you can clone in water but its prob the slowest way,... but dont buy any fancy cloning gels or solutions, they are mostly crap,... go to the nearest garden place and get a 3$ packet of roottone,..... heres what i do.... first when plants are young i top them anyway just to make branches for clones, but when i clone i try to laeve the top 2 for colas , but when you top little branches are ging to shoot out all over the plant, down to the dirt,.... second i dont use peat pucks,.... instead i use little peat cups the 2.5 inchers and fill them with pro mix, pearlite, worm castings mixed,.. i also mist the cups and soil with a lite mix of b-1 and maybe a couple drops of root66 in a sprayer, also use this to soak the soil down in the peat cups so im cloning into wet soil,..... then when i cut the clone i dont cut before the node,... i try to slice right through it so the end of the clone has two leafs right on the bottom of where the cut is, pull or snip the leafs off and dip in the roottone, put in the wet peat cup and press the soil in tight to hold it up and i trim all the fan leaves in half,.. then i drop this whole peat cup with clone into a 20 oz clear slurpee cup and cover with the domed lids that come with it,... put a piece of clear tape over the big hole and use a hot needle or nail to melt a couple tiny holes for just a little breathing, and if it looks like the humidity is low i can squirt a little water in,.... about 6 to 8 days later in have roots coming out of the peat pot which you can clearly see through the slurpee cup and lust lift the whole thing out and put it in dirt