Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Wow, has it been 18 days already?? Seems like my plants should be further along but I guess growing from seed is definitely slower than from clones!! Have changed nutes this week to around 420 ppm & the plants seem to love it. Had to replace 1 airstone in res due to poor bubbling; however, I blew into it & felt no resistance or anything & my connections were tight so who knows?? LOL No problem...put in another one & it's bubbling away. Plants are drinking about 1/2 gal water a day which I replace & adjust for PH 5.8. Only adding nutes during complete res fluid changes though. Am wanting to do CO2 now that all have roots in the water....are homemade CO2 producers just as effective as gas? Kinda don't wanna arrouse any suspicions by renting CO2. Soaked some rockwool in PH balanced water & built up around stems to stabilize a lil more...plants don't seem to mind at all!! Just wanna say thanks to this forum & all members who have been checking on me & helping me via email or posts....Thank You!!! You are the best....RIU rocks!! Here's some pics....Stay peaceful,MJ



Well-Known Member
Things going very well since last post...lots of new growth!! PH rises each day but I top off H2O & PH down to ~5.6 each morning during checks. PPM remains steady so am thinking my nutes are right where they should be for now. Res remains clear since addition of H2O2 but am still thinking strongly about hygrozyme. Using DIY CO2 but it's pretty messy so am thinking I need to just get the gas...opinions on purchasing own cannister or should I just rent whole set up? Purchased electronic PH meter for 24/7 monitor...SWEET!!! Can't wait for it to arrive. Res, grow box, and room temp all well controlled with portable AC vented through attic. Odor is present for sure so I've added an Ionic Pro to grow room...working for now but we'll see LOL A few questions....

Fishen...can you tell me the difference in heat between your room & flower chamber with 400 HPS goiing? Also do your clone cuttings actually fit in the clone dome thing? Do you use a heat pad under? Ready for some info on cloning!!

Everyone/Anyone...When growing from seed should I wait to ID sex of plants before topping/cloning?

Hope you all have an outstanding weekend....Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
i just let it grow with out topping.
my temps usualy range from 4 - 6 deg hoter inside cab. i try to keep my room temp around 70.

i waited untill i had a nice sprout coming from the lower branch ariea clip it root it and flower to test for sex.

i always cut off all lower branches anyways , for beter ventalation. usualy 2.


Well-Known Member
my temps usualy range from 4 - 6 deg hoter inside cab. i try to keep my room temp around 70.

i waited untill i had a nice sprout coming from the lower branch ariea clip it root it and flower to test for sex.

i always cut off all lower branches anyways , for beter ventalation. usualy 2.
usualy 2 full sets of branches, i like about 6 inches from the top of the res. it gets very crouded in there.

i try t train my girls to stand strait up insted of spreding out and going wide.


Well-Known Member
Wow, my plants are really growing so fast now I can hardly keep up!!! As you will see in 1st pic, there is some wilting & turning down of a few leaves on this plant but it's still growing like madness;) I have rearranged plants hoping that my (new) "runt" will get more's got good roots but slow on the veg growth comparitively. All plants are exact same age & have been under exact same conditions. Seems like they are having explosive growth & I'm really undecided as to when I will switch to 12/12. Have almost decided I will clone for sex since it looks like it's gonna be a while before anything really gets moving anyway, grrrrrrrr I swear I won't know what to do when I'm not token seeds & stems LOL Also, I have some seaweed liquid for follilar spray...we'll see!!

Randy, I must clone to continue growing as I have nothing here but bag seeds & these are Sensi Seeds telling when I will be back over in Amsterdam to purchase more seeds;however, I am very interested in growing a different strain. Quite fearful of ordering over the Internet since it is a criminal situation here. Plus, I might go mad waiting for my plants to flower, LOL

Hi Fishen!! Thanks for your thoughts... wouldn't it just make more sense to take lower branches & the top since space is a problem with the Box? Take bottom branches off to concentrate light to tops of plants & take tops off to maybe induce >1 main cola? Just seems like the best way to maximize quality & quantity. Don't you normally grow from clones? Do you clone your clones & flower for sex? LOL Or did you clone for sex when you grew from seed before? I've read a lot on the subject & it seems to be the general concensus that you can induce flowering & once you ID sex & pick a Mom you just move her back to 18/6 veg light & she'll be fine????? Seems kinda stressful to me but what do I really know other than what I've read?!?!? Of course I've also read on various forums where you will have preflowers in veg & can mostly determine sex there as yea, I'm a bit confused (or maybe overwelmed) with the wealth of information available. Additionally do you still use Sensi A & B for veg & Connosieur A & B for flower? Have access to some Canna basic vega & flora nutes ....would be interested in trying them out on my next set.

