Please ID these ShrOOms

Hey I'm new to this site just found it because i tried to find online these shrooms i found on Long Island/New York. I need help id these shrooms. They grow all over... not that many tho, they grow on grass like lawns people yards. The climate here has a lot of humid and it rained for a couple days and after it rained i started to see these..... I need to know if those shrooms give you high. how to eat them best. dry or fresh. how many to eat. when where what etc. ok here are the pictures



Well-Known Member
Hey I'm new to this site just found it because i tried to find online these shrooms i found on Long Island/New York. I need help id these shrooms. They grow all over... not that many tho, they grow on grass like lawns people yards. The climate here has a lot of humid and it rained for a couple days and after it rained i started to see these..... I need to know if those shrooms give you high. how to eat them best. dry or fresh. how many to eat. when where what etc. ok here are the pictures
Those look pretty close to the stuff that grows in my front yard. I don't think they will make ya trip (that's what someone told me, and I didn't want to eat any).

Bruise a few and see if they turn blue-ish. If they do, they will make you trip. I used to have a buddy in PA that found shrooms that looked like those, but they turned BLUE upon roughin' 'em up.

Sorry I'm not much help other than bruise 'em.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't eat those. Most of the mushies you are looking for grow in dung, not grass. As Baker said, if they bruise blue your okay, but I wouldn't risk it unless you are absolutely sure. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Those look pretty close to the stuff that grows in my front yard. I don't think they will make ya trip (that's what someone told me, and I didn't want to eat any).

Bruise a few and see if they turn blue-ish. If they do, they will make you trip. I used to have a buddy in PA that found shrooms that looked like those, but they turned BLUE upon roughin' 'em up.

Sorry I'm not much help other than bruise 'em.
Some toxic shrooms bruise blue, its not the safest indicator of whether or not a mushroom is good to eat.

My tip: Any annoying children from your neighbours house or something... make them eat it ad you will know in a few hours.


New Member
I'm %95 Sure They're Not Psychedelic. I'd Bruise Them Then Eat A Few Just To See What'd Happen But You Should Def Not Do The Same.


Well-Known Member
Hey I suggest taking a spore print. They look like Pan Subbs or Pan Foes. Pan Foes are usually in manured lawns but it is possible to find pan subbs. If the spore print is jet black, really really black i;m pretty sure those are pan subbs. They are not really that strong. I've heard that pan subbs growing in horse shit are more potient than ones found in lawns. Hopefully you can still take a spore print and post back. good luck

I found these a few day ago and eventually posted them on the shroomery, which they were confirmed pan subbs.
(they two on the right)


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm new to this site just found it because i tried to find online these shrooms i found on Long Island/New York. I need help id these shrooms. They grow all over... not that many tho, they grow on grass like lawns people yards. The climate here has a lot of humid and it rained for a couple days and after it rained i started to see these..... I need to know if those shrooms give you high. how to eat them best. dry or fresh. how many to eat. when where what etc. ok here are the pictures
Haha you probably stumbled upon my mushroom identification thread which lead you here, either way welcome to RIU! I'm sad to say it but those mushrooms in the pictures you have are not psychedelic. I live a fairly close to New York and have the same kind growing in my front yard and my neighbors yard. I've done research on them hoping they were some kind of liberty cap of some sort. Though sadly no, they don't turn blue when your bruise them (when the tryptamine psilocybin *the thing in magic mushrooms that make you trip* is exposed to oxygen it turns blue). You'd be better off buying some Rice Flour and Vermiculite and growing your own psilocybin cubensis... probably going to be more potent and a lot safer than mushroom you'll find growing naturally in New York.


Well-Known Member
Haha you probably stumbled upon my mushroom identification thread which lead you here, either way welcome to RIU! I'm sad to say it but those mushrooms in the pictures you have are not psychedelic. I live a fairly close to New York and have the same kind growing in my front yard and my neighbors yard. I've done research on them hoping they were some kind of liberty cap of some sort. Though sadly no, they don't turn blue when your bruise them (when the tryptamine psilocybin *the thing in magic mushrooms that make you trip* is exposed to oxygen it turns blue).
Not all psychoactive mushrooms contain psilocybin. I'm 100% positive that he has a mix of Panaeolina Foenisecii (the kind that wont make you trip) and Panaeolus Subbalteatus aka Panaeolus Cinctulus ( the kind that will make you trip)

Also not all active mushrooms bruse blue, many do though.

Panaeolina Foenisecii -- brownish spores -don't eat
Panaeolus Subbalteatus -- jet black spores -eat!!

Please look them up, you'll be happY!

EDIT> Also Pan Subbs are less potent than psilocybin mushrooms, so you have to eat more.


Well-Known Member
Not all psychoactive mushrooms contain psilocybin. I'm 100% positive that he has a mix of Panaeolina Foenisecii (the kind that wont make you trip) and Panaeolus Subbalteatus aka Panaeolus Cinctulus ( the kind that will make you trip)

Also not all active mushrroms bruse blue, many do though.

Panaeolina Foenisecii -- brownish spores
Panaeolus Subbalteatus -- jet black spores

Please look them up, you'll be happY!:bigjoint:
I had just read your comment on finding Pann Subbs and remembered reading some where that Pan Subbs grew in my area... hmmm I might have a gold mine in my front yard. Though on the other hand I still got that 10cc syringe of B+ waiting to be used :roll:. Either way i'll take a spore print tommorow and see the results bongsmilie.


Well-Known Member
I had just read your comment on finding Pann Subbs and remembered reading some where that Pan Subbs grew in my area... hmmm I might have a gold mine in my front yard. Though on the other hand I still got that 10cc syringe of B+ waiting to be used :roll:. Either way i'll take a spore print tommorow and see the results bongsmilie.
Yes, Pan Subbs grow just about anywhere(all 50 states and beyond), they are the most wide-spread mushroom.

I would like to grow B+, I heard they are relatively easy to grow and produce big mushrooms. Get on that shit!!:mrgreen:

Definitely check out your yard again and good luck, report back.

Edit: When you do the spore print, if it's hard to tell if it's black or brown, get a sharpie and draw a line next to it.
Also if it's an active mushie you can save the spores, check out youtube on that though.


Bruise them just to check. But they look kinda like liberty caps to me.
BUT I could be wrong too. You should listen to one of these other people. :D