well, you know what else is NOT supposed to be done here? Exactly what was pointed out to you by someone up the thread, quoting the rules of this place. One of them is not to keep posting the same topics in different areas. THAT is not supposed to be done. So make a call on it, since you're the MODERATOR.
And for the record? I am not the only person who pointed this out. Several of us have expressed disgust at this shameless self-centered nonsense. Yeah, we like to clown around and all that, but this is absurd. Besides, I've seen you yourself give new people a REALLY hard time, when they're obviously just having a difficult time figuring out the site, or they have some naive questions. So this person, also a newbie, is a ten in your book. Well, great, bully you. But this over the top, and you ought to note that.
You just don't get it. Others here see it for what it is: shameless egoism. Exploiting this forum. Taking up bandwidth too, for that matter. And you're ticked off at me? I don't get it, I really don't. But then . . . .