Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Hey MJ I can see a glow of nice new growth on the tops in ur last pixels..U may be right tho. U might want to just start some new beans. If ur gonna do away with those plants id just toss um instead of cloning them. If ur going to end up with hermies or males ur clones are most likely going to as well..
On another note. Ive broughten seedling back to life fron nute burn in soil in a bucket before.. One turned out to be a good mom i kept for awhile.. Like i said before.. U would be surprised how well these plants do in a good system.
U could be force flowering 3 weeks from germ if u start over.. So the call is really urs to make.
Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Hello... Hygrozime arrived today;) Spoke with the maker's of Hygrozime & it appears that H2O2 & Hygrozime work very well together. Here's what I did:

Res changed 48 hrs ago after being bleached with 3 changes of water for rinse. 4 New air stones placed in res. H2o2 10 ml added initially & again today. Ph continues to rise daily requiring adjustment twice a day. Temps running 70 -/+ 5 degrees F constant. Humidity `40%. I am not sure how to use the truncheon EC meter (digital). Top drips have been back on for 48 hrs & I've kept roots suspended close to soup in res. No new slime has appeared ... soup seems clear; however when I put Hygrozime in 10ml/gal the soup fizzed. IDK:shock: Automated CO2 is now being injected. I basically have lost all first fan leaves but there is a lot of tiny growth at these intersections/nodes...these would be the second nodes on what were side branches. They look lollipopped, LOL They look pitiful for 41 days from seed. I would like to see them get a bit more growth before another week goes by so that I will have greater success with cloning them. The odor is much milder... kinda like a greenhouse now. Not completely obnoxious. Don't expect much more than maybe some clones so anything else would be a bonus. Learning experiences suck!!!
hi MJ, idk if i would use h2o2 with hygrozime, eventhough thay say u can. peroxide is a living orginisam killer. higrozime have live microbs init. with that in mind h2o2 hasnot helped i wulod try it without. it cant hurt.


Well-Known Member
Hey MJ I can see a glow of nice new growth on the tops in ur last pixels..U may be right tho. U might want to just start some new beans. If ur gonna do away with those plants id just toss um instead of cloning them. If ur going to end up with hermies or males ur clones are most likely going to as well..
On another note. Ive broughten seedling back to life fron nute burn in soil in a bucket before.. One turned out to be a good mom i kept for awhile.. Like i said before.. U would be surprised how well these plants do in a good system.
U could be force flowering 3 weeks from germ if u start over.. So the call is really urs to make.
Hope that helps.

Hi DL...Thx for dropping by. I know there is new growth like mad & preflowers. However; clones from these plants if under less stressful conditions wouldn't herm if their first instinct is female. The genetics of these seeds is excellent. Side branches have little tight node spacing & are working on second nodes. Think some of these might make great plants structurally if cloned. I may have beans by next month..we'll see. I will post plant drama in an independent post. I can't fool with soil right now. I gotta get my grow environment under control. That's my priority right now regardless of what else goes on. BTW, your plants look fantastic. Congrats on the harvest. Talk soon, MJ

hi MJ, idk if i would use h2o2 with hygrozime, eventhough thay say u can. peroxide is a living orginisam killer. higrozime have live microbs init. with that in mind h2o2 hasnot helped i wulod try it without. it cant hurt.

Hi Fishen;) How you? I'm sorry but I will have to disagree with you. The product insert is a few pages back. I argued with their rep over this point until I had to stop & listen. Hygrozime is sterile enzymes. There is no benficial bacteria in Hygrozime. It has enzymes that break down organic matter (same as yeast when activated breaks down sugar?). BINGO...H2O2 has been eliminated & I've pulled out the big guns LOL And you're right what doesn't kill em' at this point can't hurt em' :cry:

I do hope your weekend has started just right;) Will be a long weekend here. MJ


Well-Known Member
Hi DL...Thx for dropping by. I know there is new growth like mad & preflowers. However; clones from these plants if under less stressful conditions wouldn't herm if their first instinct is female. The genetics of these seeds is excellent. Side branches have little tight node spacing & are working on second nodes. Think some of these might make great plants structurally if cloned. I may have beans by next month..we'll see. I will post plant drama in an independent post. I can't fool with soil right now. I gotta get my grow environment under control. That's my priority right now regardless of what else goes on. BTW, your plants look fantastic. Congrats on the harvest. Talk soon, MJ

Hi Fishen;) How you? I'm sorry but I will have to disagree with you. The product insert is a few pages back. I argued with their rep over this point until I had to stop & listen. Hygrozime is sterile enzymes. There is no benficial bacteria in Hygrozime. It has enzymes that break down organic matter (same as yeast when activated breaks down sugar?). BINGO...H2O2 has been eliminated & I've pulled out the big guns LOL And you're right what doesn't kill em' at this point can't hurt em' :cry:

I do hope your weekend has started just right;) Will be a long weekend here. MJ
Let UM know who's boss then.If u get some nice rooted clones then hit me up if u decide to clone them. Otherwise. Ill be here until u harvest if thats cool. Gonna stay back here tho. U got alot of sound advice coming at u and i dont want to get it all confusing with my rediculousness.
Stay up MJ. Peace.


Well-Known Member
What a day. Entire grow area was disassembled & scrubbed followed by treatment with bleach & Physan 20. Plants were removed and placed in PH 5.8 water with Physan 20 & Hygrozime. The smell was again horrible today. All pumps & equipment were bleached & Physan 20 applied per their rep's suggestion. Air lines were changed out & 4 new airstones placed in res. I am using the smaller res for now. Mixed basic grow nutes & treated soup with Hygrozime & Physan 20. The larger res will undergo sterilization after it's soak overnight in hot bleach water. A misting of all foliage done with the safer soap & Neem oil mixture. The plants were very fussy afterwards so it'll be interesting to see which way they go. The next 24 hours I will concentrate on destroying the pythium causing spores out of my grow area. If these plants continue with the rot they will be cloned. If they show some growth over next week AND the slime stays away I will make a decision on what to do. One day at a time right now. It's like MJ ICU. Stay tuned to see if it works. MJ vs. Phythium Take 1

BTW, no matter what there will be pics tomorrow as I think a lot of people would actually like to see what these different diseases actually do to plants. And maybe I'll learn some more good info too! Try to keep this a positive learning environment. Puffy time ;)


Well-Known Member
QUOTE:"Let UM know who's boss then.If u get some nice rooted clones then hit me up if u decide to clone them. Otherwise. Ill be here until u harvest if thats cool. Gonna stay back here tho. U got alot of sound advice coming at u and i dont want to get it all confusing with my rediculousness.
Stay up MJ. Peace. "

DL, you are always welcome here & I think I am just getting dialed in. :shock: Maybe I will have to move my setup as Fishen eventually has had to do. It would be more negative rep for BCNL....Bravo!!! I seriously hate trashing them but this is ridiculous. I see clones in my future very soon regardless of what occurs;) What do you put in your clone soup? Entire clone system will be treated with Physan 20 prior to placement veg area. I have a bucket I will just set clone machine on. I will take some pics...pretty cool little set up. I may add a bubble wand. No air stones in this machine. What temp do you have your heating pad set at? It has a submersible heater with a thermostat. I'm so over it now that I have a plan. It kinda helped to zero in on what the priorities were. Happy Friday, MJ


Well-Known Member
84. Tap water un PH'd. Im lazy.
Please dont blame the success of ur set-up on the character of the manaufacturer.
Im sure they mean well.And im sure people get good results with that machine too.
Everythings coming together im sure. Maybe a little more time then figured but still coming together.
Good job. Ur right on track. PIMPSTRESS


Well-Known Member
84. Tap water un PH'd. Im lazy.
Please dont blame the success of ur set-up on the character of the manaufacturer.
Im sure they mean well.And im sure people get good results with that machine too.
Everythings coming together im sure. Maybe a little more time then figured but still coming together.
Good job. Ur right on track. PIMPSTRESS

Come on now're pretty meticulous on your grow... tap water, really??? ;P BTW, this is a DIY I bought. I can't do the DIY but they could...I spent 40 bucks. When you see it you'll say how did they profit!! PIMSTRESS??!?!?!?! Are you spying? MJ


Well-Known Member
Well, the pics speak for themselves. Obviously the plants are just about to the point of no return. Looking today I don't even see anything I'd want to clone. I was told last nite if I can't grow this then no more money will be spent on good seeds lol. Can't really say I blame the hubby on that one. Continued disinfection of grow area... hopefully I have irradicated most of the spores but we shall see. I may just throw these in a pot of soil & stick them outside just for sh*ts & giggles but I really think they are done. Peace, MJ



Well-Known Member
MJ777 I have been following your grow and I don't think you need give up on them. Give the flush time to clean things up and see what the new growth looks like. You may still be able to get some clones.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
MJ777 I have been following your grow and I don't think you need give up on them. Give the flush time to clean things up and see what the new growth looks like. You may still be able to get some clones.

Good luck.
MJ777 I have been following your grow and I don't think you need give up on them. Give the flush time to clean things up and see what the new growth looks like. You may still be able to get some clones.

Good luck.

Hi Orzz...Thx for following!! I am trying to give them time to declare themselves but to me they look awful. Yes, lots of new little growth but nothing substantial in well over a week:( Even if they do pull out of this slump I doubt they'd do much flowering. Clones would be nice!!We shall see how the story unfolds....or rather ends. Only time will tell <sigh>. MJ


Well-Known Member
Hey MJ, Just caught up on your thread. You are certainly on the right path. You can tell you've put a lot of time into research, you know what your talking about, you just need the experience factor. If you start over with seed again, knowing everything you know now, I don't think you'll have much of a problem. Little things always pop up, but as long as your attentive, which I can see you are, then they are always fixable. I see you also carry a very knowledgable set of suscribers , so I think if you can't figure it out, one of us can. ;-)
I've been meaning to check out your grow, but I've been so busy lately. Got everything I had to do done (which is an absolute first for me) and actually got some time to relax this weekend. Hows your goin?


