Sugar Blossom, Rubbermaid/CFL, Second Grow


Well-Known Member
Naw man that looks like over nuting right there, give her a couple good straight waters like the next two or three times. She should be ready for some more nutrients by then, less is more.



Well-Known Member
Naw man that looks like over nuting right there, give her a couple good straight waters like the next two or three times. She should be ready for some more nutrients by then, less is more.

I flushed last water then put maybe 10% recommended dosage in last 2 liters. Things haven't gotten any worse so it must have been overnuting.


Well-Known Member
DAY 19 OF 12/12

So things have been going good, lots of nice little flowers, 8 around the same size. I decided to switch up my lighting a little bit tonight. I was reading that you should still have some 6500k lighting in flowering. So I had to take out one 30 w 2700k but was able to add 2 42 w 6500k. So now lighting is at 2700k - 174w, 6500k - 84w, Total wattage - 258w. I think I have better coverage now too. Anyways heres some pics:

Comparing Day 14 to Day 19:

Rest of DAY 19:

And finally my new lighting setup:



Well-Known Member
I was curious about my progress this grow versus last grow and I found that my current lady at DAY 19 looked the same as my big plant last grow at DAY 37. Thats a pretty big difference, I think due to the low night temps on my first grow. Here is a comparision shot:

Previous grow DAY 37:

Current grow DAY 19:



Well-Known Member
Looking nice bro looking nice. It almost looks like you topped the lady??? Anyways keep up the good work, and give her a good break from the nutrients bro she will like that.



Well-Known Member
Wow nice man! But I see a little nute def on the current grow(amber tips).
Why do you think it is a nute def...what nute ? ....... I was under the impression it was nute stopped spreading after last water when I flushed


Well-Known Member
Looking nice bro looking nice. It almost looks like you topped the lady??? Anyways keep up the good work, and give her a good break from the nutrients bro she will like that.

Hey man, thanks, she is doing pretty good, I really see a difference on a day to basis. Do you think I should flush again next watering, or go with a light nute of say 30% recomended dose?

I'll have to get a pic to show the training that the stem went under. I'm glad I have 8 tops from the LSTing


Well-Known Member
That is deffinately not a def. if anything its toxicity.....

Not a flush persay just no nutrients in the water. And its still really early on in the game she isn't needing the flower nutrients to heavy right now. The watering next time after the straight water will be good at like 25-30% nutrients so ya do that bring them in slow and then keep them at a good level like 50% for a good two weeks and then slowly moving up to like 75-80%. Do you have a ppm meter or anything?



Well-Known Member
Hey I may have saved that possible hermie! It only had one ball and I plucked it and no sign of anymore since! I'll keep an eye on it. Hope to see some pics soon brah!


Well-Known Member
That is deffinately not a def. if anything its toxicity.....

Not a flush persay just no nutrients in the water. And its still really early on in the game she isn't needing the flower nutrients to heavy right now. The watering next time after the straight water will be good at like 25-30% nutrients so ya do that bring them in slow and then keep them at a good level like 50% for a good two weeks and then slowly moving up to like 75-80%. Do you have a ppm meter or anything?

No ppm meter dude..

I gave 2 liters of clear water and then gave another 2 liters with 10%. They seem have responded well to the watering, no more burning leave tips. She's starting to frost up a bit on the flowers, looking really nice. I think she is really liking the additional lighting I added.

Anyways some pics:

DAY 22 OF 12/12

From the top of the rubbermaid, comparing DAY's 14-16-19 and 22

Other DAY 22 pics:

And here are some pics of my two apples trees. I recently transplanted to these low depth pots. I think thats what all the bonsai trees use. I should probably read into how to keep the tree small.



Well-Known Member
Ok sounds good. What about soil ph or water ph? I mean those leaves are looking very yellowish, its still to early in the game for the leaves to be turning yellow like that. All in all she is coming along nicely over there bro. Loving the apple trees also, you should think about veging them to a nice size and then transplanting into the ground. Get you some apples off them trees.



Well-Known Member
I did a little search on how to bonsai an apple tree....not looking good. Apparently apples trees require a dormancy period, which is very hard to replicate indoors. Also it would 15 years before it would begin flowering. Also everything I learned about growing cannabis does not apply....:-?

I may have a lot of researching to do to figure out how to bonsai.


Well-Known Member
lmao sounds like this plan isn't going to work. Apple trees need a dormancy period? Thats weird.... and 15 years damn thats a good long time.



Well-Known Member
Hey man just stopping in again - looking good. Hope you get the yellowing probs figured out.... i havent a clue. Good Luck! :D


Well-Known Member
Hey man just stopping in again - looking good. Hope you get the yellowing probs figured out.... i havent a clue. Good Luck! :D
Thanks man, I think I was burning the leaves with too much flowering nutes, once I flushed the problem went away.


Well-Known Member
How they doing yeld?? Got any pics?
Hey man, yeah she's doing pretty good I think. I am really happy with where she is at about half way through flowering. No pics yet, need to get some batteries for my camera.