Who is Fdd anyway?

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Well-Known Member
Fuck this... I'm getting in on this.....
fdd dolls for sale in the lobby..............

50 dolla.... you pay now...!!


Well-Known Member
Fdd painted the original Mona Lisa with a bumble bees wing, FACT.

If anyone has a problem with Fdd, they've got a problem with me too.

He's kept little punk ass kids off this site since the dark ages and often resolves conflicts by posting an epic youtube video, what more can you want?

In the old book of riu there is a story scribbled in the back pages.. apparently if you name one of your children Fdd2blk, you'll get an ounce of gold dust fall from every harvest..


but in all seriousness; fdd is a really cool guy and my mentor.... both as a moderator and a pot grower.


i've also heard that neglected and mistreated plants often find refuge at fdd's bud fortress; to be grown into big, beautiful monsters of a quality that dreams are made of...
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