DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever


Well-Known Member
whats going on jig
I don't know if you meant in general or with the grow since I haven't updated in a while... so I took it as the latter.

So I broke tradition and am udating several days in one post. Not much has changed so there isn't much need for separate posts. Plus my journal is rapidly climbing in pages, so this is an effort to slow the process. Sorry if this update turns out long.

Alright so how lame is this... the only thing I did with my plant was look at them, check for insects, make sure the bubblers were still going (they were, although a bit slimey), and take a video of them.

I'm doing 6 days of updates here. On the fourth day I added 2 gal of RO. On the fifth day again I addad 2 gal of RO. That's it.

Room Temps
- below screen: 67 - 74 (ave 71)
- above screen: 67 - 80 (ave 76)
Water Temps: 62 - 65
Humidity: 45 - 55
pH: 5.60 - 5.65 (slowly falling)
ppm: 1080 - 1180

They are smelling a little more but still nothing too strong.

OH, and I fogot to tell you all, the gravity did do something (i think it was the gravity). I squished one of the nugs today and it was rock hard, like no give at all. Not all the nugs are like this, but all are pretty solid. Pretty much no squishiness to anything. I'm impressed.

In the 3rd pic you can see some of the outer fan leaves are starting to curl under, they feel dry. I'm taking this as a good/ normal sign. Let me know if you see it otherwise.

The final shot is of one of my 3 prized buds. There are 2 hindu skunk and 1 white widow bug that are right in the middle getting all the light and they are just something else.



Well-Known Member
Hey Jig,
Very nice!!
I'm almost positive the G is th reason the buds are hard. Its a bud hardener...LOL!!! I had to do it...
Check out the updates in my journal, a few post, harvest today.


Well-Known Member
looking good still, i'd be proud to smoke it.

the only concern i have, is all your buds look "set" but not swelling. even with your under 1000k HPS wattage, you are getting the most condensed light you can muster for that size space, and your Co2 helper you should have a bit more density i think.


Well-Known Member
DAMN.... I think I figured out why my plants haven't grown for a few weeks.

THE PH IS 5.15

I'm such an asshole. I'm really pissed off at myself. My arrogance thinking I didn't need to get the pH probe out of there and calibrate it. This is what I get.


Looks like there is absolutely no P or Mg uptake there. Small N uptake, and less than optimal K and Ca uptake.

My guess is that P and Mg are good for flowering since things sorta stopped a while back.

I'm so mad at myself. Cost myself a lot with that bit of laziness/ carelessness.

Let's make this the last mistake.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
DAMN.... I think I figured out why my plants haven't grown for a few weeks.

THE PH IS 5.15

I'm such an asshole. I'm really pissed off at myself. My arrogance thinking I didn't need to get the pH probe out of there and calibrate it. This is what I get.


Looks like there is absolutely no P or Mg uptake there. Small N uptake, and less than optimal K and Ca uptake.

My guess is that P and Mg are good for flowering since things sorta stopped a while back.

I'm so mad at myself. Cost myself a lot with that bit of laziness/ carelessness.

Let's make this the last mistake.
Hard luck bro, i am just starting to get PH under controll, it seems in my experience, its a bitch, but then again this is the first time i have thought about PH, lots of mistakes i made, lol, but i think everyone would still agree this is a KICK ASS GROW!!! best of luck, i hope your plants don't start wilting and losing thier colour like one of mine did.


Well-Known Member
Hard luck bro, i am just starting to get PH under controll, it seems in my experience, its a bitch, but then again this is the first time i have thought about PH, lots of mistakes i made, lol, but i think everyone would still agree this is a KICK ASS GROW!!! best of luck, i hope your plants don't start wilting and losing thier colour like one of mine did.
yes same here to man had a couple grows before i started worrying about Ph now its like my main problem all the time haha good luck man hope you get that under control!!

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
How are you measuring ph? Strips? Your scrog honestly just looks like a sea of bud. :shock: Hahaha nice man. :bigjoint: Can't wait to see the harvest.


Well-Known Member
How are you measuring ph? Strips?
I'm using a Hanna Combo GroChek. It is a digital pH/ tds/ water temp meter. Has two probes. I'm an idiot and didn't see the problem with dropping them through the netpot hole right along with the netpot.

Everything worked fine for the first few weeks, becuase I could pick up the netpot with the plant and take the probes out. But then my plants grew into the screen and I couldn't move anything.

Remember my screen is hooked into the wall so there is no moving it. I really should have it hooked to the lid, ---> hooked to the plants.


Well-Known Member
sorry about the nute lock, i didnt even see this, when i posted about nute lock in your grow 1.2

(or should it be 2.0?)

