My Babies Are Sick, Please Help


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty sad mate.

How hot is hot?

When did you water it last?

Other than a few other things it looks damn thirsty to me.


Well-Known Member
bro i can see your dirt is dirt dry. that plant is like that because of no water and high temps bro.. u gotta find a happy medium between over watering and under. like i know the three hundred clones that i have made to go out side need to be watered every other day. and my indoor plants get watered every day. u got to dial your own setup in .. good luck . hope that majorly stresssed out plant dont turn hermie on ya ..


Active Member
I guess I was too paranoid about overwatering again. I will try to get them on a good schedule again and hope they recover.


Active Member
What would someone recommend as a good strategy for when and how much to water? Does it just depend on your conditions and waiting until the soil is dry a few inches deep to water?


Well-Known Member
I guess I was too paranoid about overwatering again. I will try to get them on a good schedule again and hope they recover.
What would someone recommend as a good strategy for when and how much to water? Does it just depend on your conditions and waiting until the soil is dry a few inches deep to water?

Hey Michael.

The best strategy is 'learning to read your plants', like dgk is suggesting.
You will get there. Experience is the key, just keep growing.

You can lift pots, use moisture meters, stick ya finger in all ya like.
At the end of the day, you need to look at a plant and say... it needs...
Then apply that knowledge to the next grow and get used to doing it.

An overwatered plant will 'cup' it's leaves, it will look over watered.
An underwatered plant will droop and sag it's leaves, it will look thirsty.

It's totally different once you know the symptoms.

Your getting there dude.
Just keep growing and you'll learn to READ your plants.

I think during this thread we all may have learned something?

Now get out there and grow some fine ass shit :hump:


Active Member
Does anyone here question any post that has the words "miracle grow" in it? A good 60-80% of the outlined posts I have read with the poster using either miracle grow soil or nutrients seems to have major problems regardless of attempts at remedy. Not saying you didn't overwater/overfertilize and then underwater as your pics clearly show, but I have found it a rarity to see any awesome looking pics with miracle grow attached to them. That product seems to be some nasty stuff, I never found any favorable results in it.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here question any post that has the words "miracle grow" in it? A good 60-80% of the outlined posts I have read with the poster using either miracle grow soil or nutrients seems to have major problems regardless of attempts at remedy. Not saying you didn't overwater/overfertilize and then underwater as your pics clearly show, but I have found it a rarity to see any awesome looking pics with miracle grow attached to them. That product seems to be some nasty stuff, I never found any favorable results in it.
funy check out my sig...i got no probs wit miracle gro


Active Member
So after a week of flowering my plant was looking amazing and just started to show sex(female). I watered last night and woke up to find the leaves curled and droopy, even and the top leaning alot. It went from looking amazing to terrible in one night. I thought it was overwatering, but I am not sure. It has been hot here lately and my airconditioning isn't very good so it might be getting into the low 80's F in the closet. Any suggestions on what I can do to save them? I inculeded a before and after picture.



Well-Known Member
What did you water it with?
I can see by the previous pic that you have been burning the tips with too many nutes.
The only reason plants go from good to bad like that is overnuting.
Watering, or folia spraying, with too many ferts will do that.
Id flush that plant good and proper ASAP and maybe it will live.
Unfortunately what your seeing is the first signs of serious overnuting, and it's gonna look a lot worse than that pretty soon.


Well-Known Member
If you over fertalize with organic nutrients or if your fertalizer is over fertalized with organic nutrients it will be more difficult to flush. Chemical fertalizers are mostly salt based and so they are soulbal in water while organic nutirents are not solubal in water. It is true also that it is difficult to over fertalize with organic nutrients because they techinically remain in the soil untill the plant needs them.

How ofton have you been fertalizing/ what kind of fertalizer are u using?


New Member
if by low 80s F you mean it got up to 100 F, that looks like heat damage to me. 88 is ok, but when u get over 93-95 ambient air it gets bad.

check that maybe more like 105-120 starts getting bad.


Well-Known Member
How dry are those pots, I mean you can really tell the diffrence between a full pot and a dry pot. Lift that fucker up or stick your finger down if its light or bone dry 4in down water that girl she is really thirsty. There is a delicate balance for watering the plants you have to lift them after you water them so you know exactly how much it weighs and then when its dry you will know imeditly. I have let my girls get pretty light and they never look that bad, It most likley is from heat youve really got to keep an eye on that. Your plats will respire so much they will just eventually stress the fuck out and die. If your temps stay like that you will never be able to flower so you need to control that now. 75-80 is perfectly comfertable for marijuan indoors.


Well-Known Member
Your heat is the problem for sure, cool them off or you wont be able to grow, its a simple as that. Marijuana can not thrive indoors with those temps I have seen the end result too many times on these forums.


Well-Known Member
Get some dry ice in there it will cool the air and provide Co2 also you can create a swap coller technique by placeing the bottem of a rag in a bowl of water and then tieing both top corners to something so it is suspended but secure and have a small fan blow a little air on it. When the air hits the rag it will cause the water to evaporate causeing the air to be cooled its called poormans aircondetioner, sounds like what you need.