More Liberal BS.


Well-Known Member
Anyone besides me getting tired of these liberal war-horses/hacks going around the world apologizing for the blessings of freedom and liberty?

But America has made mistakes. In the article, Hilary says that one of our mistakes is our rampant spewing of carbon emissions into the air. Regardless of whether her example is correct, we have made mistakes. So I disagree with what Hilary stated as an example of our mistake, but you seem to suggest that we make no mistakes or that all of our mistakes are simply byproducts of our spreading of freedom and democracy, which is complete bullshit. We make many mistakes and almost every one of them is because we're only concerned about ourselves and our own well-being - not because we're some agency of benevolence or altruism. Would you like to me to provide examples of our mistakes, all made because of selfish greed?

The jesuit murders in El Salvador.

The ethnic cleansing of native americans.

The assault on minorities throughout our early history (namely, slavery).

The misogyny that pervaded (and still pervades) our society.

Shall I go on...?


Well-Known Member
The naysayers will always be just that; losers.

America is the most successful, and benevolent, collection of human beings ever to inhabit the earth. Our wealth, created by hard work and ingenuity (freedom), serve as an example for the rest of the world to follow. Our surpluses, given enthusiastically, feed and cloth the teaming masses of the world. We ended the world wide scourge of slavery (a scourge that many American Indian tribes embraced, long before the white man could have taught it to them). A scourge that existed since the beginning of recorded human history. We did this by fighting a bloody civil war where brother fought brother. We did it because of our founding documents and the self evident truths contained therein.

You only miss it (freedom) when it's gone, and it's leaving the station as we speak. I know many patriotic, freedom loving Americans know this. And it gives me hope. We'll do what is right, just as we've always endeavored to do, as a people.

God damn the haters, the destroyers, and the naysayers. Should I go on?


Well-Known Member
Yep we have made mistakes in the past. But why are we still apologizing. Like still apologizing for slavery when not one single person living today was ever a slave or slave owner. So who are we apologizing to? No One around has any idea what it was like to be a slave, who cares now, its over.


New Member
The naysayers will always be just that; losers.

America is the most successful, and benevolent, collection of human beings ever to inhabit the earth. Our wealth, created by hard work and ingenuity (freedom), serve as an example for the rest of the world to follow. Our surpluses, given enthusiastically, feed and cloth the teaming masses of the world. We ended the world wide scourge of slavery (a scourge that many American Indian tribes embraced, long before the white man could have taught it to them). A scourge that existed since the beginning of recorded human history. We did this by fighting a bloody civil war where brother fought brother. We did it because of our founding documents and the self evident truths contained therein.

You only miss it (freedom) when it's gone, and it's leaving the station as we speak. I know many patriotic, freedom loving Americans know this. And it gives me hope. We'll do what is right, just as we've always endeavored to do, as a people.

God damn the haters, the destroyers, and the naysayers. Should I go on?

Quite honestly ChChoda, this is one of your best posts ever. And ... that's saying a lot. :)



Well-Known Member
your apoligizing to there children,,,,,
They've been dead a long time. And as for segregation, affirmative action wasn't enough? Maybe we should reintroduce slavery, but of white folks, for 50 years. Would we, as a nation, be all squared away, then?


Well-Known Member
theres still slavery going on so i care only diffrence is its mental now not physical,,,,all polititions are politricktions,,,,they tell you wat you want 2 hear not wat you want to know....i dont put my trust in ANY man,,,if they wanted people power we would bee voting on individual problems in the communities,voting and reasoning on wat can be good or bad for the people not voting on a false king or queen on some big false thing......most of them speak with a donkeys jawbone so i dont listen


Well-Known Member
how do you square away slavery of a culture and people,,,where i live people cant square away a funny look before they reach for theyre waist,


Well-Known Member
Quite honestly ChChoda, this is one of your best posts ever. And ... that's saying a lot. :)

Hey, thanks Vi. I have a great deal of respect for men and woman of your moral character. Keep on teaching us what it is to be American (free), and I'll try to live up to your teachings.


Well-Known Member
most blacks in this country of america dont even know theyre roots or culture,,,dont know the language we should be speaking...god we praised ect,until then you can be free and ignorant to who you are,,,i dont plan on living on the white mans land for too much longer im 20,,,ill be free on my land,,i plan on moving to shashamane ethiopia


New Member
But America has made mistakes. In the article, Hilary says that one of our mistakes is our rampant spewing of carbon emissions into the air. Regardless of whether her example is correct, we have made mistakes. So I disagree with what Hilary stated as an example of our mistake, but you seem to suggest that we make no mistakes or that all of our mistakes are simply byproducts of our spreading of freedom and democracy, which is complete bullshit. We make many mistakes and almost every one of them is because we're only concerned about ourselves and our own well-being - not because we're some agency of benevolence or altruism. Would you like to me to provide examples of our mistakes, all made because of selfish greed?

The jesuit murders in El Salvador.

The ethnic cleansing of native americans.

The assault on minorities throughout our early history (namely, slavery).

The misogyny that pervaded (and still pervades) our society.

Shall I go on...?
Sure, please go on, professor ... you're always entertaining. :lol:

There are NO countries that have not made "mistakes."

1. Not familiar with the Jesuit murders in El Salvatore. Please enlighten us. Thanks. Oh ... does Ronald Reagan enter into this picture per chance?

2. Native Americans: Europeans exploring the New World were not always at fault here. Most tribes were savages that enslaved captured prisoners of rival tribes. They tortured, maimed, enslaved, raped and pillaged. So ... it wasn't a one-way street.

3. Slavery: Not excusing it, but slavery was an economic issue at the time. It was a mindset well entrenched into early American society. To continue to exploit guilt on current-day Americans is bullshit ... and really is about promoting an agenda. Enough already!

4. Misogyny: Yes, it still exists, but is most prevalent among liberal elites in the Democrat Party, their lackeys in the Main Stream Media and certain classless individuals who post in this forum. Reference Sarah Palin. :blsmoke:

Now then, instead of concentrating on the failures of America like the good leftist you are, how about promoting the greatness of America? Geez, if you want, we can start with the Berlin Air-lift. :lol:


what... huh?

Active Member
most blacks in this country of america dont even know theyre roots or culture,,,dont know the language we should be speaking...god we praised ect,until then you can be free and ignorant to who you are,,,i dont plan on living on the white mans land for too much longer im 20,,,ill be free on my land,,i plan on moving to shashamane ethiopia
Most people in America have no idea their roots either as we are mostly mutts. I can say I don't lose any sleep being unfamiliar with my Irish, Norwegian, Native American, Italian, German and African languages, tribal cultures or... Gods did you say?

WTF Does ANY of that shit matter?

Never ceases to amaze me the importance people put on bullshit.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The United States has over 700 bases on foreign soil...something is wrong with that picture. Never mind the ego problems it reveals, the military expenditures that brought down the USSR are the same chickens that will come home to roost here. The constitution does not even permit a standing army in peace time.

There are alot of things to like about this country and alot of things we need to face if we want to make this country what it could be. Blind patriotism or the flip side blind self loathing ain't the answers.
Real freedom and The truth would be a good place to start. Our government is not made up of common people it is not what it was supposed to be.

Often I see and point out the negative things about this country, but I'd rather be here than many other places.

Nothing wrong with being proud of your country, we have Chevrolets and apple pie. Um wait in NYC you can't eat the apple pie because its got the wrong kind of fat in it, and who knows the status of Chevrolet anymore?
Oh well at least we still have baseball.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
The United States has over 700 bases on foreign soil...something is wrong with that picture. Never mind the ego problems it reveals, the military expenditures that brought down the USSR are the same chickens that will come home to roost here. The constitution does not even permit a standing army in peace time.

There are alot of things to like about this country and alot of things we need to face if we want to make this country what it could be. Blind patriotism or the flip side blind self loathing ain't the answers.
Real freedom and The truth would be a good place to start. Our government is not made up of common people it is not what it was supposed to be.

Often I see and point out the negative things about this country, but I'd rather be here than many other places.

Nothing wrong with being proud of your country, we have Chevrolets and apple pie. Um wait in NYC you can't eat the apple pie because its got the wrong kind of fat in it, and who knows the status of Chevrolet anymore?
Oh well at least we still have baseball.
What about Sweden? and i drive a chevy and its the biggest pos ive ever owned. looking forward to buying a ram 3500 and putting a cat engine in it (that'll be the day)

what... huh?

Active Member
First of all, read your constitution rather than pull ideas from others writings.

The individual states cannot have a standing (paid) army (militia) without congressional approval. At no point did the framers intend us to be indefensible.