Any tips on how to sell your stuff?


Well-Known Member
don't you see. this is why the bull shit with the marijuana laws i belive. , that's because every one wants to sell there pot. and because of this in my eyes this is why our states want their hands in it now because of the money it generates. i believe if the majority of growers did not sell there product the the medical marijuana laws, -marijuana law- would not be on the way for change.
if everyone had some MaryJ there would be only a need for legite seed/clone/sample banks that register and pay taxes right? The demand would go down and everyone would be more into sampling(buying) small amounts at breeders and grow their own at home. No need for the dope man just lots of friends who grow and trade. Just a thought :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
theres a difference though between a dealer and a hook up... you arent friends with your dealer... a dealer is someone you could give a shit about until you want some weed... and a dealer will fuck you every way he can to maximize the amount of money in his pocket... thats a dealers driving force... money... a hook up is a friend you can call to get weed from if your out... you hang out outside of the buying and selling of weed atmosphere where just smoking weed usually happens... you dont just call your hook up when you need weed... you might even borrow lawn tools from your hook up... possibly a cup of sugar.... or a good porn he just bought... point is friends who sell friends weed arent dealers... and arent really hypocrites... if my harvest is done and my buddy wants to buy some thats fine with me.. i didnt grow the girls with him in mind.. i grew them for me.. him buying some helps recoup cost...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hahaha dude im the biggest hypocrite i grow n sell but i only sell to friends no strangers ever. theres a level you pass tho where £ takes hold and then your in danger of getting busted, i make my £ and dont worry.:joint:
hooking up your friends for their own personal use doesn't mean your a dealer.


Well-Known Member
theres a difference though between a dealer and a hook up... you arent friends with your dealer... a dealer is someone you could give a shit about until you want some weed... and a dealer will fuck you every way he can to maximize the amount of money in his pocket... thats a dealers driving force... money... a hook up is a friend you can call to get weed from if your out... you hang out outside of the buying and selling of weed atmosphere where just smoking weed usually happens... you dont just call your hook up when you need weed... you might even borrow lawn tools from your hook up... possibly a cup of sugar.... or a good porn he just bought... point is friends who sell friends weed arent dealers... and arent really hypocrites... if my harvest is done and my buddy wants to buy some thats fine with me.. i didnt grow the girls with him in mind.. i grew them for me.. him buying some helps recoup cost...
then your dealing with the wrong dealers. i have close personal friends whos entire livelyhood is dependant on illicit drug sales. the two people im speaking of in particular are the nicest most down-to-earth people ive ever met. i cant pack a bowl of weed without them confiscating it and returning it heaping with hash.

i personally dont do business with anyone i feel "doesnt give a fuck" about me, and i dont do business with those i dont give a fuck about.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss such things, but obviously if you grow to sell, you grow bulk.

When you grow bulk, you need to sell bulk.

So I was just wondering how can this work.

Obviously both growing and retail selling is way too dangerous, but there have to be some sort of retail chains with a wholeseller - like in any other business.

Anyone have experience with this?
GrowingMadness..... How does this work ? Well, prisons are full of guys who just wanted to sell a little extra. To make a few easy such thing.....
Work, deserve the respect of your family, friends & peers and don't deal.
It's a dead end street.....their are no old successful drug dealers........
They are either dead or in prision.
Go to the video store and rent these movies : Blow & Rush .... that's how the game is really played.... People you think you know, in a squeeze, will give you up...... The people you think you know, will turn out to be someone else....... NOT WORTH THE RISK........ Manditory Sentencing is still on the books in most states..... :hump:


Well-Known Member
you wanna try sell like 2 or 3 ounces evry week to reliable people and after a few weeks of saving that money there ya go ... fastest, safest way i reckon.....



Well-Known Member
i know the business inside out, its not easy dealling with kg's and having to put your trust in other people on you not getting nicked.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss such things, but obviously if you grow to sell, you grow bulk.

When you grow bulk, you need to sell bulk.

So I was just wondering how can this work.

