ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

Cool man, I got 5 SR's going in my bubbleponics now too. These ladies are BUSHY! About 3 weeks now on them and they already reek.
Mine are at 4 weeks of flower and you can only smell it if you put your nose right up to them so it must be the ionizing air filter in the room with them , I'll try turning it off for a couple days and see what that does, I don't want odorless bud.


Active Member
Usually the terpenes (the compounds responsible for the complex smell of your flowers) will pack on really heavily during the last couple weeks of flowering. They will also mature and become stronger during the curing process and can change quite dramatically from the freshly cut buds to the final product. Nice grow so far though, sorry to hear about the males. Did you order these through Nirvana?
Usually the terpenes (the compounds responsible for the complex smell of your flowers) will pack on really heavily during the last couple weeks of flowering. They will also mature and become stronger during the curing process and can change quite dramatically from the freshly cut buds to the final product. Nice grow so far though, sorry to hear about the males. Did you order these through Nirvana?
I had 4 going and 3 of them were grown from seeds I got through Nirvana and one of the Nirvana seeds and the bagseed were both males...I had tried to germinate 4 of the nirvana seeds and one didn't make it...Thanks for some scientific explanation for the lack of odor. I'm taking college bio 1 and 2 this year and Organic Chem next summer and fall so hopefully I'll be better educated on some of these things next time I try to do a grow.

Unrelated question: When should I expect to start seeing my buds get some red/orange coloration...they are pretty much all green/white/yellowish right now? I know the obvious answer is that it depends on the genetics, just curious about when this typically happens.

+rep for you for the odor thing


Active Member
Mine are at 4 weeks of flower and you can only smell it if you put your nose right up to them so it must be the ionizing air filter in the room with them , I'll try turning it off for a couple days and see what that does, I don't want odorless bud.
Lol they won't be odorless i'm sure they be nice and sweet. I put up my diy carbon filter though recently and couldn't smell a thing so i'm sure that's it.

When did you plants start "flowering", it is supposed to be auto-flowerer right?

Mine started flowering just the other day at like 3 "official" weeks, but they ran into a lot of probs and growth got stunted for a week. Yours actually had a long vegetative state, and then went into flower? Mine flowered real early and my plant is still growing with it. Plants look good though man, keep it up! :peace:
Lol they won't be odorless i'm sure they be nice and sweet. I put up my diy carbon filter though recently and couldn't smell a thing so i'm sure that's it.

When did you plants start "flowering", it is supposed to be auto-flowerer right?

Mine started flowering just the other day at like 3 "official" weeks, but they ran into a lot of probs and growth got stunted for a week. Yours actually had a long vegetative state, and then went into flower? Mine flowered real early and my plant is still growing with it. Plants look good though man, keep it up! :peace:
I vegged for 8 weeks and didn't show any signs of sex so I changed to 12/12 and now am over 3 and a half weeks in to that


Active Member
I vegged for 8 weeks and didn't show any signs of sex so I changed to 12/12 and now am over 3 and a half weeks in to that
Damn, 8 weeks is a long long time for vegging i'd go 5 weeks at max. I think mine are already starting to show sex... weird. Anyways, so they're doing well then?

If you have any updated pics of flower that'd be interestin to check that out man
The plant I have growing in the miracle gro (bought fox farm, then didn't have enough for all four...wasted on one of the males) and it's fan leaves have gotten burnt up pretty bad in the last few stayed green and healthy looking for the most part but the leaves were very dry and crispy, so I'm just going to skip feeding it for the next two weeks and continue feeding the LSTed plant as usual. It sucks that it happened like that, but oh well you live and you learn and it didn't damage the buds that I can tell or decrease the vigor of the plant. It's not drooping or yellowing or anything, just some dead fan leaves. I know some people just cut off most of the fan leaves anyways to get more light to the buds although it's not the smartest thing to do and their buds still turn out just fine. Advice to anyone reading this before thier first grow: don't worry too much when things like that happen as long as you have a good watering schedule, a good light source and decent genetics the plant survives slight mishaps like this pretty well most of the time.

I'll take and post some pictures when I get back home...I'm at work right now haha


I'm about to start some Short Riders, would you suggest letting them germinate in wet paper towels and then putting them in a party cup with soil before transferring to a 1 gallon pot? Or would it be better to put them into peat moss pots and let them germinate and transfer as usual?
I'm about to start some Short Riders, would you suggest letting them germinate in wet paper towels and then putting them in a party cup with soil before transferring to a 1 gallon pot? Or would it be better to put them into peat moss pots and let them germinate and transfer as usual?
I had a 75% germ rate by putting the seeds in a cup of water blocked from light then planting them in soil when a shoot starts emerging, but the one that didn't sprout was the only time this method has failed me. It's a nice way to do it b/c the seed should sink after about 12-24 hours if you poke it and seeds that don't sink are bad and you won't have to waste your time on them. The seed should start to sprout in 1-3 days. Gently scoring the outside of the shell with sandpaper before you start germination helps the seed to split when it's ready.

