iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?


Well-Known Member
During WWII some American citizens of Japanese descent were put in concentration camps here in the USA.
Which leader should they have chosen?
That's ignorance on our part, I was not referring to them. Never said our country was perfect, very far from it.


Well-Known Member
you make a good point i aint going either they can kiss my ass i fight for the people i love not for those rich white f@#ks that dont do shit but yet get billions of dollars
I second that, at any time our doors can be kicked in by the solders (cops) of our corupt government, and we can be treated worse than a rapist or murderer. Fat chance im giving my life to that scum, hell, would we be any worse off if we lost a war and were taken over? I dont even know anymore to be honest, isnt that sad. No its downright depressing.


New Member
It's a little perturbing to read about all the Monday quarterbacking. It is very easy to sit back and look at historical events and pass judgment. In hindsight everyone knows what should have been done.

The problem is the present.


Well-Known Member
bgmike8! you gave up your rights by being a felon you did the crime!! and nobody would want you much less force you to go to war!!
war is not a joke. keep your stupid opinions to yourself!


New Member
throw a couple of cannibals in there, throw in some beer and slayer.... no more insurgents if they think they're going to be eaten...

during the trepolitan wars, we used to dip our bullets in pigs blood, so whichever muslim we shot was given a one way pass to hell, it sure stopped uprisings, maybe we should do that again?


Well-Known Member
throw a couple of cannibals in there, throw in some beer and slayer.... no more insurgents if they think they're going to be eaten...

during the trepolitan wars, we used to dip our bullets in pigs blood, so whichever muslim we shot was given a one way pass to hell, it sure stopped uprisings, maybe we should do that again?
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt


New Member
throw a couple of cannibals in there, throw in some beer and slayer.... no more insurgents if they think they're going to be eaten...

during the trepolitan wars, we used to dip our bullets in pigs blood, so whichever muslim we shot was given a one way pass to hell, it sure stopped uprisings, maybe we should do that again?

i opened with a punch line....

then followed up with history... i.e tripoli.

lighten the fuck up, don't you watch conan? same shit.:hug:


Well-Known Member
there is soum very stupid people here!
Yeah - some people are quite disgusting. I'm amazed, because on this particular sub-forum, we have many intellectual folks (of all political persuasions), but we also have some ignorant, racist bastards as well. It's quite anomalous.


Well-Known Member
there's 3 indiana people here hell yeah. we need to start a group.:hug:hugz.

that guys quote was quite ironic....
Three open-minded Indiana people - which is rare around our parts. I grew up in southern Indiana (Evansville), and it's a xenophobic hell-hole down there. I spent the last 20 years in Bloomington or Indy, which is much more enlightened, but still has a ways to go.

Anyway, it's good seeing Indiana representing.