Obviously both growing and retail selling is way too dangerous, but there have to be some sort of retail chains with a wholeseller - like in any other business.

Anyone have experience with this?
You are correct, sir. This is not a website geared towards sellers. This site is for growers. The phrasing of your question makes it seem very "cop-ish".


Well-Known Member
I think people just watch a couple movies and think it's an easy way to make a lot of cash quick. Then they see the busts where the cops claim 3 plants they busted someone with are worth $15,000 so it validates it all. In reality if you start growing you'll see it isn't as easy as it looks, lot of work and to make any real money you have to grow a decent quantity which increases your risk a lot. Then selling to other people increases it even more. If only it worked like it does on TV it would be a different story. There isn't really any easy money, that's the bottom line.


Active Member
True that, trust i got popped with 2 felonys for 1 ounce and a half.. and not to mention i had a state issued marijuana card for my prescription cops r just out to fuck you over the hardest they can so i wouldnt dude iv done it for 4 years.. NOT WORTH IT.. unless u got jus one dude gettin it from you..
how in the world did u get prescribed


Well-Known Member
well if you are smart, you can make some good contacts as well. plus if you wanna get rid of weight, its a guarantee.

and yeah so wut if there are other people selling weed. there is more competition on my block.


Well-Known Member
just stand in front of gas stations and when people walk in ask if they want some trees. when cops show up run away so you dont get caught. or wear baggie clothes and oversized white tees and loiter everywhere and people will ask you for some. haha edit: dont forget to get a gun too so when jackboys come you dont get took........... (joking btw)

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Well you have to prioritize. What are you trying to accomplish? I used to grow on a large scale and had a partner that was well trusted. He move it. I had no contact with anyone else. We were good friends. Know your laws and what he can actually get away with with just a slap on the wrist. Make sure your partner has no prior convictions and is willing to take the heat. Good pot will move itself especially in dry spells. It was basicly just moving small amounts and waiting to meet bigger fish that can move more. Once your bigger fish are established it gets easier, but riskier. How many times have you ever been asked when smoking good shit. Where did you get this? It all starts from there. Never be too quick to come up with an oz if someone is looking. Make him wait after all you dont want your friend to look like a drug dealer just someone with a great conection. Always have control of the situation and never do business in the same place for too long (or at least your friend). Legal fees would be taken care of by me if he did get popped. Do your lawyer shopping before even venturing in. Bury your money. Never keep large amounts of cash in your house. Don't go out and buy cars and stuff to attract attention. Safety is paramout to your mission. We would actually sit down and discuss where and who the weed was actually going to every few weeks. Although I never meet who the pot was going to, my friend would paint a decent picture of what type of person it was going to. I would even do my own spying too, more of an observation. It is not a crime to hang out at a bar one of my clients frequents sit next to him and strike up a conversation about a game on the TV.

What type of car does he drive?
How does he dress?
What are his friends like?
Does he have a steady job?
What type of people does he sell to?
How much does he move and what are his methods (dimes, oz)
What type of demographics is his clients?
Is he high profile?
Does he carry or own a gun?
Would he sell to kids?

After asking yourself these questions it can certainly throw up red flags. If I felt it jepordized me or my friends safety. There was no deal. Never compromise your desicions based on greed and money. Never hesitate to back down and take your losses. You will gain another time. Its still risky as hell, but if you really want to venture in know your risk.

Small grows for yourself and sell a little to friends is much better. Your not constantly worried. I wouldn't even drink or smoke due to paranoia when I was doing large scale stuff. You get to spend the money you make right away. Its not like your making alot of money, but its just enough to live a little better. Mabee buy something nice once in a while, and enough to go out for dinner more often and not have to worry about it.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
if everyone had some MaryJ there would be only a need for legite seed/clone/sample banks that register and pay taxes right? The demand would go down and everyone would be more into sampling(buying) small amounts at breeders and grow their own at home. No need for the dope man just lots of friends who grow and trade. Just a thought :joint::peace:
theres always need for tha dope man, come on now