Doob's complete grow journal, got twins?


New Member
doing pretty good, man, sorry i havent been keeping tabs on it, been off track lately, im having a babY! but they look good, real good.


Well-Known Member
doing pretty good, man, sorry i havent been keeping tabs on it, been off track lately, im having a babY! but they look good, real good.
A baby? Like a baby, like a plant baby or a baby, like your child baby lol?

Regardless either baby deserves a congratulations :hug:!!

It's cool, I don't really expect anyone to follow this journal lol. Also thank for the compliments and congrats again :clap:!!


Well-Known Member
Found some batteries, so here's the update.

Start of week 10.

The plants are still in Veg, I started going lighter on nutrients to help buy a little bit more time, can't have them growing too large at the moment lol. I'm actually pretty happy they're still in Veg because I'm moving in about 2 weeks and moving them is easier in veg rather than bloom lol.

The Scrog plants are doing well, cleared out the dead under growth more, the BlueMadness is starting to grow out and fill in the screen more and more :hump:. The Black Domina is still growing well even though I went light on the nutes. The Black Domina's leaves are starting to get a decent size. About the size of a cigarette pack if not bigger.

The two other Black Dominas in smaller pots are still doing well, just have to water them daily :roll:. When we move and I get my new grow room going they will be transplanted.

Lol also, good temps and a T5 can prevent severe heat burn to a plant. There's pictures below how the T5 got too close and after I readjusted. They were on for about 4 hours when I took the picture :shock: lol. No burn and the plant is fine, as you can see in the picture.

That's it for the update, sorry it was a long one :sleep: but there was a bit to catch up on lol.




Well-Known Member
Found some batteries, so here's the update.

Start of week 10.

The plants are still in Veg, I started going lighter on nutrients to help buy a little bit more time, can't have them growing too large at the moment lol. I'm actually pretty happy they're still in Veg because I'm moving in about 2 weeks and moving them is easier in veg rather than bloom lol.

The Scrog plants are doing well, cleared out the dead under growth more, the BlueMadness is starting to grow out and fill in the screen more and more :hump:. The Black Domina is still growing well even though I went light on the nutes. The Black Domina's leaves are starting to get a decent size. About the size of a cigarette pack if not bigger.

The two other Black Dominas in smaller pots are still doing well, just have to water them daily :roll:. When we move and I get my new grow room going they will be transplanted.

Lol also, good temps and a T5 can prevent severe heat burn to a plant. There's pictures below how the T5 got too close and after I readjusted. They were on for about 4 hours when I took the picture :shock: lol. No burn and the plant is fine, as you can see in the picture.

That's it for the update, sorry it was a long one :sleep: but there was a bit to catch up on lol.


Lookin good. Do you find that you get more yeild doing scrog? Better smoke?


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. Do you find that you get more yeild doing scrog? Better smoke?
Thanks for the compliment Altered.

I find the yield to be better for my setup (250 HPS and T5) yes.

As far as smoke quality, it has nothing to do with the grow method really, more so the medium. I grow soil because soil has better taste and smell, hydro is still pretty damn good it's just more for production, from what I've seen. I'm still learning hydroponic methods and will more than likely have a side by side comparison to see which works best for me in a future grow journal. I'll more than likely stay soil but you never know lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey lol as i can see im a little late but imma still subscribe i wanna watch this journal :D. Nice grow you got going so far. Sorry on the twin's D:.


Well-Known Member
Hey lol as i can see im a little late but imma still subscribe i wanna watch this journal :D. Nice grow you got going so far. Sorry on the twin's D:.
Welcome to the grow Mental, you're not that late for the show lol. Thanks for the compliment there, and yeah the twin dying kind of sucked because I wanted to see it bloom all mutant like lol.

The plants are going to be in veg for another 2 weeks or so until I move.


Well-Known Member
So with scrog are you topping and and spreading the tops out and putting them through the screen? Or are you bending the plant over and spreading the branches out and putting them through the screen? And is the purpose of doing this to make a canopy above the screen and trim everything below? I can see how that would maximize light usage.


Well-Known Member
So with scrog are you topping and and spreading the tops out and putting them through the screen? Or are you bending the plant over and spreading the branches out and putting them through the screen? And is the purpose of doing this to make a canopy above the screen and trim everything below? I can see how that would maximize light usage.
In my case both, because I LST then I top/fim then I put it under the screen. The nodes that would normally be small buds on the main stem if the plant were to grow normally grow out in SCRoG and become they're own bud, if that makes sense. So instead of a bunch of main colas you get a bunch of mini colas.

I don't trim undergrowth, I let it die out naturally and then just pick the leaves off. Every leaf is an important factor to the plant's photosysthesis to grow. Some trim but I let my plants take things naturally for the most part.

The purpose is to have a canopy yes, as even as you can get it. You get more out of your light from it, especially with smaller lights. A 250 only has 3-4 ft of light penetration. Which means that the buds lower than 3-4 ft will suffer. So laying the plant flat and letting all those seperate nodes grow through the screen let's you grow out a bigger plant.

If this doesn't make sense let me know and I'll try to explain better.


Well-Known Member
In my case both, because I LST then I top/fim then I put it under the screen. The nodes that would normally be small buds on the main stem if the plant were to grow normally grow out in SCRoG and become they're own bud, if that makes sense. So instead of a bunch of main colas you get a bunch of mini colas.

I don't trim undergrowth, I let it die out naturally and then just pick the leaves off. Every leaf is an important factor to the plant's photosysthesis to grow. Some trim but I let my plants take things naturally for the most part.

The purpose is to have a canopy yes, as even as you can get it. You get more out of your light from it, especially with smaller lights. A 250 only has 3-4 ft of light penetration. Which means that the buds lower than 3-4 ft will suffer. So laying the plant flat and letting all those seperate nodes grow through the screen let's you grow out a bigger plant.

If this doesn't make sense let me know and I'll try to explain better.
It does make sense. LST is low stress training right? What does top/fim mean?


Active Member
press search button....
select advanced search....
type fim in keyword....
select "search titles only" beneath the keyword
and press search now...



Well-Known Member
Or you can look on the first page Altered I have a link on the first page on one of the posts, with a direct link to a top/fim tutorial.


Well-Known Member
That link is the same link I have on the first page of this journal actually lol.

Which plants are you referring to the one's under the screen or not under the screen?