SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
well headed out today to check the salt licks and do sum more scouting for deer and elk.. between my growing and hunting i think im on my way for the BIG D..... divorce. if it happens there shouldbe a good woman who whants a green home.... i just may start takeing applications to fill the spot,,,,,,,........LOL
waz up with u 2day..
you should always be accepting applications.. its always good to have a solid back up in case your first choice falls through... hope you dont have to deal with that tho...

sounds like a fun day non the less... today is friday right?? well i have to work all damn day.. really its not all day.. only about 5 hours split in 2 shifts.. and its not even work.. its just sorta fuckin around.. my pops and me opened a restaurant a few years back.. me and him had a fallin out and i split off.. but since i dont work right now and just do the unemployment thing.. i help him out if he needs it.. which is usually just fridays.. get to eat what i want and dont really do shit... just am there for the comfort in case shit gets busy...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you should always be accepting applications.. its always good to have a solid back up in case your first choice falls through... hope you dont have to deal with that tho...

sounds like a fun day non the less... today is friday right?? well i have to work all damn day.. really its not all day.. only about 5 hours split in 2 shifts.. and its not even work.. its just sorta fuckin around.. my pops and me opened a restaurant a few years back.. me and him had a fallin out and i split off.. but since i dont work right now and just do the unemployment thing.. i help him out if he needs it.. which is usually just fridays.. get to eat what i want and dont really do shit... just am there for the comfort in case shit gets busy...
well then have a great day get your mac on and sit on your ass.. i'll yak at you latter..:peace:


Well-Known Member
you should always be accepting applications.. its always good to have a solid back up in case your first choice falls through... hope you dont have to deal with that tho...

sounds like a fun day non the less... today is friday right?? well i have to work all damn day.. really its not all day.. only about 5 hours split in 2 shifts.. and its not even work.. its just sorta fuckin around.. my pops and me opened a restaurant a few years back.. me and him had a fallin out and i split off.. but since i dont work right now and just do the unemployment thing.. i help him out if he needs it.. which is usually just fridays.. get to eat what i want and dont really do shit... just am there for the comfort in case shit gets busy...
Sucks you had a falling out with your pops...I think i read about it a few months ago. At least you can still come in and give a hand. It good for the long term relationship you guys can have. :peace:


Well-Known Member
well then have a great day get your mac on and sit on your ass.. i'll yak at you latter..:peace:
had me a good lunch... well not anything special.. it was fire tho.. a grilled ham and smoked gouda grilled cheese on sour dough.. oh yea.. it was fuckin goooooooood

Sucks you had a falling out with your pops...I think i read about it a few months ago. At least you can still come in and give a hand. It good for the long term relationship you guys can have. :peace:

yea i think i may have mentioned it a while back.. me and him didnt talk for a few years.. and its just been in the last few months that we sorta got things worked out.. it was all on him really.. and he knows it.. he got what came to him.. and learned what he needed.. just wish it didnt have to go down like that...

so i went ahead and FIM'd the blueberries earlier today.. i was thinking about topping them.. but wanted to see how the FIM worked first since its less stress.. they obviously arent into the supercropping thing.. if they dont like the FIM, then i'll top them in a couple weeks...

also i wanted to comment on the stalk the white shark is getting.. its damn near as thick as a sharpie and she's so short.. just havent had a stem that thick on a plant that short before... just wanted to spit that out...

with the sprouts im replacing it might be a minor set back time wise.. but i really doubt it... i dont see there being much of a time delay at all...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya i had a good ride. didn't see anything but that's ok. now i need sum medication damit.... better call the medicine man......LOL


Well-Known Member
good to hear you had a good ride.. find some elk to put down later?? bet it looks awesome out there.... its just flat and woodsy around these parts.. no mountains or anything cool to see... woods/forest, corn fields or soy fields, and other types of flatness... woooo hoooo

the medicine man hook you up well last night?? LOL must be nice having a personal relationship with him... he knows you almost as well as you know yourself... bongsmilie


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
good to hear you had a good ride.. find some elk to put down later?? bet it looks awesome out there.... its just flat and woodsy around these parts.. no mountains or anything cool to see... woods/forest, corn fields or soy fields, and other types of flatness... woooo hoooo

the medicine man hook you up well last night?? LOL must be nice having a personal relationship with him... he knows you almost as well as you know yourself... bongsmilie
he will be here this morning..YA. thank god i had enough to egt me threw the night and this is close... 4 more weeks and the big bud is comeing down,,,,:hump:


