house repubs say noooo?


Well-Known Member
I would do fine with some people around here climbing down off my back! (realy I would) I was just starting to have some nice positive fun around here sharing storys helping out finding help when out of no where I got sideswiped by johnnyo yet again and for a month old joke. What ever!!?? Iam moving on got no time to play with evil! I got girls to send positive vibes to and playing with these con makes it way to hard! Peace
well jiust trying to be polite by replying to you. Sorry I wont dare do it again.
You cons need to go. Youve made MORE destruction on nature and man then anyone ever and if YOU dont go you will kill US ALL OFF. So for the good of us all you all just to leave this planet. If you dont find some other world to haunt nature will purge you all off her back. Its comming NOW!!! Are you ready to go? Hope so cus you got noooo choice!!! Man open your eyes and you might see whats coming down!! (you and all you cons republicons that is) What is going to happen to YOU and ALL your friends is spelled out in the Merlin Propheseys, Hopi Prophesys, the POPOVA and in the Book of Revelation. (and in many many other places where they clearly spell out what you have been up to and how its going to come down on ALL your heads check it if you dare (not)) Man cant you see all your time is done why cant you see it (dont want to)?! (thanks for helping I Man bring up prophesy adds a new flavor to this stew)

And trust me you dont want to meet I Man you would NEVER SURVIVE THE EXPERIENCE YOUR JUST NOT MADE OF THE RIGHT STUFF.
Say I was wondering why I cant delete my posts or threads? Is there some way all my posts can be removed from this site NOW? Ill del what I can but there seems to be some stuff I cant? Befor you bann me for speeking truth could you help me remove all my posts? Thanks
I ask again tha ALL my posts and threads be deleted NOW! Please?!
By the way what does it mean constant trolling? And yes I get it you dont like TURTH. Tuff!
Previous posts duly quoted for posterity. Cannot be deleted except anyone but me or a mod. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Wow Max. You never cease to amaze with your logic and debate strategy. You are good.:wall: Where did you learn your method of insult and ridicule? Harvard? Yale?
incase you didnt notice merlin is turning people into the LAW..
incase you havnt noticed the title..this site is a marijuana site..and almost everyone here is doing something illegal in most states..and you have this dude calling the police on people? i dont care what excuse he isnt good enough right now..i dont care for what reason he calls the cops..this man will have some peoples freedom taken from them.if he gets the might tolerate it..but i dont find it funny at all...all alot of people need to have happen is have their IP traced down weather they did anything or not have the cops show up and then he gets some time in jail and lose his freeom..not to mention his girls.his house his family...fuck that..i dont even want some like that near me..and he would be bounced off of this site straight away if a admin had and brains.


Well-Known Member
I think it is perfectly "germane" to this thread seeing how you feel you can say and do anything you want to any one who is not one of your repugnantCon friends (yuck) and dares to post in one of your threads or to stand up to your lies. Your lying in this thread and Iwont stand for it! I note how you cons post every maner of evil insults to any good person who dare to speak truth in one of your lie filled twisted con threads but you come to our threads and rage and lie to no end. And you bad rep anyone who dares to stands up to your lies but give +reps to your liar con friends for spreading hate and lies and for wanting to over throw our Goverment that makes you guys TERRORISTS REAL TERRORISTS who need to be reported to the FBI (Iam working on it i just need to copy a few more posts by devils like johnny) Iam talking about how the repugantCons have trashed the USA and the World because your all sick evil gready blood drenched devils come to do the work of your God Satan who will stop at nothing to get there power back but you never will oh evil devils!!. Your time is over and your all going to hell you just wait and see. I hope I might be able to help send some of you devils to prison first! Maybe they can send you guys to Cuba so you can hang will all the other terrorists. Who knows if we are lucky you might kill each other off and rid the world of your GREAT EVIL??!! I PRAY THAT IT MIGHT BE SO!! AND THAT YOUR FIRST JOHNNYO!! So the way I see it when a thing like johnny doing the work of satan gives me a -rep I see it like a badge of honor! So keep it coming johnnyo your KARMA is just going to get you all that much sooner!!!!!! Man there are a lot of subhuman devils on this web and this site who just love to f with Goodness but they are just f***ing them selfs!!! ( hmmm I guess they like it that way) Got to find the feds number I think for the good of the country someone needs to do something about the con TERRORISTS here before its to late!!!!!!!
Agent Provocateur


Well-Known Member
Rome was NEVER a democracy. It was ruled by 7 kings early on, then switched to a republic, and finally moved to an empire. It was never a democracy. Greece ruled by democracy, especially during the 5th century when Plato quotes Socrates as saying that democracy is the rule of pigs.
Yeah I wasn't making that inference, i was inferring that the USA would collapse like Rome did.


Well-Known Member
LOL that merlin guy spoutin off about how god is going to come down and wipe clean the planet of anyone with a "R" as their political Bias. I fucking laughed at that one!! I mean Holy shit, who knew GOD the almighty was affiliated with the democratic party. Mind Boggling!


Well-Known Member
Right, I say ther repukes had their chance to do some good for the country and fucking blew it, looking for votes in '2010'. If this bailout doesnt pass with enough job creating impetus, there wont be an election in '2010', the repukes will top the hit list of every American that has lost their job and been put into the street. Fuck the repukes, full steam ahead, get some Big "O".
Ignoring the Dem connections to finance, Enslaver?