how much did it lower your temps? and how big is your grow room?
Hahaha, i laugh bc I just built that 2 days ago. Honestly though, if your growing in a confined space (about all the unit is useful for) then it will work to cool the room if the main light source is a low 125 watter or t5s.
Anything more, and the ice in the container melts toooooo fast, the condensation drips left and right, and you end up with humidity higher than the Brazilian jungle in rainy season (ok slight exageration lol).
ANNNYWAy..... i decided something had to be done for my room, the water cooled unit i built, more hassle than benefit. It had to go.
Follow these exact instructions and you WONT be dissapointed.
1. Go to Home Depot.
2. Bring Money
3. Purchase the following:
> 1 x 5000 btu (assuming your a closet or grow tent grower) A/C window unit - $99.00
> 1 x Flexible AC duct vent tubing - the bendy kind (be sure to get more length than you need!, think they sell minimum 25 feet)
> 1x Roll of strong tape
>1x carbon filter sheet - in the air con filter isle. Bout $7
Price : $140 bucks max.
4. Drive Home.
5. Get Home and Light Up (very important!)
6. Now I know what your thinking "farmermonkey, i gots me an AC window unit, but i grow in the closet with no window"...fear not. Just unpack your AC Unit and trust the farmermonkey.
7. Heres the fun part (aside from lighting up). Break the polystyrene that came with your AC unit box, and make a 2" FLAT padded surface, use tape to hold it all together if necessary.
8. Use either the AC box, or a slightly bigger box if possible and turn the box on its side (top open end facing sideways).
9. Slide a/c unit half way into box so that the external vents that would normally be outside the window are inside the box.
10. Close the flaps, using scissors and tape to cut the box to fit snuggly around the ac unit - essentially you are creating an air tight box for the back AC that would normally be outside venting the hot air - use tape to close off any gaps.
11. Cut a circle on one side (doesnt matter which) of the box to slide about 1-2 inches of the AC tubing in. Tape any gaps.
12. Almost done. Pick up your new AC box unit and place it ON TOP of the polystyrene flat surface you made. This will absorb the vibration from the AC unit start up. (genius no? lol)
13. Position unit ontop of polystyrene surface in your grow room and plug it in.
14. IMPORTANT!! Talk to your plants and explain what exactly you are doing - be sure to introduce the AC unit to the plants, and your plants to the AC unit. The AC unit can be a little scary to your plants
15. (optional part). Tape 1 piece of carbon filter to the end of the AC tube, or connect a carbon filter etc. Gets rid of any smell as the ac unit sucks in air from your grow room)
16. Place tube to bottom of cloest door (tape it or whatever) or to any outlet to the outside world.
You now have a mini AC unit which will cost you about $40 a year to run. Keeps your plants the perfect temp and is almost silent outside the closet.
If you need pics, ill post.
Note: You
may need a blower or fan to suck or push air away from back of AC in the box. Depending on the length of the tube and other factors this may or may not be necessary. Test to see if the air behind the AC unit in the box is a little too hot, or if you feel air coming out of the AC tube you made.
If it is hot and/or you cant feel any air coming out the AC tube, cut a hole on the OPPOSITE side of the ac unit box where the AC tube is situated. Place a small $10 fan around the hole and tape any gaps. This way the fan blows the air over the ac unit and is forced down your AC tube out of the room.
Cool, cheap and well....seriously awesome. no?!
- Farmermonkey.