
Well-Known Member
Just Habit I Guess Used To Work Job For So Long Having To Get Up. Been Self Employed For 5 Years Still Get Up Early. Go Figure.


Well-Known Member
Its been the same for a while.. he like me though, and bad luck bites his ass so he didn't get here yesterday... One time before he was "late" and I gave him shit in email only to find he'd gotten a speeding ticket and they smelled pot and took the weed... errr... my weed.... they didn't do shit else but still... my weed..
Those bastards..!!! So I ended up getting my ass handed to me for handing him his... So if he's late now I shut the fuck him at least.. here I piss and moan.... :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah can't blame people for the same stuff ones done themselves... shit happens... could have been in a place where he'd be in jail.... still....:o


Well-Known Member
The chemo sample was excellent... strain called UBC Chemo... sure is a better game when you can get away from commercial grown crap.......bongsmiliebongsmilie
Dude you smoked some Chemo?
I actually have a 4' tall Chemo in Flower now. I am going to chop her down very very soon.
What did you think? Were you happy with the smoke?