My Babies Are Sick, Please Help


Active Member
theyre getting nute scorched from the fert in the soil and the nutes you gave them. generally you dont feed your plant nutes until it is well off into seedling growth, about 9 inches. you especially don't feed them if there are activated or time release ferts in your potting mix.

second, lose the tap water. your soil PH is perfect, but whatever is in the tap water looks like it's harming your plants. 7 ph tap water is a bit high. try picking up distilled or mineral water.

overall looks like you have basic nutrient lockout from over feeding, nutrient scorch and PH fluctuations.

my advice is to flush with PH corect water (around 5-6.5), you flush until the entire grow medium is flooded, then let it drain thoroughly. let a prolonged dryspell occur, nothing too crazy, then water again once the medium is dry-damp. 150 ml is a good number for plants shorter than 2 feet.


Active Member
The flushing really helped and they started grwoing really fast, but I think the growth has slowed again and on one of the plants the top leaves are getting really brown. I haven't watered or fertizlied or anything since i flushed, what could be causing this?



Well-Known Member
idk bro... it looks bad though. are your lights to close ??
I am using cfl's, and I am keeping them 2-4 inches away. the one in the picture is about 5 inches away
I was going to say the same as dgk because it looks light bleaching from the lights. The pic is a rough one so it's hard to see properly. Focussed pic would be good.
I cant imagine a CFL at 5" would cause bleaching. Are you misting them?
That can cause burning if your doing it when the lights are on?


Well-Known Member
idk bro . maybe u should just restart and learn from mistakes.. i mean growing is least u aint like six weeks in.


Well-Known Member
idk bro . maybe u should just restart and learn from mistakes.. i mean growing is least u aint like six weeks in.
I agree.

If you really want to save these babies Michael I would probably get them out of that soil there in. What sort of soil is it?
Transplant into bigger pots with a nice loose neutral substrate loke coco with 30% perlite mixed in and water them in with a 1/2 dose feed of the Shulz stuff you were using.
When you take them out of their pots gently take away as much of that existing soil as you can without upsetting the roots.
Dont cut the leaves until there fully dead.


Active Member
what is nice loose neutral substrate loke coco? I was thinking the same thing, the soil seems a bit thick, especially after the flush. Here is a pic of my bigger and healthier one, the stem is nice and thick but the leaves are not looking too good.



Well-Known Member
Yes that soil is shit I think.. It's to compacted and not enough in the pot. Also the PH is too acidic and it looks like there are nutes in it.
When you transplant you could probably use the same pots but this time fill them up to an inch from the top.
Pull those plants out with the soil ,remove as much soil as possible, don't go crazy and fuck the roots. Then put them back in the same pot with new soil.
Wash the pot before you refill with new soil. Water them in.
Coco-coir is the stuff you need and perlite. You then get to control Ph and nutes with your watering. Kind of like a passive hydro set up.
Or just use a better drainging soil with no nutes in it. Always add 30% perlite, this will help with drainage.
They look like they're burning from shit over nuted soil, or you have a lock out of Phosphorus from low PH, but the fact remains that soil is shit so get them out of it.


Active Member
So after switching soil my plant was doing really well and the top leaves were really green and healthy, then one day they just got really droopy. I don't think I overwatered and I didn't use any nutrients, it has been hot here for the last few days, could that be it or does anyone have any other ideas?