Well-Known Member
oh damn... i thought you had more of your stash left.. LOL guess that probably was a little over the top sounding... but i was reffering to him being you.. so its not so bad that way....

glad your getting taken care of... even gladder you had enough to get you through till he gets there


Well-Known Member
i had enough to get me a good bowl.. have to stop by a buddies house later today myself....

i suppercropped the whiteshark today again... she was starting to hang over the sides of the pots... so i figure it would be good to push her up... i think there are about 14 nodes under where i SC at... so it should be a nice push up... i think ill end up doing the og kush again here in a few days... she responds really well... and ill see how the bb like the FIM.. if they dont seem to respond much to it ill top them all...


Well-Known Member
been thinking about the 2 sprouts that were on the outside of the hps row that fried... the two on the outside of the row with the 2 that fried.. that prolly makes more sense.. anyways.. been thinking about what i'll do if they end up kicking the bucket too... i think if they end up keeling over too ill end up just taking a couple cuttings off the OG kush or the white shark if she matures soon enough, root them, and just throw them in those sites.. that way i still only have to wait for what sprouts are doing well to take and i can flower.. it would set me back to far starting more seeds or something to make it worth it.. it sucks i am even having to deal with this.. but its really my fault... could have let them roots a little longer... just got tooo antsy and am payin a small price... just goes to show how much patience plays in some things...


Well-Known Member
Yeah man sorry to hear that hopefully you can make up for that with the cuttings

thanks bro.. its really sort of fucked up... the sprouts under the floros, that are just as strong as if not stronger than the hps, are fine and thriving.... the 4 i put in the middle row of sites are the ones that are having the issues... the two that were on the outside of the row are in a stale and the two that were in the middle are now completely dead.. i had pulled those 4 back out to hopefully let them root a little more.. but really im not too worried if they dont take back off.. the 2 new seeds i germ'd are about to pop the tops of the starter cubes.. and ill actually let them root the right way.. for more than 3 days or whatever i gave them...

now the 3 sprouts that were on the outside row under the floros to begin with are doing wonderfully... really showing good growth for being only 2 or 3 days in... so it makes me wonder why the floros were ok and the hps wasnt... both have very similar lumen ratings.. and in fact the floro was about 4 or 5 inches closer to the ones that are ok than the hps was to the ones that fried.. the hps reflector was and still is cool to the touch... best i can figure is from the heat wave we got here over those couple days (95+ outside) it raised the temp of the grow room just enough that, combined with the hps light, was just too much for the little sprouts to take... which is just more of an argument for the floros as i have never had an issue with rooted sprouts dieing at all until i added the 2 hps lamps... oh well.. live and learn...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
morning samy, glad things are starting well. had a few mishaps in the green house as to broken limbs fixed up now, should be ok. i started sumne clones yesterday.. the others are looking a little bad, they may not make it.. shit i need a 400wtt mh bulb,can't afford the $100 for it right no, hell i just ordered $250.00 of hunting goodies.. broad heads, quiver, camo boot, fletching jig, and a trail camera.. can't wait tell that camera gets here... and after hunting season i'lluse that camera for a security camera also...
man is the indoor packingon sum size to the nugs,,wow 3 to 4 weeks away tell harvest on my big bud


Well-Known Member
morning samy, glad things are starting well. had a few mishaps in the green house as to broken limbs fixed up now, should be ok. i started sumne clones yesterday.. the others are looking a little bad, they may not make it.. shit i need a 400wtt mh bulb,can't afford the $100 for it right no, hell i just ordered $250.00 of hunting goodies.. broad heads, quiver, camo boot, fletching jig, and a trail camera.. can't wait tell that camera gets here... and after hunting season i'lluse that camera for a security camera also...
man is the indoor packingon sum size to the nugs,,wow 3 to 4 weeks away tell harvest on my big bud

morning back at ya brotha.. today hasnt been too bad at all.. got some good buds to smoke on last night... so im happy... ahh its nice

sorry to hear about the busted limbs in the greenhouse... sounds like you just need a bigger one... bet its getting packed in there... how big are your girls now?? close to touching the top i would imagine.. bet it smells wonderful too.. the more i hear you and tm talking about flowering the more antsy i get to get there myself!!

