A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
9 on this go and i only vegged the rooted clones for 6 days and kept taping them, I dunno if you can do it with an indica coz my ww stems were too thick these jh are mainly sativa and the stems are more thin and flexible. I could just have 3 and grow the main stem horizontaly and get as many heads but i didn't have the time to veg for that long. I ain't cloned these so i have to start from sqare one again. I placed my order for G13x hashplant, 150 notes but hopefully worth it, its an indica so i'll just be topping 'em not taping 'em


Well-Known Member
Update, 3 1/2 weeks. I've gotta get a decent camera, my phone just doesn't get the detail. the trichs that are forming are really bright like little diamonds. The smell is really sharp and peppery and fruity. These must be a different pheno of jh to my last lot, every day they are getting better and better. I love growing these fuckers!!



Well-Known Member
Here is my attempt close ups.. I used my phone and my 60x scope, it took freakin ages to get these crappy pics. feel free to insult me for being a bit of a dick!!



Well-Known Member
4 weeks tomorrow. they are really starting to STINK.
Yesterday i flushed the soil through with 1/2 strenght nutes, i put 6 litres through each one and i got roughly 5 litres of run off each. ph of the run off was 7.9 to start with and 6.5 in and out when i'd finished. I know its a right waste of nutes but i don't wanna burn 'em again.


welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Here is my attempt close ups.. I used my phone and my 60x scope, it took freakin ages to get these crappy pics. feel free to insult me for being a bit of a dick!!

Im the dick I though they were pics of the moon.

Untill I took a closer look (freakin ages ) I bet its hard enough to look with your eye.:hump:

Plants are coming on nicely.



Well-Known Member
Cheers welshy, I might take some pics of the moon and see if anyone notices, at least that won't take an hour.


Well-Known Member
There is loads of resin forming but its really hard to photograph it without a decent camera. You can almost see it in some of these pics, I know i keep saying it but i am gonna get a good camera. Have you guys got any suggestions for a good and reasonably priced one?