Peace & Thx so much for all your input!! MJ



Well-Known Member
So, I've given the plants some Ph 5.8 water with 2 ml of seaweed extract... they seemed to love it although it smells like someone is cleaning fish & taking a "puffy" break at the same time LOL My droopy leaves perked up & are acting a little better now. I also misted with Ph 5.8 distilled water earlier today. They really seem to love this, no?? my res PH seems to be running more stable now... am wondering if I should change nutes tomorrow or wait a few days since the plants are doing such vigorous growing!! We'll see. Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
So, I've given the plants some Ph 5.8 water with 2 ml of seaweed extract... they seemed to love it although it smells like someone is cleaning fish & taking a "puffy" break at the same time LOL My droopy leaves perked up & are acting a little better now. I also misted with Ph 5.8 distilled water earlier today. They really seem to love this, no?? my res PH seems to be running more stable now... am wondering if I should change nutes tomorrow or wait a few days since the plants are doing such vigorous growing!! We'll see. Peace, MJ
the waiting game is tough, it took about 86 days before my plants started to show sex . i started with 9 feminized seeds and ended with one female. i had bc bud, this one i flowered the hole plant didn't take any clones from her, i suspected a boy i was wrong. i also did some aussie blue cloned the hell out of that one,ended up with 5 boys. i also did some sweet dreams . i cloned that one just like the others before the pree flowers came out. needles to say i ended the hole party with 8 boys and one girl. very sad. it seems to take a long time for preeflowers to show. and it a lot eseyer to do clones. i figured why do this to my self when i can just get clones.

i got really good at cloning, i just didn't have patience. if u have a place to keep a mom that is the best way to go. i dont rec keeping a mom in the veg cab, u will need that for clones and veging.

by the way i just finished my cycle. wight widow and purple kush. 3 ww and 6 pk one of the tops on the ww wade 6.9 oz the pk had smaller buds but really nice.



Well-Known Member
Well, I opened the door to the Box this AM to find more growth yet;) Think I'm going to hafta restake with longer stakes today & maybe kick the fan up another notch. I have a pretty large home & I'd say about 3000 SF of it smell like someone taking a puffy in the bathroom, grrrrrrrrrr Since this is a box within a closet I'm unsure what to do. Have large ceiling fans running in 3 rooms closest to grow (one in room closet is in)....try to keep door to closet open during the day & keep box door cracked except during "dark" periods when I close it up tight & stuff a towel under closet door with light OFF!! Decided not to change nutes today since EC is stable ...did add H2O2 today 1.7ml/L to res though. Of course replaced water and PH'd to about 6 since mine dropped last night...don't want any lock out going on. Looks like I'll be cloning soon...they'll soon be 30 days old. Here's my thoughts on that... if you take a clone from a plant that's already 30 days old once roots are established you should be able to put right into flower at same nutes mom was at before...after all the plant was already used to this amount, right? Since plants will continue to grow during flower I see no prob with this....either way I probably won't know sex of plants for quite a while which stinks!!

Hi Fishen...thx so much for your help +++reps I see the problem with keeping mom in veg side. Where do you keep yours? I'd ideally like to have a few good strains (maybe Fruity Juice, Jack Flash, Jack Herer, or NL #5 X Haze...all Sensi) with 1 mom each so yah I think this could be a problem. What do you think about cloner's? I think I'll try my first set with clone dome device but I'm loving the cloner's from what I've read & seen but I've invested so much in this at this point I just wanna see if I can see this through to harvest before I get crazy LOL. What do you do for odor? BTW, your plants are gorgeous..congrats on a great grow;) Do you make anything with the trim? I'd like some oil but of course I have no clue how to do that. Love the hash TOO much so of course the wheels are turning ...more $$$ am thinking for the bags, LOL

