Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Also have new Bloombox. Sound's like your roots are doing better than mine. On the other hand, my leaves might be doing a little better.
I have been trying to do just as BCNL's manual tell's me. Made a few mistakes, but so far I think I have been lucky.
Try The Attitude Seedbank.
Try to get smomething like a syringe in order to mix smaller quantities of nutes.
Keep us posted on your progress and I will to.

Hi Devo;) How you? I don't see a grow journal for ya...where are you in your grow? The Box worked well for me as I kept heat vented out of the room. If you have read this entire thread you have seen posts by Fishenfool. I could not have asked for a better experience than having someone who actually had a Bloombox giving me hints along the way. Are you using beneficial bacteria? If not I would highly recommend that to you as keeping a sterile environment in these boxes is next to impossible. Additionally where your air lines come in through the back of your flower reservoir is not light proof. I cut my air line out & covered res holes with tape. The airlines can come in through the side cut for the water pump. Also, I would not use a full rockwool medium but would use hydroton in the bottoms of your pots & again on top. I'm certainly no experienced grower but I do know these few things will benefit you. Talk soon & good luck, MJ


Well-Known Member
That's too high for water temps. You want 65-70... above 73 or 74 you encourage bad tings to grow.

Also clones like humidity. A dome would be good. Just don't saturate them constantly, or you can cuase mold or rot. Aim for 70-80% humidity... if you can get that high.

Now this is the correct temp for rootless clones, right? Not already rooted clones? Just trying to clarify on that water temp. Thx, MJ

Jonny, I have NO expectations with this attempt at cloning at all. I will not be any more upset than I already am one way or the other!! GRRRRRRRRR I am so very tempted to crack some bagseeds but that would delay me germinating some Sensi's;) Glad you're here to help!! MJ


Active Member
I posted to soon. I only read first page.
This is as new to me as is growing, so for now , no journal.
I will look for that light leak.
My notes are in basement with the box, but I think I have been at this for 8 days.
Repeat 8 days, but I have to mention a couple of things that acording to BCNL, not according to me, because I know nothing, might be problems.
Did some sort of chat thing with BCNL rep. a few hours ago. According to him those little nozzle things that drip or spray (don't even know which yet) should not be on top of medium but jammed down out of sight when looking at pots from above. Also, according to BCNL, we should keep roots in darkness. Could taking photos of roots caused more problems?
As I said this is new to me and I know nothing. I am hoping to be lucky and be able to smoke my babies in the fall when I retire. I work in one of the first industries that I know of to get into all this drug testing madness. If not I will try again. And again etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
Now this is the correct temp for rootless clones, right? Not already rooted clones?
I have never heard of different water temps for different stages of growth. I'm not saying people don't do that, just that I've never heard of it.

When trying to figure things out, I just try to imagine what a plant in the wild would experience. I think a seedling just starting out it's life would be hard pressed to be starting out in soil and rain water that is 74 degrees. I would imagine the seeds would be sprouting in the spring when temps still aren't at their highest, so I would think seedlings like it a bit cooler, not hotter.

I know younger plants like humidity, becuase it is more like spring when there are april showers and all that.

I am not a water temp expert, but the higher the better incubator for nasty things it is. That's why we refigerate things... to help keep things from growing.

Unless someone wants to disagree I will say that 74 F is too high a temp for your rez water to be, regardless of growth stage.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of different water temps for different stages of growth. I'm not saying people don't do that, just that I've never heard of it.

When trying to figure things out, I just try to imagine what a plant in the wild would experience. I think a seedling just starting out it's life would be hard pressed to be starting out in soil and rain water that is 74 degrees. I would imagine the seeds would be sprouting in the spring when temps still aren't at their highest, so I would think seedlings like it a bit cooler.

I know younger plants like humidity, becuase it is more like spring when there are april showers and all that.

I am not a water temp expert, but the higher the better incubator for nasty things it is. That's why we refigerate things... to help keep things from growing.

Unless someone wants to disagree I will say that 74 F is too high a temp for your rez water to be, regardless of growth stage.

