Anyone used Short day cycles 6/12 ??


Well-Known Member
I have read aabout the short day cycles and am very interested...

If you have tried this technique please share your results,or if you personaly have seen this work.
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just some guy
I read in the clone contest thread that you were going to do this for comparison.

Are you using the harvest master to set the light cycle?

Will you be keeping a journal? I'm very interested...though, it kind of sounds too good to be true.


Well-Known Member
youd think thered be a bit more buzz on thiz thread?!
I am not using a HM controller {do the come with short day option for timer?}
I was digin there controllers then alot of stores discontinued there gear<so i held off.

I found a random note in paperwork my friend gave me when he handed over his old gear.There was a brief comment about the 6/12 saying the sources saaid they did well with 6/12 but claims couldnt be verified.

Then i found this:

After readin that i talked with a friend who uses it and gets good results,maybe a gram or 3 less than reg yield,but way less electricity.

There are many reasons this is so attractive,
you heard anythingabout this cycle?


Well-Known Member does that save electricity? isnt it still 12 hours of lights on during any 24 hour period? 6 on 12 off 6 on =24 hrs?


just some guy does that save electricity? isnt it still 12 hours of lights on during any 24 hour period? 6 on 12 off 6 on =24 hrs?
with 6/12 a "day" is 18 hours, instead of 24 hours

so every day you save six hours... every four days, you gain a day.

in 28 days, you would gain a week (7 days)

so if the plant finishes that much faster, that's less time that you'd have your HPS's blaring and your electricity dial spinning like a turbo frisbee.


Well-Known Member
maybe im missing something? how does that equate to saving energy? i mean maybe you can fool the plants but how do you fool the electric co?

or do the plants finish up a week early?


New Member
i was liking the look of that harvest master thing, it has a setting for fast flowering, but then i looked at the price. anyone found anything like that for cheaper, or even just timer that does 6/12 would do??


just some guy
maybe im missing something? how does that equate to saving energy? i mean maybe you can fool the plants but how do you fool the electric co?

or do the plants finish up a week early?
"supposedly" it finishes early.

an 8 week strain 56 days divided by 4 (because every four days you "save" a day) is 14, so you'd finish 14 days earlier. so... two weeks less of running electricity for that particular harvest.

I do have to say though... there are a couple articles on the internet about how great it works, but I havent found anyone on this forum that has completed a grow this way to say yay or nay on the method.

the issue is with a timer that you can set for 12 off, 6 on, 12 off...etc. etc. you'd need a special timer.


Well-Known Member
so this will not work with a perpetual harvest. ( SAVING MONEY) beacuse theres only so many hours in a day,week month year. but it might make you harvest some strains quicker and make the rotatation rotate faster?

If you ran lights 12/12 for a year your bill would be= ?

If you ran 6/12 for ayear your bill would be= ?


Well-Known Member
Solatel pro timer has 6/12
$233 aint so bad,If you guys pitch in buy the timer for me ill post a whole thread
witha whole room on 6/12! Whatta deal! So whos in?


just some guy
if you get more harvests faster... then you'd have more yeild to show for your electricity bill. So I think it'd work good for a perpetual, that is IF it works. :mrgreen:

I think you should try it!


New Member
did you only find those two timers i'm looking for one in the uk but can't find it, was thinking about ordering the solatel but looks like shipping could be expensive, the australian one only charges 20 australian dollars for shipping but the site looks pretty dodgy, someones just drawn that thing on instead of taking a photo??? makes me not want to order from them


just some guy
so with the solatel, you have to program start and stop times, instead of just an on 6 off 12 ? pain in the ass!

How many program presets do you get with the solatel?

I'm glad you volunteered to be the hamster. I hope it works out bitchen. :mrgreen:


New Member
well thats not a bad idea. do you think 4/8 would work? then you could use a normal timer and get yield in half the time!


just some guy
well thats not a bad idea. do you think 4/8 would work? then you could use a normal timer and get yield in half the time!
lol, or a 2/4 light schedule.

even better a strobe light that would get us harvests in mere minutes.