Laserbrn ~ (DP White Widow) + (Green Crack x Romulan) + (BB Blue Cheese)


Well-Known Member
It's been 18 days since the beans sprouted. I had my T5HO too close to seedlings so they burned a little bit, nothing major just a little heat stress. I raised the light up to about 8" and now they seem much happier. When they get a little more settled and aren't so sensitive I'll bring it back down to about 5".

Veg Room:

2x4 White Hydroponics Tray
20 Gallon Reservoir
6 lamp 4' T5HO Fixture - 60,000 lumens
6" Can Fan - 365CFM - Exhaust
4" Can Fan - 245CFM - Intake

Flower Room:
4x4x7.5 Grow Tent
-I currently have 2x400w lights, but I'm going to get an air-cooled 600w as soon as it's necessary and I'm ready to start flowering.
This tent is not yet outfitted with all of the equipment as alot of it is going to depend on my choice of light and right now I'm leaning towards a 600w, but may do a 1000w.

Without further ado, I'll upload some pictures. These little babies are about 2/1 weeks old. 8 White Widows + 4 Big Bhudda Blue Cheese (all feminized) sprouted about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I picked up 4 Green Crack x Romulan clones from the local dispensary yesterday.

The overall plan is to get those 4 Green Crack x Romulan clones into the flowering room in about 3 weeks just as a test run for the flowering room to get it all dialed in and to hopefully get some ganja in the end. After that's up and going I just want keep some fairly large plants around to just keep filling the flower room every 8 weeks with new plants. I think this perpetual will keep me and my smoking needs satisfied plenty well, if not, I'll add another 4x4 tent and 600w light setup and do two flower rooms offset by 1 month so that I can get monthly harvests.

I doubt that's going to be necessary, but if it is, it'll be that much more fun to watch.

My current medical patient status allows me to grow 12 immature and 6 mature plants. My girl and I are both medical marijuana patients so it allows me to do veg & flower legally at the same time.

So sit back and enjoy the show...



Well-Known Member
Nice. Would you use the 2x400 light in conjunction with the additional 600 cool tube that you want, maybe a 1000 that you also might want? How are you cooling the 2x400 lights, I saw you have 2 can fans which room is it for, is the tent in the same room? Are you sharing fans? I only have one for exhaust and I don't even use it really. I should really have a even air exchange my fans are ghetto. Looks like a very nice start. More pics of your setup?? :shock: Subscribed! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Nice. Would you use the 2x400 light in conjunction with the additional 600 cool tube that you want, maybe a 1000 that you also might want? How are you cooling the 2x400 lights, I saw you have 2 can fans which room is it for, is the tent in the same room? Are you sharing fans? I only have one for exhaust and I don't even use it really. I should really have a even air exchange my fans are ghetto. Looks like a very nice start. More pics of your setup?? :shock: Subscribed! :hump:

My flowering tent is in the same room. The veg area is in a closet and the flower tent is out in the room. I will likely only use a 600w that I will acquire here soon. The plants have finally started growing after being burned by the lights. Can't believe the lights are that powerful, but that's what happens when you change things in your setup. Live and learn, but things are finally starting up now. I'll add more pictures when there is something exciting to report.

My 2 fans are currently on my veg room and my flower room will have new fans. I will probably have a 6" exhaust fan and a 4" intake fan. Probably another 6" fan to vent the light only because I may at some point add another tent and I won't want to add another fan. Just set the two lights on the one 6" fan.


Well-Known Member
Alright, it was DEFINITELY the freaking lights. Can't put T5HO lights too close to seedlings.

They have finally started growing after this absolutely bizarre discovery that these floro's are too strong and burn little seedlings. I am going to order some more seeds and get them going ASAP, but it looks like these will be grown out and we will have some awesomeness.

Strangest thing, they looked EXACTLY the same when I went into the hospital a week ago. I moved the light up, raised the nutrient level to about 100ppm and rushed out to the ER (another story for another time), but when I got home last night it looks like they started to take off.

I had the light at 20" and only 1 plant looks like it really stretched out. A couple of them are very low and compact still and I think all will be well. Can't believe this flourescent fixture is that powerful, but hey, it's good news and now I've got the setup dialed in and I know how to get things started. So this should start getting better and we've got probably about 4 weeks until we have something to start putting into the flowering tent.

Here's some pics, let's have a little fun. 5th picture shows the only one that has stretched out a bit more than I would've expected, but I was gone a week and couldn't do anything about it. I've got the light down now to about 7" so it should slow that stretch down quite a bit.