Makes sense my friend....The heater is set on 68F. Haven't checked them yet today ...should be interesting at least. All other plants were disposed of yesterday & grow area cleaned out. I am so upset I can't stand it!! Hubby gave a weak attempt at being supportive. Am glad I've had so much encouragement here or I wouldn't try again....MJ


Well-Known Member
I posted to soon. I only read first page.
This is as new to me as is growing, so for now , no journal.
I will look for that light leak.
My notes are in basement with the box, but I think I have been at this for 8 days.
Repeat 8 days, but I have to mention a couple of things that acording to BCNL, not according to me, because I know nothing, might be problems.
Did some sort of chat thing with BCNL rep. a few hours ago. According to him those little nozzle things that drip or spray (don't even know which yet) should not be on top of medium but jammed down out of sight when looking at pots from above. Also, according to BCNL, we should keep roots in darkness. Could taking photos of roots caused more problems?
As I said this is new to me and I know nothing. I am hoping to be lucky and be able to smoke my babies in the fall when I retire. I work in one of the first industries that I know of to get into all this drug testing madness. If not I will try again. And again etc. etc.

Hi devo...looks like we'll be growing together!! Welcome!! Yep, roots don't like the lite. I prefer to think of it like this...I took pics of roots for diagnosis & prognosis not for root porn LOL I would say if you're 8 days in you need to be figuring out how you gonna cool that box down. Mine ran close to 100F with both lites on. I live in tropical hot & humid environment though & my grow is in my closet. Since you're in the basement is there any possibility you could put in an AC or already have one? Even with a portable AC set on 65F & run 24/7 my inside box temps still run low 70's with lites on & doors open for airflow. If you have a window near grow box to put a window unit in that'd be your easiest & cheapest bet. Mold, Mildew, & water bugs love these high temps & will wreak havoc on your plants. What are you growin? From seed or clone? You seem determined as I am. We've really got to dial these machines in if we're going to grow in them. Hopefully you can look at my mistakes & learn from them. Am glad your experience with BCNL has been better than mine.My opinion...a bunch of stoners making lots of money with newbies, LOL They told me when I called cause I only had base nutes "Well we could sell you some beneficials, Humic, Fulvic, etc... but you really don't need all that stuff!!" Trust me...their nute recipe is mixed like that for a reason!! Fishen, am I right here? I would STRONGLY recommend getting the beneficials & vit B supplement at the very least. Burying the drippers in pots will help with keeping lite out as will covering up those holes. Also there are some vent holes on the back of the flower side that I covered up to keep veg lite from shining through when both sides lites are on.Check it out...test it & you will see!!! Just say hermie plants!! LOL Peace to you & let's talk again soon, MJ

UPDATE ON CLONES: Just checked clones & oddly enough it wasn't at all what I expected to see. The clones actually don't look any worse than they did originally & no limpness or wilting that I can detect. I sprayed a LIGHT mist into dome area & replaced. WhenI checked T 73F RH 40% (hopefully rising;) Very interesting to see if these clones will go through "shock" phase or if they were already so stressed they are actually relieved to be seperated from sick dying plants LOL Thanks to everyone here on RIU for your're the best!! MJ


Well-Known Member
glad you are still hanging in.

personally i asked myself why you kept taking the plants out and looking at the roots. exposing roots to light is just plain mean! i know it was for diagnosis, but for now on, leave them babies tucked in. especially your little clones. dont be peaking!. when they are ready they will bust out and you will need to bury them.

good luck and keep on growing!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about it and buying a BCNL Bloom box for your very first grow is like buying a Ferrari to learn to drive on. It is basically impossible. An average person that has been driving for years would have trouble knowing and even learning how to use a ferrari... it's a highly speciallized peice of equipment. Likewise with your box... I would say you have to learn the box and how it works inside and out first to be even able to start to learn how to grow.

The next time your husband tries to give you greif you can explain that to him. Unless he learned to drive in a ferrari, then the point might not go over well.

And if this experiment you are conduction now goes bad... you might just want to put the box on pause and grow a plant in a pot of soil... just to prove to yourself that you can grow an mj plant.


