I watched this whole movie. It led me to watch, "Endgame" Then I quit watching the news. I watched "Are You a Sovereign Yet", and that led me to read a couple of books, and finally the "Iron Mountain Report", (apparently a hoax). I'm pretty appalled at the NWO idea. I'm definitely opposed. On Sovereignty, I really put more stock in law than Alex Jones. After the Iron Mountain Report, I really question the fairy-tale ending that will rise from the ashes of global socialism and war. I think it is absolutely inconceivable that a group of the world's elite sat down a few hundred years ago, and blueprinted the fall of mankind, yet the events thread like a needle. The obama Deception really is a very light scratch on the surface of these issues. Armed with that information alone, you will sound like a kook. Look into the legal definitions of things like sovereignty, freedom, liberty. You will come away with the understanding that you have no rights at all, and that you haven't had a SINGLE right under the law ever since your parents signed your birth certificate and filed for your social security card.
Well, if you are not a sovereign autonomous individual (self-ruled) then it would follow that you are a subject, serf or slave.
The Constitution was not designed for a subject nation, it was designed to govern a nation of autonomous individuals that take self-responsibility for their actions, and their problems. It was designed to facilitate independence, liberty, and the extension of morality amongst a Christian (or at least Deist) nation.
A nation that believes in higher morals that come from God, a Creator or Nature. Only a people that do not believe that people are entitled with certain rights by their Creator - whether that Creator is God, Nature or some other forces - would need the kind of over-arching bureaucracy that we have in this country.
It does not matter whether a God created us or if we are the product of Evolution. For the Constitution to work, it must be held that we are different from all the other animals, and as such are capable of a higher level of moral existence than other animals.
Unlike dolphins we understand that it is immoral to Rape.
Unlike ants we place some value on human life and even the lowest individual amongst us is capable of reproducing.
Unlike the ants we have reached a point where we understand slavery is immoral.
Humanity is above the animals, and thus can not be held to be an animal. We have set standards of behavior that exceed the limits set by animals.
Institutions such as the Death Penalty for Murderers and Rapists are meant to punish people that revert to animalistic behavior and reject the moral strictures created by humanity.
It doesn't matter if these people are insane, because they are no longer acting like human beings but are acting like animals, and law and custom has proscribed punishment for mad dogs, and people that involves putting them down.
Just as it would be irrational to shelter a mad dog at the expense of the tax payers it should be held as being irrational to shelter a violent criminal at the expense of the tax payers. When a criminal throws away their humanity by throwing away humanity's morals then they are no longer worthy of the protections that humans receive by virtue of their humanity.
Whether or not Humanity is of the Angels, or have the Apes, or nothing more than randomly configured star dust that forms the punch-line for a great Cosmic Joke does not matter.
We are what we are, and we are different.
We are Homo Sapiens, the thinking animal, the acting animal, the reasoning animal.