First CFL Grow - Help appreciated


Well-Known Member
gastanker--great grow ++rep. This is definitely something to point at when people talk shit about cfls. That bud looks amazing. I'm in the middle of a cfl grow myself, and would love some input, especially from an experienced such as yourself. my setup isn't as professional as yours, and i'll be adding more lights as soon as I get the $$

happy tokin':bigjoint::eyesmoke::sleep:
Thanks man! Your plants look good! I might have to try a hempy bucket sometime soon.

Here are some pics of how I rearranged the grow closet.

The big clone on the left started out growing as a ribbon and turned out to have a nice big polyploid budsite.

All the lights have been lowered

THe plant on the right should be ready hopefully by 420 and the tallest one is tied off along the back and should be ready in a week or two also. It's looking kinda ugly.

The LST clone in the back is looking good. I accidentally topped it - oops. I accidentally topped a few of these plants this time around lol.



Active Member
So just of of curiosity, what was the yield from your operation from start in febuary to present day? My buddy had a hydro gro with Grandady purp under 1000 watt m/h - HpS setup up. Plants took 5 and a haf months from seed to harvest and only yileded a meesley 1.8 elbows dried. Reading this post Made me want to start cfl growing thanks man!!! I now have a cfl closet. I have 12 babies in it now 2 i am trying lst 2 are getting chopped. Read that u did "lollipop" on yours curuous to know what it is. A+ grow u are def getting rep from me. u r giving george curventis a run for his money.


Well-Known Member
So just of of curiosity, what was the yield from your operation from start in febuary to present day? My buddy had a hydro gro with Grandady purp under 1000 watt m/h - HpS setup up. Plants took 5 and a haf months from seed to harvest and only yileded a meesley 1.8 elbows dried. Reading this post Made me want to start cfl growing thanks man!!! I now have a cfl closet. I have 12 babies in it now 2 i am trying lst 2 are getting chopped. Read that u did "lollipop" on yours curuous to know what it is. A+ grow u are def getting rep from me. u r giving george curventis a run for his money.
Went outa town for my gf's birthday and came back to perfectly dried bud.

Here are my results:

Plant 1 - I've named early bird and was the one harvested on the 5th. yielded 21g - Despite harvesting after only 5.5 weeks of flowering this stuff is crazy! 2 hits with the chillum and you are stoned for hours. I actually wish this bud wasn't as potent as it is - kinda defeated the point of harvesting early.

Plant 2 - the monster - Yielded 26.8g. Not cured but inredible taste already. Super fruity - like wow. Cant comment on the high (I'm very stoned) because I sampled all three plants in rapid succession.

Plant 3 - my favorite. I thought this one would yield alil more than it did, 21.4g. Smells great when you touch it but couldn't really pick out anything incredible precure. Again - got me stoned but same as the plant before - kinda meddled the pot.

Plant 4 - calling this one cotton candy. It smells fing inredible and has sooo many hairs it looks like cotton candy. Best yielder at 27.9g. Wow. Just took my first hit of this - very smooth and yeah...gimme a second...kinda over riding the rest of the high. Wow. Retarded energetic? Was this what I was shooting for? lol. Well at least i'm kinda making sense right?

Still two more plants to go but so far total yield is 97.1g What is a qp in grams? 112? I'll easily hit that with my last two - far exceeded what I thought was possible with CFLs and its not just decent yield but dank ass bud as well.

Must repeatedly thank all that have contributed - I knew NOTHING before I found RIU. Thanks!

Exo - props for starting up a CFL grow - lollipoping is just removing the bottom shoots so that you end up with just one large cola. I kinda half lollipoped them - removed about 4-6 nodes depending on how big the buds were looking on certain shoots.



Well-Known Member
Photo update

Pics include:

clones taken and rooted in 12/12 - Some looking really lame but the 3 main ones lookin awefully pretty

LST clone doing well - havent touched it sinse breaking of its tip and putting it in the flower box.

Veg box shots with several clones going - don't need any of these but everytime I bring a group to my buddies I end up recieving gifts in return :) - next grow will be all from seed excluding a clone of the tri nodal plant - really loving this one.

Lotsa pics of the next plant I am going to harvest - nice pink pistils

Brought my CFL bud over to my buddie and he wants to sponsor me - rent me a house and let me light it up :) Might have to take him up on the offer.



Active Member
Wow man, I'm truly envious haha. Those buds are seriously beautiful.. To all the CFL doubters out there, I think this is just proof that they can grow as well as other lights. I wish I could just go open my grow box up and see those staring back at me. I got awhile to go, but this gives me something to look forward to! I'll be watching these ladies until they're smokable, and thanks for the input on my grow..

+rep - Fantastic grow


Well-Known Member
those small clones look a bit yellow?? nitrogen perhaps?
Small clones - almost all the nitrogen in the leaves are used to make roots and damn are they making roots. They are already greening back up now - usually takes a few days after leaving the humidity dome to regain all their green. Adding nitrogen usually isn't a good idea - the clones have no roots to absorb the nitrogen and you cannot foliar feed nitrogen (regardless of what you hear) as there is no nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria on the leaves and cannabis is not in the legume family. Thanks for the comment though - were spot on about cause of the leaves yellowing.

I'm alil worried about that ugly clone on the back left - totally fried the roots a couple days ago and it's trying to put up so much foliage that I don't think the roots are getting an attention. Hope the babie perks up. At least I learned my lesson about using improper containers.


Well-Known Member
:evil: what a crock of shit :spew:
Just what a college degree got realize the earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen right? You know what transpiration is? Why would plants need nitrogen in the soil at all if they could gather it through their foliage?