to 20 minutes on how much he hates gay people WHILE his wife was going down on another woman. :wall: I finally snapped, "Dude you do realize that your wife is eating pussy right now and that technically is gay, you idiot." The club owners weren't too happy with me because he turned in their membership. Sometimes the truth hurts.

For the people who don't agree with science there's always the alternative logic ....




Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know, but I think it's only fair to eat the tang if you want to be a true lesbian EDIT:(As long as the other party is also eating tang, I'm talking reciprocation.).After all,pussy is kinda one of the major points...liking it, that is.I personally don't like being eaten, so yeah, you could probably go without it, but I think you at least have to touch one, and I'm not too into that,either.EDIT: (Though I'm not an expert, I'm just a "Vanilla" female with an oral fixation.):bigjoint:
Being in the swinging lifestyle I have difficulty with the concept of 'true' lesbian, straight, or gay guy. I actually know 'true' lesbians who simply cannot go without getting some 'guy' on the side. I say they're 'true' because they don't find themselves capable of loving a man emotionally, but they enjoy the sexual aspect. There are so many variances I've witnessed that I don't think anyone could be 'qualified' as a true anything....

I for one don't understand the need for segregation of the different sexuality groups, with the possible exception of straight 'monogamous :roll:' people. I think that gays, lesbians, swingers, fetishists, and poly people should all get together and demand equal rights as a whole instead of different factions trying to get similar but not quite identical things.

I for one would love to marry my wife's and my partner couple but somehow I think an interracially partnered-black-lesbian-Muslim-atheist-feminist-woman will get elected to the White House before poly people ever get any kind of legal recognition. We're so screwed up that the government doesn't even take the time to discriminate against us. If I called for poly marriages the politicians wouldn't even try and ban them in recourse they'd just laugh. Oh well, at least weekends are fun.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've read a little about it, too, but I'm no authority on it.I made a poll in the sex section to try to get differing opinions on it.

I've always agreed with the Kinsey scale. I know my wife falls smack dab on a 2.5 according to the test, I fall closer to 1. I've always figured that homophobes are so very fascinated with any aspect of homosexuality that they obsess about it.

I found the strangest sexual dysfunction at the swingers club... A homophobic swinger. This guy went on for close to 20 minutes on how much he hates gay people WHILE his wife was going down on another woman. :wall: I finally snapped, "Dude you do realize that your wife is eating pussy right now and that technically is gay, you idiot." The club owners weren't too happy with me because he turned in their membership. Sometimes the truth hurts.

For the people who don't agree with science there's always the alternative logic ....


I'm monogamous, but I believe if a group of folks wants to get married or do whatever, then as long as they're consenting adults, let them.But I don't believe in going behind your partner's back.Everyone should have a say in what kind of relationship they want to be involved in.:bigjoint:
Being in the swinging lifestyle I have difficulty with the concept of 'true' lesbian, straight, or gay guy. I actually know 'true' lesbians who simply cannot go without getting some 'guy' on the side. I say they're 'true' because they don't find themselves capable of loving a man emotionally, but they enjoy the sexual aspect. There are so many variances I've witnessed that I don't think anyone could be 'qualified' as a true anything....

I for one don't understand the need for segregation of the different sexuality groups, with the possible exception of straight 'monogamous :roll:' people. I think that gays, lesbians, swingers, fetishists, and poly people should all get together and demand equal rights as a whole instead of different factions trying to get similar but not quite identical things.

I for one would love to marry my wife's and my partner couple but somehow I think an interracially partnered-black-lesbian-Muslim-atheist-feminist-woman will get elected to the White House before poly people ever get any kind of legal recognition. We're so screwed up that the government doesn't even take the time to discriminate against us. If I called for poly marriages the politicians wouldn't even try and ban them in recourse they'd just laugh. Oh well, at least weekends are fun.



Well-Known Member
I've read a little about it, too, but I'm no authority on it.I made a poll in the sex section to try to get differing opinions on it.

I'm monogamous, but I believe if a group of folks wants to get married or do whatever, then as long as they're consenting adults, let them.But I don't believe in going behind your partner's back.Everyone should have a say in what kind of relationship they want to be involved in.:bigjoint:
I agree 110%... I HATE cheaters... I was the victim of this several times, finally decided that it was time to break the cycle. The girlfriend (now wife) and I decided to try and remove jealousy before either of us screwed up, to our surprise it worked.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Kudos to you. I'm really not a big enough person to share my mate, but if you can make it work, that's a good thing.
I agree 110%... I HATE cheaters... I was the victim of this several times, finally decided that it was time to break the cycle. The girlfriend (now wife) and I decided to try and remove jealousy before either of us screwed up, to our surprise it worked.