Well-Known Member
About how long do they start to grow after transplant, I just transplanted my clone. I love the strain I cloned and can't get any more of it and want it to be the mother, is it ok to make a mama out a clone? How many plants are you going for exactly? Since you and your girl are patients does the enable you to cultivate 24 at a time? If so I hate you, I can only have 3 in flower:evil::evil::evil: Damnit! Stupid laws, I'mma make me 3 trees next grow. Also, your doing hydro right? Stupid question but why? Seems so much easier to grow in soil. Hydro confuses me but I wish I new more. Hope to learn from this journal! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:o:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
About how long do they start to grow after transplant, I just transplanted my clone. I love the strain I cloned and can't get any more of it and want it to be the mother, is it ok to make a mama out a clone? How many plants are you going for exactly? Since you and your girl are patients does the enable you to cultivate 24 at a time? If so I hate you, I can only have 3 in flower:evil::evil::evil: Damnit! Stupid laws, I'mma make me 3 trees next grow. Also, your doing hydro right? Stupid question but why? Seems so much easier to grow in soil. Hydro confuses me but I wish I new more. Hope to learn from this journal! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:o:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

I am allowed to grow 24 in veg. I am going to keep 12 in veg and 6 in flower at all times. I grow in hydro because it's cleaner, faster and I have a bit more control over things. It takes a little more "practice" to grow in hydro as it's easy to make mistakes and they can set you back, but I like not having to buy soil all the damn time. I also don't like the pests that seem to be more of a problem with soil and dealing with transplanting. I just stick'em in rockwool, put them in the system and they are good to go.

As far as growing a mother from a clone ABSOLUTELY it's the only way to go. I like to know how my plants perform before I consider them for becoming a mother. I noticed you cloned a flowering plant so it will take a little longer but it looks like it rooted already and you're off to a good start. Shouldn't be a problem at all. I've been keeping an eye on your journal and it looks like things are going well.

I will probably never go back to soil unless I go outdoors, I grew in it my first few grows and it was just messy and annoying for me and I had some good mentors (friends) that grew in hydro and showed me the way. It is annoying how easy it is to burn your plants though and it kind of be dissapointing after a lot of work as it doesn't leave a whole lot of room for mistakes. It's best to start out in soil for the forgiving nature of it.


Well-Known Member
Alright, things have definitely gotten better since raising the light. I went to the hydro store today and he confirmed with the 6 lamp T5HO it needs to be up a couple of feet for seedlings. He said it happens all the time where people do that and urged that next time I turn off 4 of the bulbs in the start.

I picked up a 600w ballast, picked up a flange and a 600w lamp for my reflector.

By the end of summer I'll pick up a 1000w ballast and lamp as well, that way I can swap the lamp depending upon how cold the night time temps are around here. When it gets bloody freezing cold in the winter I'll run the 1000w over those 12 hours with cold air drawn in from outside. Should also help to heat the place and during the summer I can adjust it down to either the 600w or 400w.

I think it will be ideal to be able to switch around my ventilation and now lights to accomplish my goals and manage costs. Not having to run A/C will be a big factor for me and when it's just so hot in the summer I'll deal with the 400w.

In the pics you can see the lower leaves on the plants that were burned and therefore did not grow and will eventually fall off.

Haha, and a picture of the guard dog just in case you want to come fuck with my shit. She'll lick you to death.



Well-Known Member
Alright, it's only been 4 days, but I've got some updated pictures. I'm going to try to update about twice a week so it's right about on schedule. I'm going to start flowering a couple of plants here real soon.

I need to pickup the glass for my hood so I can air cool it. It supposed to be in at the hydro store tomorrow so I could be flowering some plants here within the week. Almost certainly that will be the case. Probably start with the 400w because the night time temps around here aren't very low right now.



Well-Known Member
Alright, I've setup my flowering room now. I'm going to get it started under my now complete 400w air cooled light. I can switch the ballast and bulb to 600w when the night time temps around here go back down.

So now I've got 8 plants in the flowering room. These were clones from the dispensary that I've had in my veg room while my seedlings were growing up. This would be 5 "Fire OG" from the dispensary as well as 3 Green Crack x Romulan.

All of the White Widow and Big Bhuddas that are growin' from seed are still in the veg room.

So now the fun begins, I've got the first batch off and running and should get some bud in about 8 - 9 week off of these clones while I sex the seedlings and start culling the weaker ones.



Well-Known Member
Okay, so today is the first day of flowering or at least the first day of 12/12. I'm just posting so in 6 weeks when I can't remember what day I started I have some reference.


Well-Known Member
Nice. I'll check out your grows when I get to work this morning. I'm going to bomb my grow rooms today while my plants are sleeping. I have the pyrethum Fogger in hand.
preventive measure? foggers worry me.:-?


Well-Known Member
Oh and I should add that it is a preventative measure because I picked up clones from the dispensary. If I had grown all of it from seed I wouldn't do it.

The dispensary clones quite often end up riddled with bugs, so I just spray them early on in flower so the problems don't develop later in flower when they are much more difficult and dangerous to deal with.


Well-Known Member
great thread ... subscribed for sure ... many thanks for your efforts and I look forward to watching this progress. Walk On!!~~~


Active Member
looking real nice dude ...i think u got the same tent as me ..oh btw where did u buy that fan? my tent is very limited in space i need some thing like that