Well-Known Member
Hey MJ, Just caught up on your thread. You are certainly on the right path. You can tell you've put a lot of time into research, you know what your talking about, you just need the experience factor. If you start over with seed again, knowing everything you know now, I don't think you'll have much of a problem. Little things always pop up, but as long as your attentive, which I can see you are, then they are always fixable. I see you also carry a very knowledgable set of suscribers , so I think if you can't figure it out, one of us can. ;-)
I've been meaning to check out your grow, but I've been so busy lately. Got everything I had to do done (which is an absolute first for me) and actually got some time to relax this weekend. Hows your goin?

Hi & Thx for following;) I can't tell you how lucky I am to have so many knowledgable growers to bounce things off of. You're right about the experience factor. I will prolly just have an indoor mix from Sensi to play with for a while since I can't seem to grow the more expensive strains just yet, LOL Seeds should be here soon!! It's my fault all of this happened & I've put it all together what happened now. The plants look worse today. As a last ditch effort I am going to try to grab a few clones & see what happens. If they don't take at least I can play with this cloner I've got:shock: Congrats on getting your busy work done...I have lots to do myself, GRRRRRRRRRR Been dealing with a busted cold water line on my fridge today...what a mess that was!! Fixed now though!! Have a great evening. MJ

PS. Stick ain't over til it's over


Well-Known Member
Temp too high try getting it down a tad,when the seeds sprout don't put them under a dome there is no need for this a seed allready has a tap root.put them just below the surface of the rockwool cube and tear a small bit of the bottom of the cube cover the hole that you dropped the seed in with in a couple of days you will see the bit you put over the seeds moveing towards the side,the seed will force it to one side.By doing it this way the seeds are allredy used of the humidity and you will have no problems the seeds will be naturaly hardened to the heat of the grow area.Has soon has they show have a fan pointing awayfrom the plants but just enougth to make the plants move a little this hardenens the stem off.Only use a dome on clones it is not needed with seedlings but keep the cube moist.


Well-Known Member
Temp too high try getting it down a tad,when the seeds sprout don't put them under a dome there is no need for this a seed allready has a tap root.put them just below the surface of the rockwool cube and tear a small bit of the bottom of the cube cover the hole that you dropped the seed in with in a couple of days you will see the bit you put over the seeds moveing towards the side,the seed will force it to one side.By doing it this way the seeds are allredy used of the humidity and you will have no problems the seeds will be naturaly hardened to the heat of the grow area.Has soon has they show have a fan pointing awayfrom the plants but just enougth to make the plants move a little this hardenens the stem off.Only use a dome on clones it is not needed with seedlings but keep the cube moist.

Hi Tyke...good info!! Thx so much... I will have seeds here soon. Actually I think my plants were doing very well until I used the seaweed crap in the res. I can only hope I can get it right next time!! We'll see...MJ


Well-Known Member
YIKES!!! I have cloned what I could using Juicy Roots gel. Not even sure I should be trying this given the condition of original plants. In the aeromist cloner I have Ph 5.8 water (maybe a gallon & 1/2), a dab of rooting gel and 1/2 cc H2O2. I have the heater set at 76F Too high? Too low? Not sure with water. I have them under CFL but not close. I have a small plastic cover over plants but it's vented. Do I need humidity in there or should I even have the dome over them at all? These clones are in small neoprene sleeves in small pots. I have also draped cloner with black bags to prevent ANY light leakage. Suggestions? BTW, I've officially lost 2 plants & the rest will go in garbage if no improvement is shown:cry: Not a good day so far & I'm well overdue for a puffy so that's where I'm headed!! MJ

PS. Pics later after my attitude adjustment!! LOL


Well-Known Member
I have the heater set at 76F Too high? Too low?
That's too high for water temps. You want 65-70... above 73 or 74 you encourage bad tings to grow.

Also clones like humidity. A dome would be good. Just don't saturate them constantly, or you can cuase mold or rot. Aim for 70-80% humidity... if you can get that high.


Well-Known Member
That's too high for water temps. You want 65-70... above 73 or 74 you encourage bad tings to grow.

Also clones like humidity. A dome would be good. Just don't saturate them constantly, or you can cuase mold or rot. Aim for 70-80% humidity... if you can get that high.

Hi there!! Thx for the good info...I will go turn that heater off right now. Ambient temp inside the cloner 75F and I can do. They are really tiny & pitiful...I have very little hope but we shall see nonetheless. MJ


Well-Known Member
hey if anything, its good to try new things. Plants should really be pretty healthy while your taking clones from it so i'd be surprised if any of them pull through, but hey, its experiance. better to learn from that plant than nothing.


Active Member
Also have new Bloombox. Sound's like your roots are doing better than mine. On the other hand, my leaves might be doing a little better.
I have been trying to do just as BCNL's manual tell's me. Made a few mistakes, but so far I think I have been lucky.
Try The Attitude Seedbank.
Try to get smomething like a syringe in order to mix smaller quantities of nutes.
Keep us posted on your progress and I will to.