AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
the fact of the availibility and eacy of use, corragated plastic is way strong and seems to be perfect for use this way, i spend alot of time trying to find good altenatives to as much as possible, saves lotz coin for sure......

Well, i got my Cloner stand/Bud dryer built, i just gotta wrap it with plastic and add some vent holes, turned out not bad, should make my drying time way eacier and faster, i'm soo happy i won't have to use the frigin cloths hangers anymore... my room entrance ain't big nuf to go thro with only a few hangers loaded.....:joint:


Fuckin yeah, looks good. A regular Bob Villa you are.....
kiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Now what you need to do with your drier is get a kief screen to put under the bottom tray with a teflon tray underneath it. Then get a decent sized electric motor and put something "off-center" on the drive shaft. Bolt it to the cabinet, turn it on and voila!

Instant hash screener.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin yeah, looks good. A regular Bob Villa you are.....
kiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass :mrgreen:

Thankz man, i think of myself as a " Tim The Tool Man Taylor" tho, lol, i'm way more accident and mistake prone then Bob Villa!

Now what you need to do with your drier is get a kief screen to put under the bottom tray with a teflon tray underneath it. Then get a decent sized electric motor and put something "off-center" on the drive shaft. Bolt it to the cabinet, turn it on and voila!

Instant hash screener.

Great idea, but i got a Tumbler for making hash, i will be using something under the last screen to catch any fall thro, i want the fall thro for hash making for sure....

And thankz for reminding me of the hash.... i got lotza stuff to tumble, i should get on it today i think.....



Well-Known Member
Good day all, here's some updates of my rooms,

i took the pictures this mornin before i started ripping 1 walls plastic and mylar off to install my sound proof board, hopefully this stuff will take away the suction sound in the next room....

anyhow, here's a look at my sexy lady'z this fine mornin....

i topped all the new moms, i want them short and bushy, and all the old mom's have way too many clones as usual, lol....

the Veg Aero system works fukn awsome, same as the flower one, roots everyware! :mrgreen:

I also made a new All-in-1 DIY Aero cloner/veg/flower systems tread... go check it out... https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/212657-all-one-diy-aero-cloner.html



Well-Known Member
Did I see some Chemo in there? Did you pick up a new strain?

LOL, ya man, thought ya seen them,
got 2 big branches donated to me by a Local grower,
Chemo and Gremlin,
made 5 clones outa 1 and 4 outa the other

So now i got 5 strains going!

Romulan x SSH
AK47 x SSH
Hiawian Sweet Skunk

it'll be nuther month or so till i can clone off them,
but looking forward to the variety's....
only need 2 moms of each so i probly gonna flower the spares thro,
after i pass some around to a few friends tho,
and a few to the original Branch donator!

....................................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how ya be...........

Here's some updated pic's of my lady's....... oh they soo sexy!

Ran into a delema.... had some plants growing into the lights! couldn't lift the light anymore cause of the carbon filter.... so had to do some adjusting!...
now at leaste i got a few inch's between light and plant! Pic's show before and after........

those new Moms are doing awsome, i topped them all a few days ago and chose the future moms yesterday....

I'm really impressed with the new Veg Aero system, those fuk'n roots are awsome! And do those Old mom's ever wanna donate clones!

I got the Second Aero system setup in the flower room, i'll stock it tommorow with them way rooted Veg'n Babe's!
Had to switch some taller centre plants out with shorter outer rim plants, surprisingly eacy to get the roots seperated!

I finally took the last 2 batch's shake and put it thro my hash maker... fuk'n nice 12 grams of pressed killer hash! :hump:



Well-Known Member
Good day all, howz it going?

Well, my veg system worked awsome, 2 weeks and i had roots soo long, like 2' ! they all in the second Flower aero system now.....
Man oh man do these setups ever make things so eacy and clean!
Here be the new one's with the old in the backgroung...

And talk about roots! taking the potz outa veg into flower showed me 2' roots! i luv'd it!

And do the 3 week old's ever have some nice root systems!

LMAO.... does my veg system ever look outa place in the veg room empty.... those mom's have soo many future clones on them!

And i'm gonna be rearanging the Clone room some tommorow, cause i gonna transplant the best future mom's so i need more room in there....
thinkin i'll thro up the next T5 set while i'm at it.....

................................. :joint:


Well-Known Member
cool man, glad everything is working out for ya, looks like some killer hash too :joint:
Thank ya sir, and killer hash it is! i luv it!..... he he he... and oh ya, i got me a clone off a Hash Plant tonight too, gonna make some killer hash outa that! got 2 other strains too.... but gotta find out the names again, i too stoned and forgot!

So, anywhoooo.....
only real update i got tonight is that i put up my other 4'x4 bulb T5 set and transplanted the future New Mom's into bigger pots, gave away the leftover's..........

.......................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, howz it going?

So here be some updates on my grow....

So my new donated strains are Hash plant, Chemo Haze and Black Domina.... hope they work.....

I transplanted all my future moms and i've even got them training already, they gonna be short bushy mom's this time....

Man are those old moms ever ready to clone off! when the new mom's are ready to produce clones, these old ones will get thrown thro 12h.....

Man oh man i like Aerophonics! those frigin flower units have got some major roots.....
only prob i got is that the first batch got way tall on me! How, i don't know, they went from cloner to 12h, the light wuz kept about 4" away and they still streched! wonder how tall the new batch will get, i let them veg for a few weeks too.......hoping it's just the strain.....

........................ :joint:


Well-Known Member
Man I'm lovin the roots, you got the Aero down bro! Your moms right now is like a friggin rainforest, I know it's a vital part of the eco-system there but is it a designated wilderness area too? LOL sounds like some good strains added to your garden--looking forward to those. :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
Man I'm lovin the roots, you got the Aero down bro! Your moms right now is like a friggin rainforest, I know it's a vital part of the eco-system there but is it a designated wilderness area too? LOL sounds like some good strains added to your garden--looking forward to those. :peace: :joint:
Thank ya sir....... lol....... i luv forests....... he he he

Soo... here be some updates of how my grow go.... he he he
had some minor burned leaves (3) in the flower room, had to adjust my light again, frigin lady'z tryin to push the light up!
frigin Romulan x SSH likes to stretch!
I'm coming to the conclution that it is Not an ideal strain for SOG...
pics are before then after...

So my Test batch of clones all have rootz this mornin! The new strains should root in the next few days i hope...

Those Future moms looking good, they taking to training just like the sexy lady'z i raised them to be!

And man oh man do those old Mom's ever got lotza future clones on'em!

Now on to the flower room.... there be some sexy lady'z!

..................................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how do.......

I still been battlin with light hight.... soo...
short of havin the light up to the roof.....
I tryed the bending method to bring the canopy level and down from the frigin lights.... see the frigin burned leaves!

So, hopfully that'll be the end of that batch's frig around, i'll bend the next batch way earlier.... 8" clearance now......

So, all the 8 test clones in my new cloner got roots,
Not sure if i'll givem away or just thro them out....
Got 4 other clones in it too, they gonna be new mom's, they new strains....
And when it's all empty and cleaned out, i'll be loading up a full batch of HSS for the next round....

Those future Moms under the T5's are really takin good with training, lotza side branch's goin up already....

My mom's are just way too frigin Bushy!
Getting so i gotta start hackin a way thro!

These 2 plants are Romulan x SSH,
they are just over 3 months old and still in beer cups!
they are future Mom's for a local med grower,
they gonna produce nicely for him.......
Funny, the beer cups fit perfect in the empty Veg system...
These are yours keeger123....

And again i offer nuthin but praise to my Aero systems,
man oh man are they ever eacy to maintain!
just add water and nutz as needed,
I Do Not miss my 3 hour soil feeding seccions.....
and those roots are just ape shit!

I also desided to make a new Trelise deal for them, one higher, outa bambo.....

.......................................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how do....

i did that Top Bending Method yesterday and been kinda streesing wether it wuz a good choice.....
It seems it wuz!
they have taken to that method nicely and are already reachin for light!

Finally got lotza big white Pistals shooting out now,
maby they gonna stop growing up now anyhow!

Come check out my Latest DIY..... https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/212657-all-one-diy-aero-cloner.html

......................................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how do ya be.....

So here be some update pics for ya,
delivered the old clones to my buddy tonight,
can't wait till he gets a Journal going, sounds like he gonna have a good setup....

So here be all my lovely lady's tonight.....
it's been pretty hot round here for a few days,
frigin can't keep my rooms from peakin 90....
hope it don't affect them much....
gotta get the rooms rearanged so i can put the AC right in the flower room...... :neutral:



Well-Known Member
How do you keep your foam rubber on your tub? As soon as mine gets wet and I take the lid off it comes off with it.....

good day there....

you got 2 options.....

1- Sand the jug top lip with fine grit sand paper then add weather striping, might be the finish on the plastic is too shinny and slick...

2- Try a Different brand....

Those are the only suggestions i got... sorry.... hasn't happened to me before.... i get mine at Home Depot.......

.............................. :joint:

And i guess i might as well update things too.....

Here be them sexy Young new Moms, they are thankfully growing slower under the T5's, i just don't need nuff clones these days to have huge Moms.... gave away my 8 tester clones, and 2 of the 4 new strains got roots already, wish they'd hurry up, i gotta get that cloner restocked here soon... :hump:

and my old moms is just Unruley! the wanna give kids sooo bad..... :hump:

And this mornin i discovered i had frigin plants wrapin the lights again! even after bending them they still wanna touch that frigin light....... nuther burned leave.... oh well, i went in and adjusted the light a wee bit more under green lights, so i'll show it later... :neutral:

Sorry, lights went out just as i tryed to get the older flower system root pic's, so they'll wait to........

See my All in one Aero DIY... https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/212657-all-one-diy-aero-cloner.html

................................................. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how ya doin?

So here be some updates of me grow for ya....

Had some bad luck yesterday,
my cloner pump died and i never noticed till 5 hours latter...
guess a year+ of use is good for a small pump....
The 4 remaining clones were all laid over when i noticed,
and all but 1 seem to have recovered already.....
So, got me fingers crossed for them, they are new strains for my show...

Man do my future moms ever look good, and they are thankfully growing way slower under the T5's...... :hump:
And the old Mom's... well they is just Big.....
they gonna be cloned in the next few days...:hump:

I Have noticed in my Flower systems that there is a way different root structure between vegged or not plants!
the plants that were Not Vegged have Massive roots starting from the pot down, with little bottom spreading..
the plants that were vegged have few and smaller roots that mainly spread out in the tray bottom....

I think i just might forget about vegging them at all!
i like the None Vegged Root structure better! :hump:


No Veg..........

Man these frigin flowerin ladies just wanna stretch!
i've been going in nightly and bending the top cola's over,
can't get the lights up anymore!
That strain is definetly not a good choice for SOG,
But atleaste they got buds going now,
so they should stop the stretch.......... :neutral:


See my grow...https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/107075-ak-47-x-super-silver.html

See my All in One DIY...https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/212657-all-one-diy-aero-cloner.html