Interesting thoughts on this, you all do have (I will stop talking like Yoda now).
I want to add that this is about a LOT more than just us being able to burn a joint, or bowl, or vapo, or even a bukket (that thing is crazy, to baked in 1 hit).
For reasons touched upon in this thread already, every step we take toward full-on legalization is a step towards an eventual lessening of a lot of problems facing our society, and also the entire ecosystem of planet earth.
I know that there may be people here who are turned off by that part of that last statement, thinking its "hippe crap" or whatever, but seriously, we are GOING to run out of fossil fuels one day, and for reasons that are way too much to go into here, the cannabis plant moves us towards being able, a lot more easily, to rid our dependence on fossil fuels and also, nuclear energy. (super short's is incredibly easy to grow, and you can make food AND fuel from it {among other things, of course}...if you are growing it for
those purposes, its actually an issue that it can overtake your land!)
With that in mind, it becomes even more important for us to keep pushing forward with this.
My personal take, btw, on the best approach, is that we are kind of already taking it.
We may not be able to get Obama to sign off on legalization, BUT.... if we can win enough smaller battles to make it abundantly clear to anyone in power that not only do the people in general support legalization, but that there is already significant legislative momentum, and also, possibly even more importantly, industrial backing for, legalization, he would be a lot more likely to do it. i.e., I don't think DuPont, or Exxon, or IBM for that matter, give a shit if they are deriving their profits from oil based products, petroleum based products, or magic fairy dust based products, so long as they can see a genuine financial opportunity in a given approach.
One thing that could be considered a downside to that, of course, is that if a person is currently making money selling weed, their profits are artificially inflated by the fact that its illegal. If it became legal, their whole game would have to change. But there are millionaires to be made by that, too. That doesn't affect me, though. I have a total of 2 plants right now. And they are both being ravaged by something I have yet to identify. One doesnt even look like weed anymore.
OK... rant done now. If you read this far, thanks for tuning in!