If Uncured bud taste crap???


Well-Known Member
If uncured bud taste like crap, will the cured product taste like the original crap taste, or will the taste change? Like I've heard people say "cant wait for my NL to cure cause right now it taste like bigfoots dick!" Obviously Northern Lights taste fantastic & is worth the $300 price tag but at some point it must have tasted shitty. Anyone got the good word???

Bud in question pictured below.



Active Member
People say it doesn't but i really dont think it matters if you cure or not, it's bud, it gets me high, So FUCK it.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I just want that $300 taste ya know. I really would like to be able to grow the finest.


Well-Known Member
Im afraid im messing up. Dry for a week, cure in jars, at least 1 month. buds have just started jars and taste poopy. :(


Well-Known Member
I wanna hit my smoke and have my lungs fill up like i just paid the guy on the corner for that kind nug. Maybe with genetics or practice. Any tips or triks would be welcomed.


Well-Known Member
Curing doesn't increase the potency it actually decreases it slightly,but curing it definitely makes it taste a lot better,not maybe it does,and it is worth it,1 month is good but about 7-10 days in the jar will do,and you definitely need good genitics to have some bomb.

Ohh yeah don't forget to burp the jar every once in a while,you don't want excessive moisture in their to cause mold.


Well-Known Member
It will taste grassy still after about a week after drying,after the cure it will taste better guaranteed,but genetics is the key for some dank.
This bud here taste like booty. I must need better genetiks
It might be the strain, but it might be a variety of other factors. I was thinking about this one and had to ask, Did you flush your plants? Did you feed them only water for 10-14 days before cutting them down? And lastly were you using fertilizer?

Using ferts or having nutrient heavy soil at the end of your plants life cycle, can fill the plant with all of the unnesccesary ferts. When fed only water for 10-14 days, the plant is allowed to burn up those last remaining ferts/nutrients, thus leaving the plant material clean and clear of anything you dont wanna smoke. Also, but flushing the plant, the bud burns cleaner, and doesnt turn all charcoaly, but rather a white ash.

Unfortunately, I just had the opportunity to have a trial and error on this subject. Got powdery mildew on one so i cut it a couple days later, and dired and cured it. A couple weeks later I cut this plants sisters, all the same strain, and dried and cured them. Once I put them side to side, the nugs that were flushed were much tastier and less harsh then those that were not flushed. So I just made hash with the harsh smoke. which now tastes great.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
FYI "Proper drying and curing will also ensure maximum potency of the marijuana you have grown. Marijuana is not potent just after harvest. Some of the THC is in a non-psychoactive acidic form. Drying marijuana the right way will convert the non-psychoactive acidic compounds into psychoactive THC."

Make hash out of it, and it will probably taste better


for me, personally, when i cure my pot i get higher on it, its easier to smoke, tastes much better and is much smoother, smoking wet weed or just dried weed is a chore to me, i like my weed to have a 4 month cure, your weed tastes and smells bad because you have no cured, your basically smoking dieing chrolophyll, just becuase you chopped your plant down doesnt mean they died immediatley or something, think of it this way, when you take a clone your basically harvesting a plant, your cutting it and leaving it there without a root system, the only diff is you use lots of humidity to keep it upright and eventually try to root it, just because you chop your buds they dont realize they are done and its time, they are trying to survive, i dont know if they try to grow roots or anything like that but chrolophyll is very active in cut marijuana plants for up to a week, so do the math, you dry for a week, and smoke it, theres still some green pigment in there your smoking, mmmm yummy, stick it in a jar let all the plant functions do its thing and you will be very pleased, ive never had ANY buds that tasted bad after a cure, that is the reason you cure, to get amazing bud


Well-Known Member
FYI "Proper drying and curing will also ensure maximum potency of the marijuana you have grown. Marijuana is not potent just after harvest. Some of the THC is in a non-psychoactive acidic form. Drying marijuana the right way will convert the non-psychoactive acidic compounds into psychoactive THC."

Make hash out of it, and it will probably taste better
So true. If I try to smoke some that hasn't dried all the way, it doesn't get me high. If I let it sit out and dry properly, that same bud will wreck my shit. Dryer=more potent.