Well-Known Member
glad you are still hanging in.

personally i asked myself why you kept taking the plants out and looking at the roots. exposing roots to light is just plain mean! i know it was for diagnosis, but for now on, leave them babies tucked in. especially your little clones. dont be peaking!. when they are ready they will bust out and you will need to bury them.

good luck and keep on growing!

If you were thinkin it you should've said it....That's how we roll on this thread!! LOL Nah, I only peeked in at them once I knew something was wrong actually. I was going in through one of the pots that was empty daily to do checks & adjust PH though so maybe that's what did it? I think the main thing was all the dead organic material (algae & then dead roots) in my res & nothing in there to clean it out that gave root rot a foothold. Like you've said before... live & learn!!! I have nothing to lose with my lil pitiful clones but I will not be peeking AT ALL.. after all I'm pretty sure I'll know if they aren't taking, LOL Glad to hear from you... how's your lil project going? MJ


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about it and buying a BCNL Bloom box for your very first grow is like buying a Ferrari to learn to drive on. It is basically impossible. An average person that has been driving for years would have trouble knowing and even learning how to use a ferrari... it's a highly speciallized peice of equipment. Likewise with your box... I would say you have to learn the box and how it works inside and out first to be even able to start to learn how to grow.

The next time your husband tries to give you greif you can explain that to him. Unless he learned to drive in a ferrari, then the point might not go over well.

And if this experiment you are conduction now goes bad... you might just want to put the box on pause and grow a plant in a pot of soil... just to prove to yourself that you can grow an mj plant.
YEP're right. My hubby just doesn't have a clue is all & that's all I can say. He keeps saying "It's a weed for christ's sake!!" I just calmly point out that he's not here & I am so BLAH BLAH BLAH Let me restate I have very low hopes/expectations for this current "experiment" but I do have seeds coming & I will eventually get a good grow behind me. You can take that to the bank...I will succeed ... EVENTUALLY!!! Hope your day is great!! MJ

Also.....kiss-assThanks for your support!!!


Active Member
BCNL guy told me wrong I think. Only place nozzles fit is over pots.
Stems are mostly purple today. I am getting nervous now.
Also, I removed side wrapping from 3 inch cubes. Was this wrong ?


Well-Known Member
BCNL guy told me wrong I think. Only place nozzles fit is over pots.
Stems are mostly purple today. I am getting nervous now.
Also, I removed side wrapping from 3 inch cubes. Was this wrong ?
Purple stem are OK.
DO NOT remove the wrapping around the cubes! It blocks the light from the medium and will help prevent unwanted bacterial growth in your cubes. I even get the toppers for the top of the cubes.

good luck :joint:


Well-Known Member
Purple stem are OK.
DO NOT remove the wrapping around the cubes! It blocks the light from the medium and will help prevent unwanted bacterial growth in your cubes. I even get the toppers for the top of the cubes.

good luck :joint:

Hi long as you squeezed out the water from the rockwool before putting in seeds & haven't watered the seedlings they should be fine. If you have some leaves then it is ok to remove cover & place in veg side under lites. I left mine in 1" rockwool in the clone tray until roots came to the bottom of rockwool then transplanted into 3" rockwool over in veg side. During seedling phase I moved entire tray down to bottom of veg cab to get seedlings used to lite. Then under Fishen's recommendation I fitted an ice chest into the veg side & sat res on that to get plants closer to lite. This prevents stretch & helps keep plants small since height is going to be a factor for us. It worked very well. Read Jig's post above...not an easy machine for a first time grower. We'll get it though. This one helps that one & that one helps one & so on. It's a process. I would really recommend getting Hydroton now & cleaning it well in anticipation of moving your lil plants to veg in a bout a week!! Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Hi long as you squeezed out the water from the rockwool before putting in seeds & haven't watered the seedlings they should be fine. If you have some leaves then it is ok to remove cover & place in veg side under lites. I left mine in 1" rockwool in the clone tray until roots came to the bottom of rockwool then transplanted into 3" rockwool over in veg side. During seedling phase I moved entire tray down to bottom of veg cab to get seedlings used to lite. Then under Fishen's recommendation I fitted an ice chest into the veg side & sat res on that to get plants closer to lite. This prevents stretch & helps keep plants small since height is going to be a factor for us. It worked very well. Read Jig's post above...not an easy machine for a first time grower. We'll get it though. This one helps that one & that one helps one & so on. It's a process. I would really recommend getting Hydroton now & cleaning it well in anticipation of moving your lil plants to veg in a bout a week!! Peace, MJ