As always I appreciate all your feedback & encouragement. Makes this journey seem so much easier!! Peace, Love, & MJ


Well-Known Member
well, i opened the door to the box this am to find more growth yet;) think i'm going to hafta restake with longer stakes today & maybe kick the fan up another notch. I have a pretty large home & i'd say about 3000 sf of it smell like someone taking a puffy in the bathroom, grrrrrrrrrr since this is a box within a closet i'm unsure what to do. Have large ceiling fans running in 3 rooms closest to grow (one in room closet is in)....try to keep door to closet open during the day & keep box door cracked except during "dark" periods when i close it up tight & stuff a towel under closet door with light off!! Decided not to change nutes today since ec is stable ...did add h2o2 today 1.7ml/l to res though. Of course replaced water and ph'd to about 6 since mine dropped last night...don't want any lock out going on. Looks like i'll be cloning soon...they'll soon be 30 days old. Here's my thoughts on that... If you take a clone from a plant that's already 30 days old once roots are established you should be able to put right into flower at same nutes mom was at before...after all the plant was already used to this amount, right? Since plants will continue to grow during flower i see no prob with this....either way i probably won't know sex of plants for quite a while which stinks!!

Hi fishen...thx so much for your help +++reps i see the problem with keeping mom in veg side. Where do you keep yours? I'd ideally like to have a few good strains (maybe fruity juice, jack flash, jack herer, or nl #5 x haze...all sensi) with 1 mom each so yah i think this could be a problem. What do you think about cloner's? I think i'll try my first set with clone dome device but i'm loving the cloner's from what i've read & seen but i've invested so much in this at this point i just wanna see if i can see this through to harvest before i get crazy lol. What do you do for odor? Btw, your plants are gorgeous..congrats on a great grow;) do you make anything with the trim? I'd like some oil but of course i have no clue how to do that. Love the hash too much so of course the wheels are turning ...more $$$ am thinking for the bags, lol

as always i appreciate all your feedback & encouragement. Makes this journey seem so much easier!! Peace, love, & mj
i have not tryed to keep a mom yet. But im giong to this cycle. I am moving my grow into the bathroom and out of the bloom box. Temps during erly spring and sumer proves to be to hot , for growing in a box. I am seting up my grow with 5 5gal buckets witch i made into 5 dwc system. Under 1 400 w lamp. This will give me moor room and less crowding, and i can grow up to 5 ft tall. Ill keep u informed as the days go by, ill be starting my clones on saterday and ill veg them untill 2 1/2 or 3 ft tall, then flower.
Cloners are cool but ther roots are hanging free , no rockwool, but if u use pelits u dont have to wory about that. Rock wool seems to drive the ph up for me i like the pelits.


Well-Known Member
That's outstanding envious for sure LOL What are you going to do with Box? Maybe use it to house a mom or 2...sweet!! Maybe use the veg side to make a DIY cloner...oh the possibilities;) Wow...MJ


Well-Known Member
That's outstanding envious for sure LOL What are you going to do with Box? Maybe use it to house a mom or 2...sweet!! Maybe use the veg side to make a DIY cloner...oh the possibilities;) Wow...MJ
im going to pickup 14 clones , i will only have room for five in flower. i will pick 5 of the stronest for flowering .4 will be going to my brother and the other 5 i will keep for moms. im going to weed it out until 2 or 3 best looking plants, that should keep me going. after i start flowering 6 weeks into it, i will chop my moms up into clones about 20 or 30 . and start the proses all over again. i have a separate 30w floro lamp setup in top of my clone dome, with a heat pad. that works well . that way i have a clone chanber , a veg chanber , and flower chanber. all separate.


Well-Known Member
im going to pickup 14 clones , i will only have room for five in flower. i will pick 5 of the stronest for flowering .4 will be going to my brother and the other 5 i will keep for moms. im going to weed it out until 2 or 3 best looking plants, that should keep me going. after i start flowering 6 weeks into it, i will chop my moms up into clones about 20 or 30 . and start the proses all over again. i have a separate 30w floro lamp setup in top of my clone dome, with a heat pad. that works well . that way i have a clone chanber , a veg chanber , and flower chanber. all separate.