People get good results from doing the wet paper towel technique too. Just make sure not to let the paper towel dry up with the shoots in it or the shoot will stick to the towel and you'll kill it trying to separate them. I'd also suggest using some kind of container that lets light in but traps humidity for the first week or so after planting them. I just used a solo cup with saran wrap at the top with some small air holes in it.


Active Member
Have you noticed your short rider's being really sensitive to nutes?

I read lowryder 2's are sensitive to nutes which is another auto-flowerer.

I think I have overnuted mine but I am not sure, even though what I added is not all that much for this stage of growth.

Just curious had any problems with nuting, or adding too much?
Have you noticed your short rider's being really sensitive to nutes?

I read lowryder 2's are sensitive to nutes which is another auto-flowerer.

I think I have overnuted mine but I am not sure, even though what I added is not all that much for this stage of growth.

Just curious had any problems with nuting, or adding too much?
They are pretty sensitive...and obviously the one in Miracle Grow is especially sensitive. The one in organic soil takes the fox farm schedule pretty well without problems though. The leaves are very sensitive to burning if feeding solution touches them. I try to spray down my leaves with plain water after feeding to try and rinse them in case I got some on them, but it's best to just try and get the solution directly on the soil not on the leaves at all.
If you aren't sure if they are close to having too much nutes feel the leaves. if the leaves are feeling really crispy and rough then they are being fed too many nutes. You can see the damage from nute burn in the pics I'm about to post. I tried to cut off the dead parts of the leaves to keep as much of them as possible. Just because part of a leaf died doesn't mean it's not doing photosynthesis anymore, so I try to keep as much of the leaf as I can when I'm pruning dead stuff.

EDIT: I checked your journal and saw you're using a more hydro style set up and I've never tried that, but I would recommend just starting at half strength then increasing by an 1/8 or so until the plant is showing signs that it's had enough nutes, like crispy leaves or burn marks. I def. wouldn't try to push the nutrients too hard until they're large enough to handle the stress of being overfed a little, but when that is exactly is a judgment call.
You can see the effects of the nute burn on the first plant and where I trimmed the fan leaves.
They are just starting to show some faint color in the buds the last couple days.



Active Member
You can see the effects of the nute burn on the first plant and where I trimmed the fan leaves.
They are just starting to show some faint color in the buds the last couple days.
Those look real nice man! Real real nice, and you said they don't smell?!

I don't believe that, lol, they must smell perty damn sweet by now w/ all those nice buds. Lookin real good, those are much taller than I expected them to be! I might have to do some renovation in my box if they get that big... right now mine are fairly short just over a foot and bushy as hell bout 3 weeks in.
That's quite a bummer to read that they may not be 100% af. I have some going outdoors up here in north and we barely have darkness yet, so....

However yours look good... I was expecting them to look more indica-ish. Post a smoke report when you're done. :)

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
First off nice grow Chem! Lookin a lot LARGER than I expected this strain to be so thanks for the insight!

I hope you don't mind, I will be starting my own Journel soon enough but I thought I'd post my first few pics of my "Short" Rider here for you to check out!
I bought feminised seeds from Pick&Mix and had a seed from a mate which turned out to be a boy (now removed and binned!)
I'm starting them in a converted PC case and when it comes to flowering I have got a grow tent to throw it into so space is now not an issue!
I now only have 1 plant growing but today popped another 2 SR seeds!
So my lonely baby is 21 days old (so apparently - according to Nirvana - 5 weeks til harvest) However proof from yourself says otherwise!
Here are my pics from day 3, day 9 and day 21 (which is today)
Sorry for the hijack but I wanted your opinion as we are growing the same smoke?
What do ya think chem?



Well-Known Member
In hydro you measure ppm or ec when you have feed in the ec will drop if too weak and go up when too strong and stay how it is if ok. Never wait for signs burnt leaf tips as yove already over fed and has effected your yield. Looking for rams horning or very dark leafs would be a better idea in soil but in hydro ppm and ec all the way. i run an DIY aero/drip/dwc set up combined and that method is way prefered.
First off nice grow Chem! Lookin a lot LARGER than I expected this strain to be so thanks for the insight!

I hope you don't mind, I will be starting my own Journel soon enough but I thought I'd post my first few pics of my "Short" Rider here for you to check out!
I bought feminised seeds from Pick&Mix and had a seed from a mate which turned out to be a boy (now removed and binned!)
I'm starting them in a converted PC case and when it comes to flowering I have got a grow tent to throw it into so space is now not an issue!
I now only have 1 plant growing but today popped another 2 SR seeds!
So my lonely baby is 21 days old (so apparently - according to Nirvana - 5 weeks til harvest) However proof from yourself says otherwise!
Here are my pics from day 3, day 9 and day 21 (which is today)
Sorry for the hijack but I wanted your opinion as we are growing the same smoke?
What do ya think chem?
Thanks RedEye, yours look good, mine were about the same at that stage, they really take off after about 4/5 weeks once they have enough fan leafs. That one looks like the same phenotype of the one I have left that I didn't LST, but I doubt they have them narrowed down to a few phenos yet so It might just be a coincidence. Looking good though man