why Molasses????????????


Active Member
Hey guys,

I've been hearing places that people use molasses mixed into their water/nutrients...

many claim they get up to 20% higher yeild, more potent buds, and an intensified flavour

so I was wondering, what is the scientific reason?

my understanding is that roots cannot absorb sugar, so how exactly does this work?



Well-Known Member
It's easier for you to read a chapter than it is for any of us to write one! Look it up, it's called research.


Well-Known Member
Here Man here's the straight Skinny.

Molases has many benifits so lets start with why to use it in veg~

Molases is good for the microbiotics that live in the soil, and fend of root rot etc. Good Microbiotics are good for the roots, the more the better.

In flower~ Molases has Pottasium and Magnesium for starters, also the roots take it up and turn the sugars in to Carbs which help feed the buds. You will see major improvements (bud Girth) when used.

When used durring and after the flush it will help sustain plants appetite, being you took away all its food when flushed.

It will not flavor, color, etc. Buds.



Active Member
how do you apply it, can you use it in hydroponics, or is there something else to use? How much, when you said flushing, how do you apply it then and after, and when do you apply it?


Well-Known Member
i mix a tbs or 2 in a gallon of water for soil. don't think it will work with most hydro systems.


Well-Known Member
us organic folks usually make a 'tea' out of it, aerate and ferment
note the aerate - without oxygen, anaerobic bacteria take over producing something less desirable


Well-Known Member
I mix one Tbl per gallon once a week in veg and 2 tbls per gallon once a week for the the first 4 weeks in 12/12 then 2 tbls per gallon every feeding.
No on hydro from what I hear.
When you flush you flush 3 times. One time just water , wait 20 mins flush again just water wait a few minutes then again with molases.
You wait inbetween flushes so water can dissolve salts and second flush can wash it out.


Well-Known Member
us organic folks usually make a 'tea' out of it, aerate and ferment
note the aerate - without oxygen, anaerobic bacteria take over producing something less desirable
Add one capful of Hydrogen Peroxcide to one gallon water/feeding and that will add tinly little molecules around the roots that will hold more oxygen. Great for HYdro and over watering.


Well-Known Member
since we're on the topic - here is one cautionary item i've heard
molasses contains a good amount of iron - some growers claim that too much molasses have caused a harsh metallic taste in their bud
anyone have any experience with that happening?


Well-Known Member
Over 45 harvest with 2 tbls per gallon every other day (5 1000 hps can heat up a garage fast) and never a promblem with taste.
BlackStrap Molases 15% iron


Hey guys Ima first time grower and my girls are at the 6 week point in flowering Im growing hydropnicaly and was wondering if i should use molassis ?