growing here in N.C sucks!


New Member
:joint:man i keep reading differnt treads and reading where different people are growing and let me tell yall what YALL GOT IT MADE i live here in the foothills of n.c between shelby n.c and ashville n.c and the only way i can get a good healthly grow is if i grow indoors i grow outdoors some but the ground is not ideal for it our ground is basicly red clay down here i caint just dig and loseing and till the ground to grow i got to take post hole diggers and dig a few feet down then lime it up then fill it back up with good ferterlizer and after digging a bunch of holes my fucking arms are weak shaking and shit! why cant there be at least some half ass decent plain o`ll dirt here instead of this red clay shit! sorry yall i was just lettin you know yall got it good compared to the shit i got to do to grow outdoors!:peace: yall


Well-Known Member
so then take an alternative route if your growing outside! grow your plants indoor for a month... dig a hole in the ground(or dont) and burry the pot with the plant right into the ground. that way you can have good soil for your baby and control its nutrient intake!


New Member
iv takein some five gal. buckets and drilled 5 1in holes in the bottem of them but i havent dug the holes for the buckets just the holes that i have filled back up with ferterlizer and some perlite!


Well-Known Member
A lot of people have to do the same thing to fortify their soil, and not just in NC.

Not many places in the country are you going to find Garden Soil quality dirt right outside the door!

At least red clay is absolutely packed with nutrients. Could be worse, you could be growing in sand like the kids down in Florida!


New Member
i didnt know that the clay had a bunch of nutes. in it! i thought it was just a death sentence! so once the roots of the plants push through the good soil it wont hurt them at all when they start growing into the clay part or im i just confused?


Well-Known Member
me and shovels have longstanding beef, probably one of the main reasons i grow indoors.

i feel ya, fuck digging. but its work no matter how you do it. outside youve got stealth and digging and trips to maintian, then inside youve got financial expenditures and heat and height problems.


Well-Known Member
get Greensand. they should have it at any home & garden center by you. its for mixing with clay soil to loosen it up plus its rated like 0-0-4 so you get some K out of the deal.

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member
hey trunks I got a question since you have grown in clay before. I live in Georgia and have the same clay problem. I wasn't able to dig holes for all of my plants. Some were planted in root riot starter cubes directly into the clay soil. have you ever planted directly into the clay?

Oh and clay does have allot of nutrients (much more than sandy soil) but plants have a hard time extracting the nutrients.
Just got here but wanted to say that I have grown outside in the foothills (must be pretty close to you Trunks as I am between Swagby and ash.) and have had no problems as I always use soil amendments (perlite, vermiculite, sphagnum moss, and mix in my organics) I use 50% soil from the area I intend to grow in 15% perlite, 15% vermiculite, and 20% sphagnum moss. I usually start my beds in January so that they can winter over and the nutes will have time to break down. I also start my clones indo a few months before I intend to plant (usually the first of June) so when it comes time to plant the clones have vegged enough to have a good root system.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I feel for you guys. Here in Cali I just throw some seeds out the window in April. I forget all about them til October when I go out there with my chainsaw and start cutting. I forklift them babies onto my 18 wheel flatbed and haul them off to my 10,00 square foot warehouse for drying.

Just kidding of course :lol: :bigjoint:.
Dont feel for me because of the soil but because we dont have Medical Cannabis here. Hopefully by this spring they will pass HB1380 and I can become legal.


Well-Known Member
I got friends out in New bern that grow outdoors an they say its perfect conditions,Of course they don't use the earths soil they will usually dig 3 feet down an put a gutted out trash can down the hole an fill it with there mix.They usually use most of the sol from deep down in the earth with a mixture of fox farm,chicken shit an bone meal.They grew some huge plants last year.Its really all about the nutes though.


Well-Known Member
we got the same problem here in sc, this clay is so thick and almost non absorbing.. and when it gets wet its like the kind a clay u make vases n shit out of