house repubs say noooo?


Well-Known Member
Hmm onesided arent we? What about the attacking and isulting done by them I see now that is ok. You cant get it can you its wrong to let these cons attack insulit ridicule not just me but anyone even this country and are gov even are way of life anyone who is not a CON?! Have you taken the time to check out what these guys say to us? Do you care (not)? Iam done defending GOOD here there is just to much evil on this site evil sparked by staff like johnnyo. This site is not worth it and it is not going to be here much longer anyway. (with the likes of crackerjack and johnnyo running the place into the ground and into the sights of the feds as real life terrorists)
Ya I know I should have droped it but that is to easy to let them have there way. That is what every one does with evil just look the other way but that is not my not THE WAY! I have be defending your country and members here from these cons and I dont care EVEN THAT much if you bann me for standing up to tyranny no else here seems to be doing it ya all just let them say and do anything?! Thats wacked and Ill have no part of it Later (much Later):spew:
did you report their posts? i haven't read them. report them and they will get dealt with. i keep telling you this.


New Member
did you report their posts? i haven't read them. report them and they will get dealt with. i keep telling you this.

Sorry for pissing you off I have a strong feeling you are a great guy and what keeps this site afloat to bad you have staff like oh never mind Iam done.:sad:


New Member
I would do fine with some people around here climbing down off my back! (realy I would) I was just starting to have some nice positive fun around here sharing storys helping out finding help when out of no where I got sideswiped by johnnyo yet again and for a month old joke. What ever!!?? Iam moving on got no time to play with evil! I got girls to send positive vibes to and playing with these con makes it way to hard! Peace


Well-Known Member
I would do with some people around here climbing down off my back! (realy I would)
then maybe you should just stop. give it a rest for awhile. go grow some pot or something. you won't let it die. you are dragging it all over the forum. you said 5 times you were leaving. :?


Well-Known Member
Democracy has been proven time and time again that it is a failure. The people eventually figure out they can just vote themselves a free lunch ( Like right now) and that in turn causes the whole shebang to collapse. Kinda like Rome.

That wasn't patriotism you saw 8 years ago, it was a bunch of people pissed off at the wrong people and just looking for someone to blame. Unfortunately many people were duped into their beliefs by our slave masters.

I will agree with you on getting rid of the parties, they are both bad and serve no purpose as they aren't really different at all.
Rome was NEVER a democracy. It was ruled by 7 kings early on, then switched to a republic, and finally moved to an empire. It was never a democracy. Greece ruled by democracy, especially during the 5th century when Plato quotes Socrates as saying that democracy is the rule of pigs.


Well-Known Member
did you report their posts? i haven't read them. report them and they will get dealt with. i keep telling you this.
You have not read them because there is nothing to report.

The little wizard knows this because had he found anything, it would have been forwarded to you ASAP.

He's just angry and sad. :sad:

I can only hope the F.B.I. (The fucking F.B.I.!) reaches the same conclusion when he contacts them as promised.


Well-Known Member
Wow Max. You never cease to amaze with your logic and debate strategy. You are good.:wall: Where did you learn your method of insult and ridicule? Harvard? Yale?


New Member

You cons need to go. Youve made MORE destruction on nature and man then anyone ever and if YOU dont go you will kill US ALL OFF. So for the good of us all you all just to leave this planet. If you dont find some other world to haunt nature will purge you all off her back. Its comming NOW!!! Are you ready to go? Hope so cus you got noooo choice!!! Man open your eyes and you might see whats coming down!! (you and all you cons republicons that is) What is going to happen to YOU and ALL your friends is spelled out in the Merlin Propheseys, Hopi Prophesys, the POPOVA and in the Book of Revelation. (and in many many other places where they clearly spell out what you have been up to and how its going to come down on ALL your heads check it if you dare (not)) Man cant you see all your time is done why cant you see it (dont want to)?! (thanks for helping I Man bring up prophesy adds a new flavor to this stew)

And trust me you dont want to meet I Man you would NEVER SURVIVE THE EXPERIENCE YOUR JUST NOT MADE OF THE RIGHT STUFF.


New Member
Ya know it just accrued to me how startling the evil of the republicans truly is!? That God would worn soooo many peoples soooo long ago that you guy where going to do this very thing is really telling. It MUST be the GREATIST EVIL EVER for all these prophesies about one group of people doing what they are doing TODAY!!! You guys are a major heads up to every one on this planet that it’s all coming down now. I’ve lived in many countries and every ones about this. (Every one but you cons I guess God doesn’t WANT you guys to know, hope I didn’t give anything away? Naw you’ll never get it Gods work is still safe!!)


Well-Known Member
Ya know it just accrued to me how startling the evil of the republicans truly is!? That God would worn soooo many peoples soooo long ago that you guy where going to do this very thing is really telling. It MUST be the GREATIST EVIL EVER for all these prophesies about one group of people doing what they are doing TODAY!!! You guys are a major heads up every one on this planet that it’s all coming down now. I’ve lived in many countries and every ones about this. (Every one but you cons I guess God doesn’t WANT you guys to know, hope I didn’t give anything away? Naw you’ll never get it Gods work is still safe!!)

you are "name calling". i'm gonna ban you. :fire:


New Member
Say I was wondering why I cant delete my posts or threads? Is there some way all my posts can be removed from this site NOW? Ill del what I can but there seems to be some stuff I cant? Befor you bann me for speeking truth could you help me remove all my posts? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Say I was wondering why I cant delete my posts or threads? Is there some way all my posts can be removed from this site NOW? Ill del what I can but there seems to be some stuff I cant? Befor you bann me for speeking truth could you help me remove all my posts? Thanks
i will be banning you for constant trolling and name calling. you need to understand this.