hi mj. hope all is well. im tryinf to post some pixs of mt root system, after one week of using subculture m& b my roots are going crazy. i have a full set of feeders droping down and runners in the bottem of the tub that run accrost the tub. so crazy that im thinking ill have a hard time untangeling the roots , when i put them into flower. i have to work for naw so ill post som pix later. have a grate day!


Well-Known Member
hi mj. hope all is well. im tryinf to post some pixs of mt root system, after one week of using subculture m& b my roots are going crazy. i have a full set of feeders droping down and runners in the bottem of the tub that run accrost the tub. so crazy that im thinking ill have a hard time untangeling the roots , when i put them into flower. i have to work for naw so ill post som pix later. have a grate day!
hi MJ check these babys out. u can see that the first pix is friday and the last pix is monday u can see the differance between the two. after 3 days.



Well-Known Member
hi MJ check these babys out. u can see that the first pix is friday and the last pix is monday u can see the differance between the two. after 3 days.

Wow FIshen!! Very nice. DId you tell me you are using peat pellets? That looks great! Now that's with which beneficials? I'm definitely leaning in that direction myself;) Thx for the pic update....lookin good:hump: MJ


Well-Known Member
Wow FIshen!! Very nice. DId you tell me you are using peat pellets? That looks great! Now that's with which beneficials? I'm definitely leaning in that direction myself;) Thx for the pic update....lookin good:hump: MJ
im using hydration pelites for my medium , and i just started using sub culture m and sub culture b by general hydroponics also using scorpion juice and barricade thats all accept the usual b52 , vodojuice, vida boost, hygrozime, carbo load and my grow a & b thats all. i changed out the nuits friday, my ppms were at 680 after the first day i drained out one gallon of my soup and added one gallon of strait RO water that came down to 540 then the next day i lowered it again and brought it down to the recommended 480 ppm . they are drinking like crazy. im dropping the 4 largest ones into flower on friday. i want the others to be as big as the largest ones. they are about 25 " and by next friday they should be about 30" i want to grow monsters.


Well-Known Member
im using hydration pelites for my medium , and i just started using sub culture m and sub culture b by general hydroponics also using scorpion juice and barricade thats all accept the usual b52 , vodojuice, vida boost, hygrozime, carbo load and my grow a & b thats all. i changed out the nuits friday, my ppms were at 680 after the first day i drained out one gallon of my soup and added one gallon of strait RO water that came down to 540 then the next day i lowered it again and brought it down to the recommended 480 ppm . they are drinking like crazy. im dropping the 4 largest ones into flower on friday. i want the others to be as big as the largest ones. they are about 25 " and by next friday they should be about 30" i want to grow monsters.

Well you are well on your way...I'm shocked your ppm is so low with all that stuff in there...That makes my head spin, lol Have you checked out MBlaze's grow journal? Talk about monster's. Their 7 ft tall!! Check it out. You sound so excited...I'm excited for you...WOOHOO!!!!! Talk soon...MJ


Active Member
i would jus simply say put the dome at 3/4 closed week 1.week 2 half way wut i been doin for years jus spray seedlings 2twice a gay and put under warm and cool flouro.i got pix if u wanna c


Well-Known Member
nice plants fishen those roots are beautiful.......i love roots so much heh ..kinda weird but when i use to clone that is what i was always waitin to see whether from rockwool cubes or neoprene inserts ....i just kinda got use to being really exited when seein roots lol

i got a rainforest system now that is pretty nice it is loaded up with 36 rooted rockwool cubes ..hope they dont get to wet

so mj how is everythin goin what is current situation ....did clones ever root .....or are you startin new seeds ?