Sounds like you've got it under assumming you are going to flower in DWC in the tub? Have you thought about trying to scrog since you only have room for a few plants? Seems to me like you'd have plenty of room to loop up some chicken netting and get you a net going!!! Have been reading & it's proven to have greater yields than SOG. Am seriously considering doing it myself. If this didn't hafta be so stealthy here I'd sell the box & set up a proper grow space. But for now I think I better just try to take what space the box provides & make the most of it;) Well I am so excited & can't wait for you to post a thread with your grow...(already) subscribed. MJ


Well-Known Member
Notice the one plant is curling down it's edges a bit....kinda looks like it has claws LOL Still very green with good root growth so I'm not stressing too much. You may also notice that the fan got hold of one of my leaves....still learning how to work in small space LOL Any comments or criticisms are definitely welcome!! Still awaiting digital res PH meter.... Peace, MJ



Well-Known Member
Was wondering how to go about keeping the top drip watering system from watering? I'd like to skip a few drip waterings but leave the airstones in res going. My plants seem droopy in retrospect & I think my rock wools are simply too wet. Guess I could turn the drippers away from plants but that water has got to go somewhere. In other words I'd like to nourish the roots but allow the baskets to dry up some.... Any ideas? MJ


Well-Known Member
once you get this gadget mastered, you will be pushing out some buds. give it a couple grows. be patient, and be kind to your kind!

its definitely not as easy starting out with something that complicated, props to you!


Well-Known Member
Hi & thanks for your encouragement Slammin' The Box was actually not something I picked out or even researched much other than looking at the manual & learn, eh? If I had all the $$$ I've dumped into this I could've redone the inside of a building here on the property perfect for growing, invested in 1000W lights, & set up a proper grow space for under what I've spent for sure. With stuff I actually wanted, LOL Oh well, then I'd be battling creatures & such so who knows. Stealth is definitely a necessity right now but out in that building would've been better IMHO. LOL I will learn this thing though & I will (eventually) succeed. BTW, I looked up your grow +Rep MJ


Well-Known Member
was wondering how to go about keeping the top drip watering system from watering? I'd like to skip a few drip waterings but leave the airstones in res going. My plants seem droopy in retrospect & i think my rock wools are simply too wet. Guess i could turn the drippers away from plants but that water has got to go somewhere. In other words i'd like to nourish the roots but allow the baskets to dry up some.... Any ideas? Mj
hy mj looks like things are going good, if your plants have feeder roots droping into the tub u can remove the plug at the top of your cab, that will stop your nuit pump from energizing. But dont forget to plug it back in. Top feeding helps.


Well-Known Member
hy mj looks like things are going good, if your plants have feeder roots droping into the tub u can remove the plug at the top of your cab, that will stop your nuit pump from energizing. But dont forget to plug it back in. Top feeding helps.

Thanks nice to have your experience. I just had a well, DUH!!! moment, LOL Am looking at an easy mist cloner but am scared it won't fit in machine with all these plants. Could leave it out in open in closet maybe with a dome but that seems a bit too risky. Don't even know if I could fit clone dome on the shelf & all 7 of these plants get light too...they are growing so fast...I see now why you lollipopped your plants. Am still strongly considering trying to fit a screen in there & optimize what space there is for buds;) I am learning by leaps & bounds!! Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Thanks nice to have your experience. I just had a well, DUH!!! moment, LOL Am looking at an easy mist cloner but am scared it won't fit in machine with all these plants. Could leave it out in open in closet maybe with a dome but that seems a bit too risky. Don't even know if I could fit clone dome on the shelf & all 7 of these plants get light too...they are growing so fast...I see now why you lollipopped your plants. Am still strongly considering trying to fit a screen in there & optimize what space there is for buds;) I am learning by leaps & bounds!! Peace, MJ

all ur best buds ar going to be at the tops , the ones at the botem or inside of the plant , the part that dosent get aney light will be very small. almost noteven worth it. i tryed to concentrate all energy to the tops. removing small branches and even triming large shade leaves. . thay will lean on eachother, i have thought about a larg screen to help prop them upright. as thay get larg and hevey thay do want to topel.

thay grow fast , u are looking for 7 leafs on one. starts with one ,then comes 3 , after that u will see 5, then 7 thats when u want to sex them. u can amagen haw big thay will be in 9 weeks. hard to keep a mother in a small space.