I crossed grape with hindu kush


Well-Known Member
ya they did, i cant wait to see how then turn out ,but at the same time they are are pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
day 20 of flowering and about 10 days since i sprayed for the powder mold and noticed
a little here and there so i sprayed again and removed a bunch of lower growth as well



Well-Known Member
them girls look fuckin awesome romy 4 real!

day 20 of flowering and about 10 days since i sprayed for the powder mold and noticed
a little here and there so i sprayed again and removed a bunch of lower growth as well

well thanx brother! I'm having a phosphorus
-sulfur deficiency with the grape ape x hindu
kush witch i think i took care of (we shall see in a few days) but the rest look grate


Well-Known Member
how did u fix it?

well thanx brother! I'm having a phosphorus
-sulfur deficiency with the grape ape x hindu
kush witch i think i took care of (we shall see in a few days) but the rest look grate[/quote]


Well-Known Member
how did u fix it?

well thanx brother! I'm having a phosphorus
-sulfur deficiency with the grape ape x hindu
kush witch i think i took care of (we shall see in a few days) but the rest look grate

Well the ph was at 6.5 so i raised it to
about 6.8 and fed them with some tiger
bloom and some Budswell bat guano
Phosphorus gets locked out of soil growing at ph levels of 4.0-5.5
Phosphorus is absorbed best in soil at a ph level of 6.0-7.5


Well-Known Member
Grape-Du? u mean Grape Ape? and I have a heard it was a clone only strain
form some reliable peeps and also was told it wasn't buy some
just as reliable peeps ,so who knows, all i know is i good a seed from a friend - grower and it looked like a peno 3 ,turned purple in 25 days and black in 45


mate.. they are some proper good lookin plants... i got mine to about the same hight n that... just couldnt get the girth on the leaves... how u do tht mate?? is yours shorter?? mines like 3ft @ about 14wks in

safe bro


Well-Known Member
well i think its more the strains then what i did ,but ya most are 2 some 2and a half
and the grape ape hindu kush are 3 ft and up but its the bubba and og kush
that have those amazing leafs i think is what you are talking about but other than that
i use all fox farm soil and products and lots of love and attention to get my babies
to flourish


Well-Known Member
DAMN!! those grape ape X hindukush look like satvia's..thats some crazy shit they look sweet though..hope they turn purp!!! the kush mom seems real dom over ur grape dad...what did his leafs look like?...was he tall/lanky,got any pics of him??...MEANGREEN..


Well-Known Member
no i didnt take any pics of the male damit !
but it was short and turned purple at about 30 days and full flowers
at 45 50 without a light cycle of 12/12 and was like black purple
at the time of cut down at like day 45 50 i think, and had big fat indica leafs,
so ya i dont understand the height but some 1 told me crossing two way different starins like that could have that effect, it brings out the strongest traits in both and the hindu was a tall indica and the grape ape was very bushy so bushy and tall is kinda what i got.


Well-Known Member
Its day 31 of flowering and I left town for 5 days and left a list of this for my roommate
to do and I think she forgot to add the ph up to my water cause I came home to some pretty shitty looking plants yesterday but its been takin care of ,
other than the cal-mag and p deficiency cause of my ph being at like 5.5 to 6.2 in all my girls but i got em back at 6.8 today

and I still got a spot or two of powder mold here and there they are but other than that they are lookin yummy and smell amazing

here are a few of the OG's

here are a few of the bubbas

the two white widow

and here are the grape ape x hindu kush

and here is the group without two of the grape ape x hindu kush

and a inside pic