sounds like you got some nice hunting shit.. and the camera especially because its dual purpose.. i go out with my buddies sometimes... but dont get all decked out or anything... he has a tree stand.. so we just chill up there.. but he has like 50 acres of woods.. so there is always something to shoot.. i think we are going fishin here in a week or so... should be a good time...

what were the clones from?? i hope they make it for you.. it always sucks when you have something die on you for no reason...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
morning back at ya brotha.. today hasnt been too bad at all.. got some good buds to smoke on last night... so im happy... ahh its nice

sorry to hear about the busted limbs in the greenhouse... sounds like you just need a bigger one... bet its getting packed in there... how big are your girls now?? close to touching the top i would imagine.. bet it smells wonderful too.. the more i hear you and tm talking about flowering the more antsy i get to get there myself!!

sounds like you got some nice hunting shit.. and the camera especially because its dual purpose.. i go out with my buddies sometimes... but dont get all decked out or anything... he has a tree stand.. so we just chill up there.. but he has like 50 acres of woods.. so there is always something to shoot.. i think we are going fishin here in a week or so... should be a good time...

what were the clones from?? i hope they make it for you.. it always sucks when you have something die on you for no reason...
its the mites fucking little basterds... i think i can pullthem threw. the clone came out of the green house off my big bud and indica...:hump: oh and i have one plant thats like 2"fromthe top.


Well-Known Member
its the mites fucking little basterds... i think i can pullthem threw. the clone came out of the green house off my big bud and indica...:hump: oh and i have one plant thats like 2"fromthe top.
damn mites.. i hate the fuckers.. i think geographically i get them in the spring and fall the worst... havent seen them at all this summer so far.. but if you remember i had them a couple months ago, and im sure i will this fall as well... are you using anything on them?? gotta love neem oil... im sure you got it under control tho.. or at least beginning to work on it... i really hope that they pull through for you bro.. that indica (assuming its the same you sent me) is fucking bush... really impressive... so if it is the same i hope yours pull through.. and that big bud too.. just because massive buds are badass!!

so 2" from the top.. thats about 8 ft right?? if i remember right thats about how tall your gh is... DAMN.. thats all i can think to say.. other than that... DAMN... LOL i bet she's still growin too... so what the hell you gonna do bro!! its a good problem to have.. plants to tall for the area they are in.. its better than being too short or something.. but do you plan on takin the top off or anything??


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
damn mites.. i hate the fuckers.. i think geographically i get them in the spring and fall the worst... havent seen them at all this summer so far.. but if you remember i had them a couple months ago, and im sure i will this fall as well... are you using anything on them?? gotta love neem oil... im sure you got it under control tho.. or at least beginning to work on it... i really hope that they pull through for you bro.. that indica (assuming its the same you sent me) is fucking bush... really impressive... so if it is the same i hope yours pull through.. and that big bud too.. just because massive buds are badass!!

so 2" from the top.. thats about 8 ft right?? if i remember right thats about how tall your gh is... DAMN.. thats all i can think to say.. other than that... DAMN... LOL i bet she's still growin too... so what the hell you gonna do bro!! its a good problem to have.. plants to tall for the area they are in.. its better than being too short or something.. but do you plan on takin the top off or anything??
not sure yet stilldebating on what to due, take down the top. but i also want to take the whole dam thing down. then again i just might leave it be just tie them over. next year though its going to be just as wide but twice as long with a taller roof. i will plant them in line in the center of the greeen house but 4 ft apart....:hump:


Well-Known Member
u funny fucker.. ya im getting the fever now, 27th of next month ill be up and down those hill, mountains....:hump:

wow you guys are funny shit man thats crazy early moning shit , and i got a damn baby shower to go to how about that . b.s is all i can say lol :twisted::twisted:


Well-Known Member
morning samy, glad things are starting well. had a few mishaps in the green house as to broken limbs fixed up now, should be ok. i started sumne clones yesterday.. the others are looking a little bad, they may not make it.. shit i need a 400wtt mh bulb,can't afford the $100 for it right no, hell i just ordered $250.00 of hunting goodies.. broad heads, quiver, camo boot, fletching jig, and a trail camera.. can't wait tell that camera gets here... and after hunting season i'lluse that camera for a security camera also...
man is the indoor packingon sum size to the nugs,,wow 3 to 4 weeks away tell harvest on my big bud

bro hit me up for a bulb , i have them in bulks . i knew they would come into play at some time and i helf on to them . so let me know and we can work something out bro.