*quote*I really should have it hooked to the lid, ---> hooked to the plants.

you see my reasoning now, about a 2x2 screen for each pot now, huh?

i wasnt even thinking nute lock, when i saw the smaller size of bud, LOOKS GREAT, but like you said, it just stopped growing on ya.

people think it is all fun and games growing, but when you grow *paint* yourself in a corner, you got to wait it out for the fix to come by. a full screen with multi plants, and in a DWC, i didnt want to say anything, you know, speak no evil and all, but i was afraid of what might happen if you need to take tub out to sterilize it, or something.

*i dont know DWC, but i do know growing, and the work it takes to get a problem under control.

nute lock is an easy 1. you might *MIGHT* want to run water only for 24 hours or so, to get your roots washed/flushed off a bit, then, go back to 50% Str nute for 1 week, then, you will be back in the game.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info as always, thor.

I changed the rez after I saw what had been going on. I let the roots soak in water for a few hours only, then added some nutes.

I used gravity again and the nutes are at 25% strength. ppm is only about 550.

Part of me wants everything to take off, but another part of me doesn't want to see the growth that I have missed out on the past few weeks. I need to get over it and figure we all have to make mistakes our first time.

Oh, and thor, you mentioned the nightmare of having to take the tank out. Imagine if for some reason my tank got a big hole in it. Getting that thing out and another one in would be impossible I think. I doubt the plants would make it through that adventure.

For the next time around I am going to do a few things. For one I will attach the screen to the lid. Also I'm going to grow 4 plants so I can get around easier. Plus I'm going to raise things up a foot or so. That way if so some reason I did need to get the tank out, I would have room to drop it down and keep everything else where it is.

I'm not going to put every effort into making it perfect. I think I will only have this run plus one more in the fall with this screen.

I'm thinking of going with a vertical screen for the spring grow. I'm messing with the idea, but I would love to have a tube of screen surrounding a vertical double cooltube stack. I just need to figure out how to get at all the plants. I'm tossing around the idea of a donut shaped rez. I really should patent this idea before telling everyone, haha.

One thing is for sure about the past few days.... I'm learning a lot about pH.


Well-Known Member
well, if you are adventurous, you can *velcrostrap* rockwool slabs to your wall and door in your closet, you will get 48 inchs of slab to root your cutings in, and then, you use 2 400's in a cooltube up the middle. you can get 3 slabs to a wall i bet, 2 on the door, for a 8 to 11 slab grow in your tiny closet.

look at this.

it is where i got this idea freom on avert grow, this pic inspired me to think (once again) maximum output per square foot. this is a crazy 4x4 drum, vert grow, with rockwool slabs in a 55 gallon barrel kind of.

(quote)I'm tossing around the idea of a donut shaped rez. I really should patent this idea before telling everyone, haha.

sorry, too late, all you said is in this link here i gave you, just played up more. go look, dream, picture your closet, and in your mind, mix the 2.

i dont like rookwool, but this pic made me think about a NFT system, a nute film that runs down a sloped wall, like those waterfall type picture frames. or, 4inch PVC fenceposts, with a homemade aero in stacks on wall, maybe 3 high..... 12 plants to a wall this way.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the good ideas. I will deifinitely use them all. That ecosystem is pretty much the idea, in a way.

My big problem with a lot of other's designs is this... I can only legally grow 6, and my wife is big on everything being legal. That ecosystem calls of 80-140 plants. You don't even have an exemption for 140, haha.

I really want my wife to get a card and give me her rights, but I don't think I'll be able o convince her I need more plants when I will pull so much off of the 6 I have.

Also, I like big things... 4 door cars, big tv, big computer screen... so a bunch of tiny plants isn't as sexy as a few big monsters. But that's just taste.

I know I sound like a broken record, but thanks again thor. You are like a spring of ideas.

If I get this closet too perfect I'll never want to move, hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... in case you didn't notice I'm a member of the site now. I've thought for a while that joining would be good to do my part and throw RIU some money.

Then I saw the announcement:

If you donate, you get membership anyways, so it's two for one. You get your name on a page of donators (if you want). Plus your name is in red and you can have any 'title' you want. There's other stuff too. Unlimited PM storage and you see who the rep point are from.

How can you guys not give RIU 5 or 10 bucks, huh?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... in case you didn't notice I'm a member of the site now. I've thought for a while that joining would be good to do my part and throw RIU some money.

Then I saw the announcement:

If you donate, you get membership anyways, so it's two for one. You get your name on a page of donators (if you want). Plus your name is in red and you can have any 'title' you want. There's other stuff too. Unlimited PM storage and you see who the rep point are from.

How can you guys not give RIU 5 or 10 bucks, huh?
sounds preety decent, i think i'll get the green sign in a week or two!:joint:
Although it is pretty pointless to see who leaves rep, you can only give good rep now, no more negative rep like before. But you can make sure you always rep another for rep receive....:shock:.....or something like that!!LOL