Gun Stories


Well-Known Member
I find it strange that most Americans do not see the connection between the amount of guns in USA today and the number of deaths, injuries etc. caused by firearms...

Just because the second amendment states that you have the right to bear arms, isn't a good enough reason. The bill of right was written along time ago, in a time when you coulnt count on anyone else but yourself to protect your family. Today the government provides protection for its citizens, but the protection will only be sufficient when it becomes harder to get a hold of guns and ammo. These days anyone can get a piece if they so desire. More guns, more problems.

So to protect the innocent, vote yes for stricter gun control!
You are so wrong. The second amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms to protect us from the goverment. No other reason. When they are able to take our guns we will be just like canada or any other that contol their people.


Well-Known Member
your stupid

I find it strange that most Americans do not see the connection between the amount of guns in USA today and the number of deaths, injuries etc. caused by firearms...

Just because the second amendment states that you have the right to bear arms, isn't a good enough reason. The bill of right was written along time ago, in a time when you coulnt count on anyone else but yourself to protect your family. Today the government provides protection for its citizens, but the protection will only be sufficient when it becomes harder to get a hold of guns and ammo. These days anyone can get a piece if they so desire. More guns, more problems.

So to protect the innocent, vote yes for stricter gun control!


Well-Known Member
Quite few years ago me and my dad went deer hunting and this was the first time he brought the double barrel 12 gauge. After about an hour of waiting i saw one, I jumped off my quad and went to shoot it and i pull both the triggers knocked me off my feet and i hit the back of my head on the break lever on my quad. Learned my lesson.


Well-Known Member
When I was 5 my dad and I went with some friends camping in New Mexico (we lived down there at the time), and I used to shoot guns. Well they had a .357 and it had a long ass barrel. My dad kept warning me, hold it far away because it kicks back. Being the young kid I was, I would put it close so I could line up the sights. I fired and all the sudden it kicked back and hit me in the forehead. Down I went, haha.


Well-Known Member
I was shot with a 9mm bullet and the only reason I am alive is because the bullet was lodged in between two ribs, I didn't need surgery only stitches. Sorry for the essay.
Good story man. The power of the human mind is just crazy. I once lifted a 350 pound car transmission at my old high school job. I thought I was lifting a head lamp assembly (these assemblies come in huge boxes because they break so damn easily). I must have walked 100 feet before I read the label (I was going to place it in a shelf) and then damn I read it was a tranny. I dropped that fucker instantly. It took 3 or 4 of us to pick it up and place it in it right place. People were dumb founded as to how I moved this tranny without a fork lift.

Honestly, this thread makes me want to buy a small gun.

And I would do it the right way, with a concealed weapons permit.
If you live in a conceal and carry state that I highly recommend you don't get a gun smaller than a 9mm. 28mm are just fucking tiny. They really don't do any damage and have no stopping power. I've heard stories of people unloading a whole magazine in someone and nothing happened. I'd also be shocked if they were strong enough to go through bone past a 50-100 feet. I personally was shocked when I saw how tiny the bullets to this gun were.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Norwich, Conn. —
The Jewett City couple arrested for negligence after their 2-year-old son shot and killed himself with his father’s handgun last summer will not have to spend time in prison.

woooo hoooo :clap:

guns don't kill people.
If the kid had drunk a bottle of drain cleaner he'd be just as dead and the parents would be just as negligent. I'll fight for my second amendment rights but I also think that parents that would leave a loaded gun where a two year old can get it should be held just as responsible as if they had pulled the trigger.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
You are so wrong. The second amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms to protect us from the goverment. No other reason. When they are able to take our guns we will be just like canada or any other that contol their people.
People have become complacent. All one has to do is look through a history book to see great civilizations that eventually become corrupted and turn on the people, fall apart on their own or are attacked from outside nations. Admittedly, the power structure in the world today creates a fairly stable balance of power between nations. But my point is that anything is possible and to rely on a government to protect you from everything is stupid.
How long does it take police to respond assuming you can even call 911?

For further discussions on why/if guns should be banned: