house repubs say noooo?


Well-Known Member
Being simple minded as you so profoundly point out, wouldn't I then be inclined to favor Democrats?
though i stopped short of calling you simple minded, your blind embrace of the liberal establishment's totalitarian creed and seemingly unquenchable hatred of the very values that have allowed you the liberties you so love might lead some to believe you lacking in the simple virtues of common sense and clear vision. i'm sure you are not alone in your beliefs. you seem surrounded by a nearly unstoppable tide of similarly inclined fools, while i am stranded amidst this sea of deluded voters for whom trading liberty for comfort seems an equitable solution to the current state of humanity.

Sometimes your supposed "High minded" approach to rhetoric is rather lame.
i never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box, but even i can see that there might be some small kernel of truth hidden in even the most audacious rhetoric. the sin and the ignorance resides in taking such rhetoric at face value and ignoring any truth in opposing viewpoints. i can see that some may prefer comfortable slavery over the hard responsibilities of freedom. i don't wish to deny those people their dream, but i was born a citizen of this experiment in civilization and its aim is the freedom of the individual. the perversion of that aim has been ongoing for as long as i can remember and it is my chosen duty to point out the lies of those who seek to subvert our little experiment for their own purposes. it probably does no good, but it is better than burying my disgust and allowing it to fester. i will die soon enough without hastening my departure by swallowing and internalizing my rage.

yes, you are the enemy. i can't help but see the liberal establishment and its deluded followers as children impatient with the game. instead of allowing the experiment to come to some conclusion, they see only the immediate gains that can be made by playing to the basest instincts of humanity.


New Member
though i stopped short of calling you simple minded, your blind embrace of the liberal establishment's totalitarian creed and seemingly unquenchable hatred of the very values that have allowed you the liberties you so love might lead some to believe you lacking in the simple virtues of common sense and clear vision. i'm sure you are not alone in your beliefs. you seem surrounded by a nearly unstoppable tide of similarly inclined fools, while i am stranded amidst this sea of deluded voters for whom trading liberty for comfort seems an equitable solution to the current state of humanity.

i never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box, but even i can see that there might be some small kernel of truth hidden in even the most audacious rhetoric. the sin and the ignorance resides in taking such rhetoric at face value and ignoring any truth in opposing viewpoints. i can see that some may prefer comfortable slavery over the hard responsibilities of freedom. i don't wish to deny those people their dream, but i was born a citizen of this experiment in civilization and its aim is the freedom of the individual. the perversion of that aim has been ongoing for as long as i can remember and it is my chosen duty to point out the lies of those who seek to subvert our little experiment for their own purposes. it probably does no good, but it is better than burying my disgust and allowing it to fester. i will die soon enough without hastening my departure by swallowing and internalizing my rage.

yes, you are the enemy. i can't help but see the liberal establishment and its deluded followers as children impatient with the game. instead of allowing the experiment to come to some conclusion, they see only the immediate gains that can be made by playing to the basest instincts of humanity.
In case you haven't noticed, this little experiment as you call it, has come crashing down around our necks. This may be the dying throes of a great experiment, engineered by the greed and avarice of those in power. Your blaming it on the average citizen is extremely "Lame". The average citizen just wants to have a decent job and raise his kids to be better off than himself. Most are not that into "Politics", and rely on their leaders to look out for their best interests. Afterall, they promised all these wonderful things to get elected.
Now their eyes are being opened, the greed and coruption is on the front page of every paper, every news channel, most every form of communication, besides they are losing their jobs, their houses, everything. Now you want to blame it on them, how fucking crass.


Well-Known Member
The average contemporary American is a crybaby, just like the average contemporary human. The higher the concentration of these contemporary peoples, the louder the crying. Ever notice the incessant whine coming from big cities? Maybe not, due to the constant sucking sound drowning it out.


Well-Known Member
Except for 8 losers, they did it again. I'm proud of the Dems who grew a pair, listened to their constituents instead of their "boss", and said no, too. But, to the victors go the spoils. There goes the neighborhood, and, the price of weed. It "will necessarily skyrocket". But instead of the growers and dealers getting the "profit", big brother gets it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The Social Democrats should kiss Michael Jackson's room temperature ass for diverting attention away from that piece of shit bill.

Another bill nobody read.

What surprises can we look forward to when this gift is unwrapped?

Climate change my dimpled ass. It's called weather.

I guess it's a good as an excuse as any to cripple an already weakened economy.

Cap and Trade. The Green-Industrial Complex.


New Member
:D ur all wrong and u all suck. Get past the fuckin parties and let's refer to them simply as government. Idc what side ur on both have fallouts and shitty agendas. We need e democracy again. One where the PEOPLE have the say and not the biggest pockets. Remember 8 years ago wheb we had a sense of patriotism? Goodbye america... Amsterdam u better hold strong cause I'm comin lol


Well-Known Member
Good riddance to bad rubbish. :dunce:

Democracy is what got us in this mess in the first place. We need a Constitutional Republic again.


Well-Known Member
I'd settle for two opposing parties bout now. Party line votes every bill. At least we'd know where we can stand, unmolested.


Well-Known Member
The repugs are hoping the package fails, they are hoping Obama fails and they are ultimately hoping the country goes into a depression just so they could say 'i told you so' and win control of the govt back. They don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their oil stocks.

Having said that this stimulus package is not going to do a thing, it is to little to late, its like trying to put out a forest fire with a garden hose. They would have to put 10X the amount of this package to see any effect and thats only if it was put into infrastructure. I cannot believe the repugs answer to this is more tax breaks, how fucking stupid are they? Tax breaks will not do a damn thing and will only worsen the problem.

I'm afraid people that this is only the beginning and we have not seen anything yet.
And yes, the Bush administration is completely responsible.
the country is in a depression toad..and it is going to get worse.


Well-Known Member
Good riddance to bad rubbish. :dunce:

Democracy is what got us in this mess in the first place. We need a Constitutional Republic again.
"A government is a bad thing for a nation, first by avarice and then by ignorance they will destroy this nation, and our children's children will wake up enslaved in the land that we fought so hard to free." - What Jefferson really should have said.


New Member
Good riddance to bad rubbish. :dunce:

Democracy is what got us in this mess in the first place. We need a Constitutional Republic again.

You got us in this mess and you know it!! How dare you give me -rep after -rep cus you lost!! This guy is attacking me cus he hates the truth!! You have a lot of nerve for a loser like the rest of your loser repugnantCon friends. Friends like crackjack!! This guy intendes to bann me cus I made points about the repugnantCons they cant repute so they attack me with -rep after -rep. Dude youll get yours for sure you and all the other repuganatCons!!!!! You can bann me but you cant bann the truth. The truth of the abuse of your pathetic power here and you lies and attacks on me and on the good people who stand up to the power the raped this world and your trying to do this to me personally. How can this guy getaway with doing this to me for purly political reasons?! Is ther some way I can stop this guy jonnyo from over and over attacking me for his buddy crackerjack? Hay jack why dont you do your own fighting? Cus your not able so you have to get your BOY to do it for you?! This is wrong!! Johnno you are wrong and I ask that someone stop this guy! Iam reporting you johnnyo you have no right to do this to me cus you guys lost and are lost:evil::fire:Let this be A WARNING TO ANYONE WHO STANDS UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT HERE CUS THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE JOHNNY WHO WILL ATTACK YOU OVER AND OVER FOR NOT BEING ONE OF THEM. He is -reping for some jokes from over a month ago cus he is a republican / repuganatCon. Who ownes this site? Who can I let know how these repuganatCons are trashing his or her site over there looser politics?! Why cant you guys understand you lost you raped us all and lost and you will never win again!!!
We know what you are and that is why you attack but its to late YOU LOST GET OVER IT AND STOP TAKING IT OUT ON ME JUST GET OVER IT JOHNNO AND STOP WITH THE POLITICAL MOTIVATED ATTACKS TO MY REP!!!! Why cant I give this guy -reps? He can attack over and over but why cant I give it back to him!!??? Is there a adman here that can stop this guy? He just gave me another -rep cus I dare ask him why he -reped me and he let me know that he is a repuganatCon and he dont like me cus Iam a liberal and there is nothing I can do about it!! ( i think I might be able to more then thinks!!) So I guess this site is run by the BBBs (Bushs butt buddys)? Or is it?


New Member
the country is in a depression toad..and it is going to get worse.

I just reported you for disrespect and name calling. As long as Iam here (with mods like johnnyo it probly wont be long) I will report each and every repugnantCon stooge calling people names cus there not cons!!!! I think you are the toad! Ive seen lots of your kin on the highways after a truck gets to em. I hope you hang out on the highways to you and your bbb (bushes butt budys) friends! !:fire:


Well-Known Member
You got us in this mess and you know it!! How dare you give me -rep after -rep cus you lost!! This guy is attacking me cus he hates the truth!! You have a lot of nerve for a loser like the rest of your loser repugnantCon friends. Friends like crackjack!! This guy intendes to bann me cus I made points about the repugnantCons they cant repute so they attack me with -rep after -rep. Dude youll get yours for sure you and all the other repuganatCons!!!!! You can bann me but you cant bann the truth. The truth of the abuse of your pathetic power here and you lies and attacks on me and on the good people who stand up to the power the raped this world and your trying to do this to me personally. How can this guy getaway with doing this to me for purly political reasons?! Is ther some way I can stop this guy jonnyo from over and over attacking me for his buddy crackerjack? Hay jack why dont you do your own fighting? Cus your not able so you have to get your BOY to do it for you?! This is wrong!! Johnno you are wrong and I ask that someone stop this guy! Iam reporting you johnnyo you have no right to do this to me cus you guys lost and are lost:evil::fire:Let this be A WARNING TO ANYONE WHO STANDS UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT HERE CUS THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE JOHNNY WHO WILL ATTACK YOU OVER AND OVER FOR NOT BEING ONE OF THEM. He is -reping for some jokes from over a month ago cus he is a republican / repuganatCon. Who ownes this site? Who can I let know how these repuganatCons are trashing his or her site over there looser politics?! Why cant you guys understand you lost you raped us all and lost and you will never win again!!!
We know what you are and that is why you attack but its to late YOU LOST GET OVER IT AND STOP TAKING IT OUT ON ME JUST GET OVER IT JOHNNO AND STOP WITH THE POLITICAL MOTIVATED ATTACKS TO MY REP!!!! Why cant I give this guy -reps? He can attack over and over but why cant I give it back to him!!??? Is there a adman here that can stop this guy? He just gave me another -rep cus I dare ask him why he -reped me and he let me know that he is a repuganatCon and he dont like me cus Iam a liberal and there is nothing I can do about it!! ( i think I might be able to more then thinks!!) So I guess this site is run by the BBBs (Bushs butt buddys)? Or is it?
A visual translation is worth a thousand words:




Well-Known Member
:D ur all wrong and u all suck. Get past the fuckin parties and let's refer to them simply as government. Idc what side ur on both have fallouts and shitty agendas. We need e democracy again. One where the PEOPLE have the say and not the biggest pockets. Remember 8 years ago wheb we had a sense of patriotism? Goodbye america... Amsterdam u better hold strong cause I'm comin lol

Democracy has been proven time and time again that it is a failure. The people eventually figure out they can just vote themselves a free lunch ( Like right now) and that in turn causes the whole shebang to collapse. Kinda like Rome.

That wasn't patriotism you saw 8 years ago, it was a bunch of people pissed off at the wrong people and just looking for someone to blame. Unfortunately many people were duped into their beliefs by our slave masters.

I will agree with you on getting rid of the parties, they are both bad and serve no purpose as they aren't really different at all.


New Member
A visual translation is worth a thousand words:

Realy seeing what poor looser you guys are with your pathetic attacking my reps I thought that was YOU?! Now stop your crying and realize all you repugantCons are lousers its just a fact live with it and stop being sooooo petty! Some one should remove you from the staff here your kind have no place having any power over anything much less GOOD PEOPLE!! I ask now that johnnyo is demoted to a noob. Anyone else want to see johnnysmo GO? I think Ill make a thread where we can put it to a vote "Should johnnyo go or stay?" Ill cast the first vote go johnno go!!!! (and dont come back):spew: