Fan Leaves +Rep to everyone HAngin,Not Yellow, none have fallen, Week5Flower, +Rep


Fan leaves hanging, green color, leaves hanging at the stem. Will they turn color and fall? Is this normal in the cycle, not everyone has fan leaves falling off. HyDro, Working on week 5 and a half flowering. + Rep to everyone who inputs

Buds sites sticking up straight


Active Member
Fan leaves hanging, green color, leaves hanging at the stem. Will they turn color and fall? Is this normal in the cycle, not everyone has fan leaves falling off. HyDro, Working on week 5 and a half flowering. + Rep to everyone who inputs

Buds sites sticking up straight
might be over watering or maby its to hot in your spot.


Well-Known Member
Fan leaves hanging, green color, leaves hanging at the stem. Will they turn color and fall? Is this normal in the cycle, not everyone has fan leaves falling off. HyDro, Working on week 5 and a half flowering. + Rep to everyone who inputs

Buds sites sticking up straight

sound slike over watering or even heat stress but the foliage changes colors and falls off during flowering when your close to peek. but its natural except that droopy booty leaves lol

happy growing


Well-Known Member
iz natural for the fan leaves to fall off when flowering the plant knows iz the end of iz season and puts all the energy to the bud