1 month old and showing sex already??


Active Member
HI their people.
Ive got some papays that are just about a week over a month old. 8 of them and under a 400W MH conversion bulb. Just about 2 days ago 5 of them started showing their female hairs and yesterday one more stared showing female hairs also. But Ive been keeping the light at 18 on adn 6 off. So should these plants be showing sex already? I thought you had to wait to cut the light time down to find out. Isnt that the whole reason for sexing plants? To turn off the light to find out what they are before its time to bud. While these are already showing sex whit OUT having to turn the light off for over 6hrs.

a few side notes: FF soil, each one in 2gl pots. FF nutes - 2tespn GB and 4 TBsp BB. I use 2gls of water every 3rd day to water adn feed them. They all get exactly 1/4 gl of water w/ nutes every 3 days. Is this too much or too little? They seem to be doing just fine and growing FAST.

But mainly just want to know why these plants are already showing sex and should I start the budding soon since their showing sex, or should I wait the 3 more weeks before my 2 months of Vegging is over, so i can start the 2 month of budding?

Thanx alot for any help or info with this ladies and gents :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I believe you are seeing preflowers. Without being able to see them, it's tough to tell, but they will start to show sex during veg. You can continue to veg but watch carefully.


Well-Known Member
Btw, this is totally normal. I have a clone that I've been vegging 24/0 since I got her (a week ago Saturday) and there are tons of preflowers showing. By my estimate, she was probably a month old when I got her.


Active Member
Alright cool, thanx for the info. I didnt know about preflowers. Ill have to do some reading up on it. Due the preflowers generaly mean that the plant is female?


Active Member
The pics will tell all! Pre flowers they are and its a great sign. For an indoor gardener it means your babies are fully mature and ready for flowering. Although you can jump start this process and start by flipping your light cycle to 12/12 before they pre-sex, it often means the plants not fully developed (node and root structure wise). Pre flowers are also a good way to determine a plants sex before a flowering cycle. If it has balls, get em out of there!


Active Member
Yep, I just read up on the preflowering. Intersting stuff. Never really knew about them. But I still have the plants that arent showing hairs yet. But Ill them around till it definitly shows what it hiding under their :-?

Thanx for the help and info gays and gals kiss-ass.
later :peace: