second attempt at grow/room


Well-Known Member
dude, its not cool to step outa left field and start throwing in your opinions, if you read half the thread so far you wouldnt have done so, i know this is a public forum but cmon now its not like that, its like i said to him keep those pellets moist, it makes no sense for you to post the same thing, does it? sometimes people take advice from someone, then another guy comes along and give him "bad dope" and messes things up, now you havent said anything wrong here and i totally agree with your observation, but can we just get along? good karma and peace


Active Member
ok back. internet was shut off :( i still havent posted good pics of the new fridge, but you can kinda see it. it has 7 lights total with a glass shelf right under them and i put the freezer door back on. it keeps the heat kinda bottled in and gets sucked right out the top. the temps hold even lower now. about 2 degrees lower than the room temp. i just mixed the soil to a recipie i found online. i still dont understand how soil nuts work. most people seem to say you cant overfert with certain ones like blood meal and bone meal. i dont understand at all. everyone says order this and that. that doesnt help me at all. i need to understand the mechanics of the nutrients in soils. can i use my hydroponic nutrients on them in the soil? like those "teas" you hear of. if you make teas, do you give them any other things? what do i mix in soils? do i mix different stuff for different stages of thier growth? how could i even change the soils? do i mix in anything or add it all later in the water as a tea?

they already going downhill again it looks like with the spots. I need absolute, definitive directions on what to do with what i have to work with.



Active Member
notice the leaves curling under on the shorter seedling? that curling under doesnt look good. whats that a sign of? there is a couple of brown spots on the true leaves that are curling too. the streatched out one doesnt appear to be doing it. any comments on the lights?


Well-Known Member
make sure your water is PH;d, soil PH should be anywhere from 6-7, unlike hydro which is 5.5-6.5, no nutrients yet, if soil has nutrients in it you dont need to add any to your water for atleast 4 weeks, sometimes soil is too strong and it will give you nute burn, also when the soil has nutes in ,they get released every watering, teas are for the organic growers, like hardcore organics using sheep shit, i guess you can use hydro nutes, but since i dont know if your soil has anything, check the bag and lets see what the ratios are, also can you tell me what the ingredients are?, your not gonna need nutrients for a while, if the soil winds up being too strong you may have to flush, this is what may be causing the browning, other seedling looks great, and the clones are still there so your doing everything right, just do me a flava and get those ratios and ingredients


Active Member
ok, will take some pics of the nut bags i got so you can get an idea what i have. i took a big picture before of everything i bought. its a couple pages back. let me know which of the bags you want a pics of. the main concern at the moment is the true leaves curling under like they are on the himalayan gold seedling. they arent curling under like you would roll your tounge, but more like one of those party favors that make noise at new years. even its second set of leaves comming through are already curling the same way, and they are tiny tiny tiny. what is this an indication of?


Well-Known Member
the reason why i ask for whats in the bag, is this curling could be from nutrients, i couldnt see in the pix what was in the soil, or it could be over watering


Active Member
i have been watering quite frequently. at least once a day. those peat cups dry out incredibly fast so i have to add often, but it might be a bit too often. curling under the way they are can be nuts too eh? inc pics of the stuff i bought. these are the only nutrient looking sacks i bought. the others are vermiculite, perlite, cow shit and potting soil. do i have everything i need? just 2 nutrients? lots of the hydro nutrient systems have contained 3 parts, am i missing something? are those peat pots good? i figured it would make transplanting a snap Vs. the plastic cups and could breathe better. is this a good idea? after some more reading it looks like there is 3 major parts i need and these give 2 of them. am i missing a kpotassium supplement?



Well-Known Member
whats in the potting soil? did you make your own mix with those meals? you need to know whats in the potting soil mix FIRST, you shouldnt just add shit cus you heard its good, if you dont know whats in the potting mix in the blue bags you wont know how much to mix, plus since your new at soil i wouldnt be mixing nutrient rich ammendments like that, i personally wouldnt, do you know what N-P-K is? well if you add both of the meals together you'd still be missing K, K=is potassium and you would have a shit load of since i say your missing potassium, dont go and run out and buy something with before you find out what you have, bro your jumping the gun constantly and this is fucking you up, as for watering those pellets, use a sprayer and give it like 2 sprays a day at most, do not water, "mist". When you put those peat pellets into the soil were roots popping out? if you mixed all that stuff then im telling you now its gonna be way too strong


Well-Known Member
for example, does it conatin spagnum moss, peat moss, composted forrest humus, does it have N-P-K numbers on it? or is it a soiless mix that has no nutritional value? do you see any chemical names on it like ammonium nitrate and other scientific names for chemicals? im trying to help you but you gotta do some research once in a while, thats why i recommended the fox farms soil it has all you need, and it would have gotten to you by now, those seedlings need no nutrients at all until you see a few pairs of leaves depending on whats already in the dirt


Active Member
ok, i looked the potting soil bag over and i dont see anything mentioning if it has nutrients added or not. i tried looking it up online with little luck. the brand is "earths finest professional potting soil". its from lowes. if this isnt what i need, what should i get that would be availible locally? the idea of ordering dirt is simply rediculous.

concerning the seedlings: 2 "mists" a day would undoubtably kill them. they would dry up and shrivel away in a matter of hours. i am already letting them stay dryer than my reason tells me to. the air is moving at an incredible rate in that fridge with a 110 cfm fan sucking out of 2.5 square feet. the peat cups i would also assume drys them out faster.

here is a pic of the leaves curling like i mentioned. they have brown spots on the true leaves as well as the curling.


