Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
looks good.

Looks like i will be putting the DWC grow on hold for a little bit. I still dont have room in my cab because of other plants so what im going to be doing is just planting them in my new found love - coco. There may be a chance that i can still get the DWC grow going sooner than later though. If I switch rooms im living in right now than the other room will have a bigger closet :)

I feel like i let mah bro's down! :(

but hey, i can offer some entertainment by inviting you guys to my StrawberyCoughXDiesel grow in my sig. :/


Well-Known Member
Hey vapor I know it hasnt been formally introduced..Kinda kept on the DL but some peeps do know..
We have intitiated a seperate sector into the DWC grow club sir.
It is known as Coco Army.
We all share the same house on Paper Street.
Here's some of my Coco soldiers.

Sicc man looking nice bro. Gonna have some fat nuggies on that girl.

Time to try and catch up on some journals.



Well-Known Member
looks good.

Looks like i will be putting the DWC grow on hold for a little bit. I still dont have room in my cab because of other plants so what im going to be doing is just planting them in my new found love - coco. There may be a chance that i can still get the DWC grow going sooner than later though. If I switch rooms im living in right now than the other room will have a bigger closet :)

I feel like i let mah bro's down! :(

but hey, i can offer some entertainment by inviting you guys to my StrawberyCoughXDiesel grow in my sig. :/
just get uself a little tent.. like a $100.. 4x2x7.. or maybe a cheaper one at 4x2x5. Thats what i have.. just for moms in there. 12 moms.. what sucks is eventually imma have to kill off moms aka flower them.


Well-Known Member
Fa real DL, you been laggin it homie haha, i need to see an update here, i just did mine, yall should checc it out ;)


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2445591]Fa real DL, you been laggin it homie haha, i need to see an update here, i just did mine, yall should checc it out ;)[/quote]

LOL yea man been busy as fawk at work mang. Just trying to chill now and take it easy. Had a sore thraot to so havent been feeling that good man. Going to check that right now bro.

Yea vapes. Coco Army is in full effect bro. Very efficient like a secret sect. Alot u can do with um man. Can u believe im growing those in 20 oz. styrofoam cups bro? Alot of work but well worth it so far. Id reccomend at least 1/2 gallon grow bags or pots tho. Less work all in all. But for a grower with hieght issues u can completely pimp this coco out dont be fooled.. Haha root bound..What is that.. Kinda sounds like an excuse or cover up for a completely different issue like underwatering and feeding..

Coco is the shit man.. Not going to bring u the same results as allowing ur plants roots to be submerged in solution 24/7 but not far behind. Really it shouldnt even be compared.

From this day forth Vapes is now inducted to coco army peeps.


Well-Known Member
Here are my two harvests from yesterday and today. The first is Chronic from Serious Seeds and the christmas tree is my little AK47xHinduKush from LowLife Seeds. Just harvested her right now. Not grown in DWC but still, a little kinky porn..


Auto AK47xHinduKush:

little mad, she needed to go for another week or so. I looked on the bottom and there were about 15 calyx's that werent finished :(


Well-Known Member
DL, im honored to be part of the Coco Army!! Im excited.

And i know what you mean about pot size, if you check my grow, you can see pics of how well it was doing in the small 18oz beer cup. We transplanted yesterday and the the had beautiful roots. Now shes in a 2 gallon and lovin it!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome Vapes thanks for the porn to bro. Im sure ur shit is going to do nice in the coco bro.I did check ur journal to man. Im running mine just like my DWC man. 5.8 ph.. Im going to play with feeding a little more next grow.. My kush doesnt seem to like to be feed much. I dont know if it the smaller cups or not. But i havent exceeded 1500-1600 ppm yet. Ur grow is very interesting man. I like what i see. And it looks like u have some real nice dank to look forward to smoking on man..

LOL bro Coco army is for the people. Another grower (The General)actually inspired this. Its awesome ur looking into the coco tho man.. Ive seen some insane results..Haha i wont mention any names tho..

COCO ARMY Beeeyotches. WERD


Well-Known Member
Lets See some porn..U know just keep it on the DL.
If its 008 then its never to late haha.( U know that was Smoooth )
Good to see ur Highness.