Diy bubbleponics


Hey 420xTexan, I had those same thoughts actually about the heat signatures. I was planing on going CFL orgionally then thought about the production quality and thought maybe MH/HPS would benifit me better. But I think as you've said that controlling the heat would be A LOT easier with CFL's

I just can't wait until NY finally allows medical marijuana for personal use. At least I won't have to worry about problems (for the most part). Thanks again for the links Roseman, MOST helpful.

A couple more questions to throw at ya....

Did you install a drain plug on your systems? Are you for or against the idea. Being I'm using a 10 gallon tote I figured it would be just as easy to flush or even empty the tote onto the outside garden plants. Or perhaps should I just purchase another tote to use to exchange?

Will the roots be ok if left out of water for a small period of time? If so should they be protected from the light or just left "suspended" on something in the tent while refilling the tote?

Also, how much is too much venting? Using a 2x3x5 (30 cubic feet) area is it pointless to get a bathroom fixture above 80 CFM with only having a 4" fan for the intake? I figured worst case that it would pull more air into the tent allowing for cooler temperatures or am I mistaken? I was hoping to reduce smell by having a bigger exhaust as well.


Elite Rolling Society
Hey 420xTexan, I had those same thoughts actually about the heat signatures. I was planing on going CFL orgionally then thought about the production quality and thought maybe MH/HPS would benifit me better. But I think as you've said that controlling the heat would be A LOT easier with CFL's

I just can't wait until NY finally allows medical marijuana for personal use. At least I won't have to worry about problems (for the most part). Thanks again for the links Roseman, MOST helpful.

A couple more questions to throw at ya....

Did you install a drain plug on your systems?

No, I did not. If you do, you have to raise the tank up off the floor.
Are you for or against the idea.
Against, they also leak.
Being I'm using a 10 gallon tote I figured it would be just as easy to flush or even empty the tote onto the outside garden plants. Or perhaps should I just purchase another tote to use to exchange?

Not necesary.

Will the roots be ok if left out of water for a small period of time? If so should they be protected from the light or just left "suspended" on something in the tent while refilling the tote?

The roots love a 5 to ten minute AIR bath. Every time I do a Drain and Replinish, I get a growth spurt, and it is from the roots getting the extra air. You can not let them get too dry, but 5 to 15 minutes out of the water is great for them.

Also, how much is too much venting? Using a 2x3x5 (30 cubic feet) area is it pointless to get a bathroom fixture above 80 CFM with only having a 4" fan for the intake? I figured worst case that it would pull more air into the tent allowing for cooler temperatures or am I mistaken? I was hoping to reduce smell by having a bigger exhaust as well.

Too much Venting? I think the more air circulation,the better.


Well-Known Member
Too much Venting? I think the more air circulation,the better.
hey with the bubbleponics system, is the water always being pumped to the roots or do you have to turn it on every now and then, and if so, how often. sorry not used to hydro, never tried it. always have gone with soil but i really want to try yumboldt in a hydro system.


New Member
The bubbleponics system is designed to pump water to the roots of a young plant and is left on 24/7. It consists of a distribution hub with lines running to each netpot sitting on top of a small pump. Some users remove the distribution hub and lines to the net pots during flowering but let the pump in the water during flower to move the water and thereby assist in cooling the resevoir. Once the roots are deep in the tank so to speak the need for pumping water to the root base is deminished. This allows for quick start of your grow by pumping the nutes where needed during veg.


Active Member
Here are some pics from my current grow with the stealth hydro system. I am using a 400w hps and this is just bagseed I haven't obtained any good genetics yet. This is only my second attempt ever at growing. I only vegged them for 3 weeks but I topped the hell out of them. U can see the top leaves are a bit burnt cause they are too tall and I can't move my light up anymore and pulling them over is out of the question at this point. They will be ready to pull within the next two weeks.



New Member
Good job! You can grab still them about 6" down from the top, give the stalk a good squeeze and bend it down a little. Might even get more light to the side buds. The last two weeks or so you can rough them up at will. Otherwise, outstanding from bag seed! You're going to have a good amount of product when they finish! Congrats!


Elite Rolling Society
hey with the bubbleponics system, is the water always being pumped to the roots or do you have to turn it on every now and then, and if so, how often. sorry not used to hydro, never tried it. always have gone with soil but i really want to try yumboldt in a hydro system.

The air and water pumps run 24/7, although after a few weeks, you can disconnect the water pump. I run my water pump 24/7 to cool the water by moving it around.


Elite Rolling Society
The bubbleponics system is designed to pump water to the roots of a young plant and is left on 24/7. It consists of a distribution hub with lines running to each netpot sitting on top of a small pump. Some users remove the distribution hub and lines to the net pots during flowering but let the pump in the water during flower to move the water and thereby assist in cooling the resevoir. Once the roots are deep in the tank so to speak the need for pumping water to the root base is deminished. This allows for quick start of your grow by pumping the nutes where needed during veg.

That 's a better answer than mine, MC. REP + for you!
You''ve really grown into a very knowledgable grower.


Elite Rolling Society
Here are some pics from my current grow with the stealth hydro system. I am using a 400w hps and this is just bagseed I haven't obtained any good genetics yet. This is only my second attempt ever at growing. I only vegged them for 3 weeks but I topped the hell out of them. U can see the top leaves are a bit burnt cause they are too tall and I can't move my light up anymore and pulling them over is out of the question at this point. They will be ready to pull within the next two weeks.

Great GROW, smillinjack. Very impressive. Looks like a Sativa Strain, but I also see large fan leaves, so I am confused, SATIVA or Indica?

Hey, visit and read our Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics thread here:DRAIN and Replinish
that link is in the middle of the thread, losts of good info there, expecially toward the end.


Here are some pics from my current grow with the stealth hydro system. I am using a 400w hps and this is just bagseed I haven't obtained any good genetics yet. This is only my second attempt ever at growing. I only vegged them for 3 weeks but I topped the hell out of them. U can see the top leaves are a bit burnt cause they are too tall and I can't move my light up anymore and pulling them over is out of the question at this point. They will be ready to pull within the next two weeks.
Does topping have any +/- effect with bubbleponics systems? I know it "spreads the love" to making a fatter flower and can help to keep plants and lower growing levels and that's about it =).

Also, this being my first time. Should I happen to get a male amongst my wee ones should I just say screw it and let em pollinate and give myself some more seeds to better practice mastering this art?

Said that being the case should I only attempt 2-3 plants for room for margin or error and wasted money in seeds? I'm somewhat of a bright fella but tend to be more on the cautious side of things wanting everything to be perfect regardless of "costs".

Does anyone know if Mylar is effective at higher area's? I'm thinking if it's "95%" reflective that eventually some rays are going to bounce upwards and eventually back down again regardless of loss of strength so I guess I'm asking if anyone knows that its beneficial do to so.


Elite Rolling Society
hey roseman, how exactly do you connect the irrigation manifold to the pump?
Any way you can.
The bottom of the hub, (also called a manifold) is normally 1/2 inch. The top of the pump is also probably 1/2 inch. Ask the man at the hardward store, Lowes, or Home depot, for a plastic connector, to connect 1/2 to 1/2, or 3/4 to /12, or 3/4 to 3/4, what ever you have. I have some WITH 1/2 , and soem with 3/4, it varies. I also use clear plastic tubes, two inches long, with one squeezed or forced tightly into the inside of the other. You just have to rig it.


Elite Rolling Society
Does topping have any +/- effect with bubbleponics systems?

Topping affects any grow, soil, hydro, any grow with any system.
I know it "spreads the love" to making a fatter flower and can help to keep plants and lower growing levels and that's about it =).

Read this :Topping, Trimming, Pruning

Also, this being my first time. Should I happen to get a male amongst my wee ones should I just say screw it and let em pollinate and give myself some more seeds to better practice mastering this art?

Yea, but the pot will be less potent, if it is not sensimillian.

Said that being the case should I only attempt 2-3 plants for room for margin or error and wasted money in seeds? I'm somewhat of a bright fella but tend to be more on the cautious side of things wanting everything to be perfect regardless of "costs".

Does anyone know if Mylar is effective at higher area's? I'm thinking if it's "95%" reflective that eventually some rays are going to bounce upwards and eventually back down again regardless of loss of strength so I guess I'm asking if anyone knows that its beneficial do to so.

Use reflective material EVERY WHERE.


Active Member
I am very new to this culture, I KnoW nothing. Thanks to Roseman's passionate info, I feel very good about the future. I see others are as passionate, gives me hope in being a grower. I have lots and lots to read and learn, I just started looking into this, I see you're a real dude Roseman.:clap: Post #1


New Member
You got that right, Mars1! Roseman is a growing God, a suberb teacher with more patience than my mother (that would be a lot) and a true child of God in every possible way. I can only hope to assist in ways that I can as I learn. Peace, always peace! Wecome!


New Member
Trick is to make them spend more money than it's worth and then find a way to make it a money maker for the government. Just let me grow and tax me! Time to get this medicine into the nations blood stream! At least for those who need or want it! MostlyCrazy descends his soapbox!


Elite Rolling Society
I am very new to this culture, I no nothing. Thanks to Roseman's passionate info, I feel very good about the future. I see others are as passionate, gives me hope in being a grower. I have lots and lots to read and learn, I just started looking into this, I see you're a real dude Roseman.:clap:
Thank you, I 'm always glad to help out, and if you will visit the very long Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics thread, you'll meet other very knowledgable growers like Major Tom, MostlyCrazy, PurpDaddy, HomeGrown Hairy, Thrasher645, who are always glad to help out.
Here's a link to the middle of the thread and also has pics:


Well-Known Member
hey rose man... been thinking about your bubbler system and the idea of the AIr baths... im thinking of having my feeding tank and a similar size tank below that one for a res....would it be beneficial to drain the tank daily for a air bath? cos then i could just drain it to my res... then pump it back... once a day or even twice...have it all running on timers.... what are your thoughts?