thanks guys..its turning out to be a real long fucked week. my girl is stuck in the hospital for over 1 week. baby is 4.5 pounds, still in her...but her waters broke, so she has to be there, under no movement monitering, so she doesnt get the baby an infection, because with out the water, theres no barrier. theyre going to ceaceran her, but not till tues to give the baby a week to get to 5.5 pounds and better lungs. so that leaves me to watch the dog, and my boy...and i start working next tues, with a full day this saturday too.. its just messed up, supposed to work the day of the ceaceran.. + i got mites even on my clones in the cloner. could see them with my bare eyes this morning. full blown in the veg room even. i just got home and sprayed some more concentrate knock down, pyrithium/canola oil mix.. then i went after them cautiously with a doom insectiside aersol spray. this time i stayed back the reccommended 4ft with 1 second bursts . hopefully doesnt burn like it did be4 when i got up close and nasty with the dr. doom. anyways im trying to just stay chill, but i find myself making 2-3 40mile round trip a day to the hospital for a solid week and a half, and then even when my girl is released , our baby will have to stay in the nursery for 2weeks - 1month, so ill .or my girl will still have to make multiple trips each day. . . so this is a real kick in the balls.
well anyways.. ya.. thanks for the GreenH.every1...