Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have followed politic since I was a kid.I am a giant US supporter and would want to live no where else. I form my own opinions and I get my own research and then look for backings. I love my country and wish the governemnt would fall back to what it was meant to be with the states dictating the federal roles but it has been flip flopped and I fear may never without a revolutioin revert. i also know americans will not ever revolt as to many don't care. but like I said we can think as we each want which is american and we can agree to disagree...even though Im right lol...jokje..or is it? lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
and I thank you for not voting for him any other vote was good hope you dont change your mind next election though lol

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yes i would rather talk about caddyshack its too early for politics anyways. the candy bar scene is funny i have not seen that movie in at least 15 years good stuff.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I want a hamburger...no no I want 2 hamburgers a hot dog......"You'll get nothing and like it!!!""" lol that still makes me dies laughing


Mr I Can Do That For Half
damn this site I am at work getting absolutly nothing done lol now I have to watch caddy shack on my screen too..hello bit comet


Well-Known Member
"Wow, this has got to be the ugliest hat I've ever seen. I bet if you buy one em you probably get a free bowl of soup or something.

Oh, but it looks good on you though..." LOL


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol the whole movie is filled with the best one liners..another small budget good one to watch is Bottle Rocket..."ca caw ca caw..Im calling my gang"....."what are we doing digden?" " Well if we are gonna be real bank robbers we need to practice .So i figured we rob my parents house time it and see what we can do to get better"..."Oh that makes sense"


Well-Known Member
^True. Another one I dig is "A Fish Called Wanda" with Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, and John Cleese.

"Don't call me stupid..." Hilarious!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ok lost me on that one..wasn t to big on that one..Where the Buffalo Roam with Bill Murray as Hunter S. tyhompson was a good one


Well-Known Member
our invasion of iraq was in no way justified plain and simple we went to protect our interests in the region. there was much deceit by that admin aimed at the american public to convince them otherwise and the attack on 9/11 was used as a catalyst to sway opinion regarding that invasion.
Why do American citizens become outraged when we are "lied" to? We had plenty of reasons to go to Iraq---most importantly to keep our enemies CLOSE.
Iran is next......that was the plan all along.


New Member
Why do American citizens become outraged when we are "lied" to? We had plenty of reasons to go to Iraq---most importantly to keep our enemies CLOSE.
Iran is next......that was the plan all along.
we went to iraq for the oil. when saddam took power he nationalized the oil industry. we changed their constitution so that outside companies now pump the oil...companies with ties to cheney......


New Member
We import less than 10% of our oil from Iraq.
thats the sad thing about this war...we lost all those young men and thousands wounded, not to mention 100's of thousands of dead iraqis...for what. we did it for exxon/mobile, british petroleum etc. and we didn't get nothing....more debt and dead people. and jax, I think even your smart enough to figure that out...maybe:dunce: