Smokey's HiJack Indoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Smokey
Just read through the grow and I'm pulling up a seat mate. Perfect timing too by the looks of it.
I was wondering how you get such resinous buds, thought it was just strain related.
Don't know if we can get the purple maxx down here at the bottom of the earth but I'll be looking into it after seeing your past results.
That girl is looking great. Good job of controlling her vertical climb with the BM, it can knock them around a bit though, but she looks good.
Looking forward to watching her progress, she's gonna be beautiful. :peace:


Well-Known Member
what seed bank u get them from smokey
i didnt get the seeds from a bank....i came across some hijack seeds.

as soon as the lights come on I will post pics. I fucked up setting my timer, and the lights stayed on and extra 12hrs, so i gave them 24hrs of darkness.


Well-Known Member
probably like 3 or 4 more weeks...damn sativas. my brainwreck is done in like 2.

thanks buddy..she's sticky and stinky. definitely a strong plant. just a weed!:joint:

ive sprayed purple maxx on her until week 6. fed her gravity twice, now lets see her fatten up.
you did some pinching as well, no?

she won't stop putting out new hairs. i've gone as far as 77 days and she still just keeps going. :hump:


Well-Known Member
good to know..

I did a lil pinching...i think pinching might be my favorite thing to do now. makes for nice even tops
i pinch everything now. i have some seedlings with 4 leaves. i almost pinched them last night but decided to wait a little longer. lol betcha by next week they have been pinched.