Well-Known Member
heres the deal about pellets/cube and soil...the key to the pellets is keeping them moist, thats why many use humidity domes to they dont dry out, the soil will dry out fast by getting a few sprays, but if you added nutes like those meals, they will get released with everywatering, if your going to water, make sure that cup is lite and give it one good watering every couple days instead of watering daily, since your new i would leave the potting mix alone, dont add nothing, with no nutes in the soil you will need to use your own nutes sooner, this is better so you can have complete control, this is why i am against adding the other stuff, just plain water and the plant will let you know when she needs food, by getting really light green maybe a little yellow


if your not lookin to pay good money for growing/equipment then dont bother. the leaves are going yellow due to over feeding the plant so stop giving it so much water and nutrients.


Active Member
if your not lookin to pay good money for growing/equipment then dont bother. the leaves are going yellow due to over feeding the plant so stop giving it so much water and nutrients.
i am getting really frustrated with the comments and feedback i am getting. dont want to bother spending money on equipment? obviously you havent read a single fucking post on the past 8 pages. you sir can go away roohman.
your argument says either:
1. if you dont order dirt online, dont bother trying to grow.
2. everything i have already bought, learned and fabricated is complete shit.

Both are very insulting to common sense.

i take suggestions very seriously and obviously you dont put equal time into creating them. Nothing i have posted concerning the seedlings even suggested the leaves were yellow or yellowing. the last post i made says "brown spots with curling leaves". the previous post even goes deeper as actually describe manner in which they are curling by comparing to party favors and the likes.

constructive and accurate comments are still welcomed with open arms :hug:


Well-Known Member
thats why i told the last guy that came in not knowing the situation and offering 2 cents...yea "stop giving nutes" will sort you right out, lol one thing i can say is less is more, dont do to much and let the plant tell you what she needs, so far she has a medium, water and lights, she will soon start asking for well balanced nutrients, wow i just broke it down so simple i amazed myself, remember to pick up the cups to check if they are lite, heavier pots are well watered


Active Member
ya, i have been kinda going by weight on when to water. the soil that they are in now has very little of the bone and blood meal. i barely sprinkled a little on the top when i was mixing in the manure. from looking at the latest picture of the leaves curling under, what you think is causing that? overwatering or overfert? haha and whats up with the 2 i trasplanted? the great white has actually starting pushing chutes again, but that other one hasnt done anything at all in close to a month. can plants die on thier feet like that? or can they always make a comeback as long as they are standing? it seems the stalk is so strong it will never fall.


Active Member
ok here we go with a big obvious question that seems to compeltely contradict its own logic. i understand that the curling is from overfert, to correct this i have ready to "flush" them. you also told me that watering actually releases more nutrients. as far as i can discern, flushing = watering. quite a pickle, but they are getting worse fast. they are dry as a bone right now, literally dust is blowing around in the chamber after about 10 hours of no watering. im afraid to water them and finish them off with another burst of nutrients. how do i fix this?


Well-Known Member
well the difference between water and flushing is the amount of water you need to properly flush, good rule of thumb is 3 times amount of water as the size of pot, so a 1 gallon pot needs 3 gallons of water, since you have cups i would say a half gallon will be more than enough, now what flushing does as you would think it would release more nutes, but the volume of water is much greater than regular watering, a good watering is when you see runoff come from the bottom, a flush is constant water running out, making the runoff water from a muddy brown to as clear as you can get it, this flushes out all salts and nutrients at once


Active Member
if your not lookin to pay good money for growing/equipment then dont bother. the leaves are going yellow due to over feeding the plant so stop giving it so much water and nutrients.

I must said that I read the if your not lookin to pay good money for growing/equipment then dont bother.comment as saying that if you dont want to spend a lot of cash you dont have to. Rather than saying that if you arent going to spend a lot dont bother growing.

I do know stressful things are OP.
Iam on my first grow and I cant help looking at my plants every half hour, and thinking 'is that leaf more or less yellow than it was earlier', or 'has that plant stopped growing'.

good luck anyway mate


Well-Known Member
see the only thing that would provoke me not to flush is thats such a small seedling and i wouldnt want to drown it, it just may be the nutrients that make it curl. sit back and keep them moist, dont flush yet, if you get more and larger brown spots and crispy leaf tips then do it, for now just observe...if your anything like me , my head would be in that cab 89523893 times a day, its hard to sit on your hands when you think the plant is in distress